View Full Version : Where does the sheep sit in a Cherokee 6 ?

19th Oct 2009, 16:47
I was on duty this morning as "Scottish Information"...called by a Cherokee 6 crossing the Irish Sea to the IOM....as the aircraft is over the water I always ask for souls on board......2 souls and a sheep came the reply.....!!! made me laugh anyway!! hope the sheep had a strong baldder!! :cool::cool::cool:

19th Oct 2009, 16:49
Sorry that should read bladder !!..:cool::cool:

Gertrude the Wombat
19th Oct 2009, 16:49
... and of course it's not the job of ATC to police EU livestock movement licences or cross-border subsidy-smuggling ...

19th Oct 2009, 16:51
and of course it's not the job of ATC to police EU livestock movement licences or cross-border subsidy-smuggling ...

I hope not....that said my father in law was a shepherd! :cool::cool:

19th Oct 2009, 17:10

Heard of plenty of old cows flying in aeroplanes as passengers but never sheep. :O


19th Oct 2009, 17:27
Let's hope the brake were working on the Cherokee, or they'd have to have called for the baarrier.

Did you pass them the QNH? - the woolly one would have wanted to know the baarometric pressure.

19th Oct 2009, 17:32
Ewe 'avin' a larf? I hope they weren't fleeced for passenger tax. :}



Cows getting bigger
19th Oct 2009, 18:04

19th Oct 2009, 19:43


19th Oct 2009, 19:47
Airpolice....I spent most of Saturday afternoon sitting at your desk while you were at home, no doubt watching GP Qualifying on TV. (We didn't have that on in D&D, honest we didn't.)

AAH...if I had known that i would have left you a Twix bar or two to while away the idle hours.......Yes its a great place to work when every man and his dog is up in the air...sorry i missed it...a little less traffic this morning only little bo peep and a helicopter or two..:cool::cool:

Sir George Cayley
19th Oct 2009, 19:52
Bo Peep had a likkle Lamb,
She also had a bear,
I've often seen her likkle Lamb,

I've never seen her bear:)


19th Oct 2009, 20:13
Front left ???

19th Oct 2009, 21:13
A strong baldrick..blackadder at it again..sorry a bit woolly!

20th Oct 2009, 08:42
Was the sheep in question called Douglas........ Baaaaaader..

I'll collect my coat... and before anyone pipes up - no not a sheepskin!!

20th Oct 2009, 09:08
that's easy, in the baaaaaaaack!

Sorry - following Rudenot2.

astir 8
20th Oct 2009, 11:38
There used to be a story about an Aussie sheep farmer who'd had a good year (it's a very old joke). He ordered a new Rolls Royce but asked for the optional glass screen between the back seat & the driver.

The salesman commented that Aussies are generally less snobbish than the Poms and are usually willing to share the same air as their chauffeur.

To which farmer replied "You ever driven down a road with a sheep licking the back of your neck?":):)

Now where's the list of Cherokee options?

20th Oct 2009, 16:28
Did the Cherokee have a Welsh registration?

20th Oct 2009, 17:39
Back to the OP. How do you know that a sheep doesn't have a soul too?:hmm:

katana 1
20th Oct 2009, 19:06
I can cofirm sheep do have a soul and it has a R infront of it.

katana 1
20th Oct 2009, 19:10
I wish I had not posted that.
Shall I get my wellies?;)

20th Oct 2009, 20:44
Ahhhh, the famous Isle of Man to Northern Ireland sheep shuttle strikes again!!!! :-D

20th Oct 2009, 21:08
Don't know where it was sat, but I hope PIC did the Weight & Baaaalance correctly

20th Oct 2009, 21:21
Come on guys, seriously! Some of these posts really are in baaaad taste :}

20th Oct 2009, 23:37
I hope the press don't get hold of this, what with their bleating and LAMBasting.
I think if I was the controller I might have gone mutton at that point.
OK, I'll PAG my bags now, I don't want to Gambol with my posting rights.

irish seaplane
21st Oct 2009, 00:14
Thats a light load for that dude, its normally 6 sheep....

21st Oct 2009, 01:00
Anti aircraft sheep ...B-AAA


21st Oct 2009, 16:16
Does the Cherokee 6 have a RAM air turbine ?

21st Oct 2009, 22:25
The flying sheep was already well known & made popular by Charles Dickens.

His famous reference to Christmas, "Bah! Humbug!", declaring Christmas to be a fraud, is in his 'A Christmas Carol'.