View Full Version : A330 flap handle operation

14th Sep 2011, 01:52
Dear all,

I'm new in A330 and recently experienced hard time to move the flap handle for both retraction and extention. I'd be grateful if you can give me some trick so that I won't have to look so useless in the cockpit. Thanks in adavnce and safe flight.


Ndicho Moja
14th Sep 2011, 03:53
Don't fight it. Slow down you actions, lift the gate and move the handle. Good luck.

14th Sep 2011, 04:00
Shouldn't this problem have been sorted out in the sim? The flap handle is designed to be moved in a deliberate and positive action. No rushing.

14th Sep 2011, 08:42
Get up close to the lever and take a good look at how it works.

Squeeze it together and THEN move it.

It's not hard after some practice.

14th Sep 2011, 10:54
Is it hard? :ugh::ugh:

Maybe you sugest Airbus a better lever, after 20+ years of use.

14th Sep 2011, 12:27
Well now you mention it.
A Boeing one would be nice thanks!!

No, the lever isn't hard to use but I sort of know what he means. Sometimes it can be a slight challenge to move smoothly until you get the movement correct.

14th Sep 2011, 12:35
The flap control handle was designed to be "difficult" to move for obvious reasons.

16th Sep 2011, 09:13
It's french.

So .... gently and softly deploy da Flaps.


16th Sep 2011, 12:42
Give these a go for a while.

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSkg0jd_dDDP1xU6KXbc_YArjZDp6NbQejFB6ulbT0 a4vg4bPv2DrVBT1TX7w

16th Sep 2011, 13:07
Never heard of a hard to move flaps handle. Maybe it's a technical failure? Please report to the engineer. We have some Engine Master Switches that are quite hard to move, but that's because they need some lubrification.

Are you aware that you have to squeeze it before moving? There is a nice mechanism behind, so you can always get one step at the time and not more.

What age is your A330? Do you have several ones and do they all behave similarly?

16th Sep 2011, 19:42
Thank you all for the comments. Yes, I am aware of how to operate Airbus flap handle. Having said that, I must add I had never encountered such a sticky handle in old A300. A330 handle seems to be more sensitive in locking device.

My recent flights taught me that if I lift the lock SLIGHTLY toward the direction of my intended move of the flap setting, I could avoid getting stuck. Not sure if this is the correct way or not but so far it's been working...

Anyhow, thanks again, folks. Safe flight.


16th Sep 2011, 20:08
Technique, Technique. If this is the only A330 in your fleet that is difficult to move then you should report it as being unusually hard or difficult. Maybe it needs some oil or grease or some machining so as to work like the other handles in the fleet. At least you know know the technique.