View Full Version : Commonsense at last. Revised easa part M.

31st Oct 2012, 09:38

If you wade through this proposed amendment some remarkable common sense emerges.

It seems that what I have been quietly doing for years is now about to become legal.

EG. Doing all the maintenance of my ELA1 aeroplane myself.
Then getting the maintenance organisation which releases the annual to also do the ARC review and issue an ARC.

Effectively the whole process now involves just two people ... the owner who does the work and the LAE who issues the ARC.
We should all be grateful to some pretty determined people on the part M task force, particularly David Roberts of EAS.

31st Oct 2012, 09:53
It seems that what I have been quietly doing for years is now about to become legal.

I think it was already legal, just not very well advertised. But certainly +1 on

We should all be grateful to some pretty determined people on the part M task force, particularly David Roberts of EAS.