View Full Version : crossair selection, any info?

4th May 2001, 11:35
Me and my mate have been called in for the selection at Crossair early summer. Does anyone have any facts that we should be aware of? We are especially interested in interview scene and the Simulator sessions. Thank you all in advance.

6th May 2001, 01:34
Hi Siggi...

First, have you tried to get some infos using the search function on this site?

Well, to sum it up, the selection is more or less like the one you will get for any airline. I did it 2 years ago, so the system might have changed some (heard they will or have introduced a new system).

1) Tests: questions about different subjects all covered during your ATPL theory. Not many questions (I think 40) on 8 different subjects.
2) Psycho stuff. Written time/decision test, analysis (pictures) test, etc.
3) Group assesment test. The whole group of candidates is given a task (theoretical) and has to solve it. During this time the psys and the panel is watching you.
4) The 7 minutes speech. You are given a surprise subject (example: the job of pilot can be boring), have 7 minutes to ready yourself and then have to talk in front of the panel for 7 minutes.
5) The interview (most of the time with two guys asking you lots of questions)
6) And of course the simulator bit. The sim that is (or was?) used is a bitch, unstable in pitch. You are given just a few turns to master it, and then are given some standard basic IFR stuff to work. No one engine out stuff :)

The whole selection process goes on for two days, and the answer is ususally given after a week.

All the best ;)

... cut my wings and I'll die ...

7th May 2001, 19:44

The selection mode has just changed recently. You first are invited for the SIM ride and the interview. If you pass, the'll notify you about one week later and you're invited for the second race: assessments and psychometric tests. After that, cross your fingers and wait for the magic phone call.
I've heard quite different statements about the time you will be called. Friends of mine got the call just two weeks after the assessment, myself had to wait 10 weeks !
The current failure rate at Crossair is about 60%. Good luck to you and hope to see you there in the future (I'll start june 5th)

Cheers :) :) :)
