View Full Version : DME Moscow Airport briefing

9th Nov 2012, 12:11

Can anyone supply me some nice info for that airport? Never been there! Especially at winter time!

9th Nov 2012, 12:36
If its Domodedovo they usually land on 14R and take off on 14L. In the other direction it's landing on 32R T/O on 32L. The most northerly runway is very rough. ATC is quite good actually but accent can be a problem. FL's are now standard in feet above the TA but bellow you are given the altitude in meters. You get a very large number of frequency changes due to Russian airspace being divided up in altitude bands. This is especially true on T/O, be ready to get the AP in and a good suggestion is to use V/S to reduce the workload. I had something like 9 frequencies in 14 mins. On arrival you follow on of the SID's usually which routes round to the north of the city. Don't cut any corners because you can't overfly Moscow. ATC will not cut you short but they will expect you to intercept the LOC and GS once you are put onto a intercept. On vacating the runway which is usually well cleared (do check because sometimes its 30m and can be slippy) a follow me car will meet you and take you to stand. When you do your walk round don't be tempted to lick anything because your tongue will stick and when really cold it burns your hands. You have to surrender your passport to the guard to do your walk round just in case you make a bid for freedom. Once ready call and they will ask if you need deciding and push you to a de icing area and then attack you from both sides very quickly and efficiently. Start up and taxi out as normal, considering delaying the flap due contamination if that's your SOP. That's about it really. The main thing is build yourself extra time and thus SA and always cross check your metric altitude with your colleague before inputting it. It's a interesting place, fly safe.

Note: this info is based on my experience and SOP's in use at the time. Offered as friendly advice. Please check you companies SOP's and policy.

Kerosene Kraut
9th Nov 2012, 14:20
A typical russian crew hotel (not only) is the "Aerotel" next to the terminal behind the catering building. There is a separate flightcrew breakfast room.
Shuttle train to the city.
Make sure to check their great flightgear.
Авиационная одежда :: Каталог спецодежды, спецобуви и средств индивидуальной защиты :: Техноавиа (http://www.technoavia.ru/katalog/flywear)

Doug E Style
9th Nov 2012, 18:32
Be prepared for anything! Late advice of STARs and last minute changes are quite normal. Arriving from the north I've been over the airfield at FL220 and ended up on a 52 mile final for runway 32R which then shook the plane to bits because of it's poor condition. But they are very efficient when it comes to deicing etc. Enjoy!

10th Nov 2012, 06:31
Apon request you will be given QNH. Compare with most recent Metar.
You will normally be established on the ILS prior to transition level- easy.

12th Nov 2012, 08:54
When in the terminal, take care of your wallet...
(Mine was picked while cueing for immigration :mad:)