View Full Version : V50

24th Jan 2013, 13:08
Anyone have a good definition for V50? Not VSO V five zero :)

24th Jan 2013, 14:16
I think that is a typo. I have seen V50 regarding a Tripe-eater checklist and they mean Vso.

Do you mean military?

MIL-STD-662 F - V50 BALLISTIC TEST ARMOR (http://www.everyspec.com/MIL-STD/MIL-STD-0500-0699/MIL-STD-662F_6718/)

26th Jan 2013, 13:21
Doubt it's a typo. It's a reference to s speed following V2 with no engine failure to maintain until 1500' taken straight from the AFM. It may be some kind of a typo and maybe it was intended as V2 + x and somehow came out as V50...

26th Jan 2013, 15:11
Finally found a reference to it but still....bloody vague!

• Decision speed (V1) is faster than engine failure speed (VEF) by the
demonstrated pilot engine-failure recognition time, plus one-second.
• If continuing take-off:
- Rotation speed (VR) must be faster than 1.05 VMCG
- Speed at 35 feet altitude (V2) must be faster than 1.2 VS
- Speed at 50 feet altitude (V50) is considerably faster than 1.2 VS


So, maybe Venr?