View Full Version : Money

16th May 2002, 18:29
OK....so to become a paid instructor you have to get your CPL, pass your ATPL theory and probably a few other things besides (if anyone can tell me where to look to find this informaion out I would be grateful).

The big question is.....is it worth it? I know people do this sort of thing for the love of flying and the good feeling of passing on your hard earned knowledge to others, not to mention making you flying school more profittable however, lover doesn't pay the mortgage.

So how much would a flying instructor in the UK earn in a year? Sorry to be bruttle about it but it does make the difference between me staying in my current career or going to one that is potentially more enjoyable.

Thanks for and hints and pointers any can give.

24th May 2002, 15:29
Most of the flight training establishments in the UK treat a flying instructors worse than check-out counter staff.

Do you really want to spend approx £60000 becoming a JAA FI only to be paid between £8000 and £12000 a year?

Many clubs dont even pay the minimum wage (illegal) or make you declare yourself self-employed (illegal).

You have been warned.

24th May 2002, 16:58
As I got such a large response I was making that assumption.
