View Full Version : AAC YEOVILTON

31st Jan 2013, 18:23
bbc spotlight news say 600 army personel +34 army wildcats to be based at yeovilton , all maintanance to. where are they going to put them ??:ugh:

Blue Bottle
31st Jan 2013, 18:39
I heard the 'Project Future Brize' team where going down to make it fit...

Charlie Time
31st Jan 2013, 18:59
Don't forget 28 Navy Wildcats too.

31st Jan 2013, 19:08
Well if the past is anything to go by. The poor old AAC will be shoved into a hangar somewhere at the extreme edge of the airfield, too small to house what they have, and poor old groundies will be picking up XZ 123 then after moving ten cabs out the way. To find the REME meant to say take out XZ 124..........

Ken Scott
31st Jan 2013, 19:28
I thought that there was a sinister RAF plot to do away with the FAA so the base will likely be vacant soon......or did I just misunderstand Sharkey?

Milo Minderbinder
31st Jan 2013, 21:15
considering that a few years ago Yeovilton used to house 845, 846, 3CBAS, 800, 801, 899, and the Hunters and Canberras of FRADU plus some of the Navy Lynx, there should be loads of room given that the fixed wing squadrons have all gone. (Not forgetting a fair number of spare Wessex V that were in storage have also all gone). And I assume part or all of the old Westlands complex on the south of the airfield is available now?

but don't worry - if it does get full they'll be packed off to Merryfield

31st Jan 2013, 21:26
What affect will this have on Middle Wallop

Mick Strigg
1st Feb 2013, 07:39
This is old news.

There has been a plan in place for years for this to happen. There is an infrastructure plan in place and although it is a massive chinese puzzle to make it happen, there is enough room for everyone at end-state.

1st Feb 2013, 08:10
Don't know why it's come up now as it's been public knowledge for ages that Dishforth is closing in 2015 and they are moving on mass to Yeovilton.

1st Feb 2013, 10:59
Where are they going to squeeze in WEBF's Harriers????:E

John Farley
1st Feb 2013, 14:05
They can stay in the hover until they are needed

1st Feb 2013, 16:07
Will there be enough room for F-35 as well as several boatloads of helicopters, or are the F-35s going elsewhere?

Same question applies if F-35 is binned, F-18s/Rafales etc are bought and the ships remanufactured. Where do the F-18s go?

1st Feb 2013, 20:21
Given that in 3 years' time, all the helicopters currently based at Yeovilton will be gone, fitting in a smaller number of Wildcats and Merlins won't be difficult!

Charlie Time
1st Feb 2013, 20:23
Not all helicopters currently at VL will be gone in 3 years, Lx Mk8 is still with us until 2017.

1st Feb 2013, 20:43
Yeovilton will happily take 125 or more aircraft and operate them safely.

3rd Feb 2013, 00:22
What affect will this have on Middle Wallop
Probably none at all.

3rd Feb 2013, 21:17
It is apparently old hat and people have been one about it for ages. I have heard that a lot of new accom will be built on the brownfield site where the old wardroom was ( now flattened and part-field, part-car park). Now whether this is an Army all ranks one-stop sort of mini base within Yeovilton I am not sure. Had heard that was how it was going to go.
South Dispersals two big hangars I suppose would be adequate (or ideal perhaps) for the entire Army fleet of aircraft - 800,801 and 899 were all in there from about 1995 (?) until their demise at VL. This area has the two pretty large hangars, quite alot of office space, car parking but a bit out of the way compared to the rest of the base. Pretty big dispersal.
I know that some people are worried the nature of Yeovilton, perhaps the whole atmosphere of the base will change with the arrival of the Army. Is
it a good mix? Will it work? Mess atmosphere will change, I think. Two proud organisations forced to live and work closely together, both very different in uniform and tradition, discipline even. Yeovilton always to me was a pretty relaxed sort of place really for a military base, and most of the time, fun.Or perhaps it will all be okay.

5th Feb 2013, 01:06
Back in the mid sixties Army aviation was rapidly expanding and we were short of qualified aircraft engineers from Artificers down, the Navy lent the Army a whole bunch of personnel and I think it would be fair to say they fitted in like a well made glove. Couple of differences, we would go out on exercise or sometimes called a 'scheme', to the Navy lads this was 'camping' and we had to ask them to wear their blue berets when 'camping' as the PR aircraft showed up their white top hats very clearly, even when underneath a cam. net! Great bunch of lads.