View Full Version : FAA CFIG training/preparation advice?

5th Jun 2012, 19:54
I was back in the US recently due to a family emergency. While there I allowed one day for myself and took the glider commercial written test in the morning and the checkride in the afternoon. I am now a private pilot ASEL/AMEL/IFR and a commercial glider pilot.

Why did I do this? I did glider add-on training last year, the commercial this year, and next year when I'm retired from the Army I'll do the training for CFIG - Certificated Flight Instructor Glider (nothing to do, of course, with CFI=chief flight instructor in other English speaking countries!)

I have about nine months to gather materials, develop lesson plans (or steal them from somewhere), and in general come up with a large bundle of resources/references to use. I also have to memorize a bunch of material about how people learn.

What advice or recommendations do you have? Are there any good PDF's of materials? Is it worth reviewing BGA instructor materials, too? Etc.


PS Monday last week I flew my longest glider flight to-date - 2:20. I know that's not very long compared to more experience glider pilots, but I'm excited. The Soaring Society of America has a Bronze Badge vaguely similar to the BGA's that requires, among other things, two flights in excess of two hours. This was my second, so I've completed all of the aeronautical requirements, and I've even found a German guy who's a CFIG and Soaring Society member to give me the written test. The US bronze differs from the UK one in that it's not a "license equivalent."

6th Jun 2012, 16:48
The more all-round your preparation the better it is.
