View Full Version : Emb135 vs Do328Jet

28th Jun 2001, 18:32
Would appreciate any information (firsthand preferably) on either the Emb135 or the Dornier328Jet. I am more specifically looking for fuel burn, cruise speed (TAS/Mach#) and altitudes flown for a 100, 200, 300, 400 & 500Nm sectors.
Also, how the public has accepted the aircraft and what, if any, drawbacks the a/c may have.
Any help would be appreciated as I am trying to put together a comparison of both a/c.

Thanks in advance,


29th Jun 2001, 01:57
The Fairchild Dornier site gives all the info you need http://www.faidor.com/aircraft/regional/328family/328/328.htm - see specifications, unfortunately the Embraer site does not go into such comprehensive detail