View Full Version : "Banked" days-in-lieu

13th Apr 2002, 19:41
All those days that we helpfully "banked" (without any real option) during the OCT last year were supposed to be added up and agreed by the end of March. Now we hear that it will be the end of May before this, seemingly simple, task will be complete.

Could the rumours be true? Have they really "lost" the original data and are attempting to recreate the facts from old watch rosters?

An alternative theory suggests that each recorded day is being examined to see if it can be "re-defined" as not being eligible for a day-in-lieu.

Either way, it looks like yet another opportunity for friction between the workers and the ORO!!!

13th Apr 2002, 20:19
Will somebody please explain to me just why we need the ORO to do a job that was arguably more competently done by the ATCOs and ATSAs on each watch using nothing more expensive than a sheet of squared paper, a "B" pencil and an eraser?

Okay the rostering durring OCT was slightly more difficult, but that's finished now. Why not DISBAND the ORO and return rostering (ALL OF IT) to the respective watches.

Not only would it improve morale ten fold amongst the operational (money earning) staff, it would also SAVE A LOT OF MONEY. In a company that is allegedly hard up for cash this should be a good enough reason in itself.

Ooops... there I go thinking the unthinkable.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Rgds BEX

13th Apr 2002, 22:09
I thought they were there to cut down the blind watches, early go's and rostered sick leave - but maybe that doesn't happen any more :)

Thinking the unthinkable...

14th Apr 2002, 07:40
In my opinion, the ORO will not be disbanded because there are to many management careers riding upon it. The fact that it does not work is not relevant!. Incidently, how many people work in there?

14th Apr 2002, 08:56
IMHO the ORO is the first stepping stone to doing away with watches and implementing individual rostering.

14th Apr 2002, 12:45
And another thing! I resent being refered to as an Operational Resource, I am a Human Being (allegedly!)


Biggin Koksy
15th Apr 2002, 09:23
You could have fooled me!!!!

:D :D :D :D
NV are where??

16th Apr 2002, 12:03
Take3Call5, the first stepping stone to individual rostering eh?

Don't you think that its already been introduced through the back door?

Think about it, VLA's, VEM's,EM's,a multitude of different spins,extra days as and when ORO feel its necessary, personally I think we are already being rostered individually.

As for the days in lieu! Well surely if we are expected to lose leave for an extra day that is sprung on us at the last moment,we should be able to demand the extra days we accrued last year while basically helping out the management.

Consider this, there are some shifts when an ATSA for example, could actually work with three watches on the same day!

17th Apr 2002, 23:25
Don't know about you chaps, but I've been compiling a dossier of ORO f**k ups specifically pertaining to my shifts, so that when the time comes and management ask us to back up our whinges with hard evidence, we've got 'em by the goolies.
It's getting beyond a bloody joke and the time really has come to do something
:mad: :mad: