View Full Version : Front cover of this month's pilot magazine

29th Apr 2012, 12:51
As a long time fan of thomas the tank engine (loved it as a kid, loved reading it to the nephews and nieces as I got older) I, like many people, have a habit of antrhropomorphising things. If it looks like its got a face, then my brain kicks into children story mode, and wonders what its saying.

Well, this month's Pilot magazine dropped on my doorstep, and taking it out of the bag there was only one thing I could think as I looked at the front cover...

PilotWeb (http://www.pilotweb.aero/content/issues/view_issue.aspx?issue=806)

And that is....that plane has exactly the same expression as my instructor every time I try and land.....

Ah well, more circuits needed :-)

So, in the true spirit of Punch magazine and the likes, what do you think should go in the speech bubble.

I think its probably "Oh my God, the ground's coming up waaaay too fast!"

29th Apr 2012, 15:14
I think it should be "You want me to do WHAT?"