View Full Version : G-INFO Data

25th Sep 2009, 11:51
What happened to the responses on this thread?

25th Sep 2009, 11:57
You would probably need to register under the Data Protection Act to hold such information, as well as approach the CAA for permission

25th Sep 2009, 12:04
Crikey - didn't realise it would stir up such a hornets nest.

You would not need to register for Data Protection - the data is already available in the public domain - the application simply gives you a method of retrieving more than one record at a time to save your fingers - it does not store the data.

I was simply trying to share a useful tool but seem to be upsetting people along the way.

Saab Dastard
25th Sep 2009, 12:17
Copyright and Database right in the Database (and the format of the data) whether on CD or other media, are vested in the CAA and it shall not be copied or distributed, sold or hired out or otherwise dealt with, without the written consent of the CAA. All rights reserved.

1) Without written permission from the CAA, you may not sell access to the G-INFO information in the way that you have intended. End of story.

2) The Forums must not be used for advertising.

3) You are not allowed to spam multiple forums with posts, particularly advertising.

Any further breaches will result in a ban.

This topic is closed.