View Full Version : When to apply for sponsorship

3rd Feb 2001, 02:51
Hey everyone.
I am close to my final exams now and I'm considering applying for a sponsorship with an airline. I just have one question thought. When should I apply for the sponsorship? Would it be best to do so before I take my exams, or after?
Help would be appreciated.

3rd Feb 2001, 03:09
Most airlines who sponsor actually advertise when they are offering cadetships - see the Wannbe forum or try a search there for exact details. I know BA tend to recruit all year but others eg. BM advertise in October (or have done the last few years).

Keep your eye on Flight International.

Otherwise, the sooner you apply, the more time you have to keep plugging away at it and correct any mistakes you may make.

And if you think you are going to cock your exams up, apply now before they ask you what you got...

Best of Luck


...proceeding below Decision Height with CAUTION...