View Full Version : A319/320/321 help

6th Jul 2012, 15:11
Hello Airbus Jockeys out there! Im going to change the operator. So I'm getting type rated on the A320 family (currently 737 with the old company). Looking forward for some nice mnemonics and mind-helpers for all the systems and limitations. Do you have some nice ones which could help me?

Thanks (from a ex boeing driver)


6th Jul 2012, 15:44
Hi Speedwinner,
The most useful one is W.T.F.I.I.D.N?

6th Jul 2012, 16:01
try Smartcockpit, loads of useful stuff on there. Mnenomics are only going to be useful for your operators SOP's really as everyone operates the Airbus slightly differently to standard.

Get a good grip of the flight control laws and protections that are available before you start your rating - they'll help massively, the QRH is also a bit of a boggle - especially landing distance calculations so have a good look through those and try to understand them.

6th Jul 2012, 18:38
Theres a FMGC trainer out on the internet (somewhere) which I would recommend having a play with.

Also the website usebeforeflight is pretty good for learning drills etc.

As for things to help you remember the systems, I just remember the slog of learning it all and don't remember coming up with anything fun or helpful sadly! If anyone can to help someone understand the bus, I think they'd be rich!

6th Jul 2012, 18:46
A good idea would be to pay attention to the course lessons.