View Full Version : English Prof Check

17th Dec 2009, 08:22
While some of us have the chance to perform the check during a standard LPC, others are send by the company to perform with a selected commercial institution, there are those who try to find their own way for the English Prof check.
Be warned!
Before considering any of the self-proclaimed approved companies or even spending any money for a test you need to have your authorities to confirm the acceptance of the test.
While country A may accept a certain test, country B will not!

Even commercial organizations in the UK, duly recognized by the CAA, are not generally accepted in any other country.

Same rule applies for the language assessor. A one day course for a TRI/TRE in one country, sufficient to make him / her a recognized assessor, needs to be an almost 14 days procedure in another country with thousands of € to spend.