View Full Version : Is this a pan-pan or a mayday?

5th Apr 2012, 15:18
I'll take one mayday please ATCO

BBC News - Pilot forced to land after snake is found in cockpit (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17626518)

5th Apr 2012, 15:22
I think it'll be a shsssssssssssssssss :E

Romeo Kilo
5th Apr 2012, 16:05
Ssssssssurely a taipan pan?

5th Apr 2012, 16:22
Clearly only a PAN PAN until it bites - after all a Golden Tree Snake is otherwise known as a flying snake! After being bitten probably a MAYDAY.

5th Apr 2012, 18:21
In Britain, Pan-Pan; In Australia - Mayday. In Ireland, a hoax.

5th Apr 2012, 18:28
^^^^ :D :)

5th Apr 2012, 18:49
How can snakes on a plane be taken seriously, its a small problem - all you need is a P2 by the name of Mr S Jackson

For the faint hearted, this does contain some profanity and a little swearing

Snakes on Plane . Epic - YouTube

5th Apr 2012, 19:18
Pan Pan? No great snakes.

It wasn't really dangerous, it was only a vindscreen viper.

mary meagher
5th Apr 2012, 22:09
Ah, history repeats itself again! In an internation gliding competition flown in Italy, a pilot flying the task announced on air "There's a snake in my glider!"

Helpful recommendations from other pilots followed...."Fly higher, and it will get cold and go to sleep!"

"No, don't do that, it will cuddle up closer to you for warmth!"

"Is it a poisonous snake? look in the eyes, if they are eliptical it is poisonous..."

The pilot decided to land as soon as possible. The next morning, before the competitors launched, unusual care was taken with the daily inspection....

Unusual Attitude
6th Apr 2012, 09:44
In the Far East that would be considered unusually fresh in-flight catering.....

The Heff
7th Apr 2012, 15:29
In theory, it would be Pan-Pan; in reality it was (quoted from BBC website):

You're not going to believe me, and its not a joke, but I have a snake on the plane!"

I've heard of animals making homes in aircraft; such as birds nesting in the cowling, and earwigs hiding in the pitot tube. What other bestial stowaways have been found in the aircraft?

7th Apr 2012, 20:04
I guess for advice on this point we should refer to the seminal article by P.J.Orourke titled 'How to drive fast on drugs while having your wing wang squeezed' for answers.....