View Full Version : UAS Flying in Civilian Logbook

9th Jul 2009, 21:30
Hello All,

I've done about 30 hours flying in a grob tutor with an RAF University Air Squadron (UAS). I have these flights signed off by the CFI and want to use them to contribute towards my PPL.

My question is do I need to transfer my military flying from my paper UAS logbook to my new civvie log book?

Also, I know that the RAF record flight time whereas civvie pilots record chock to chock. Does anyone have an idea of how I record the taxi time allowance given to military pilots in the civvie log book? Do I just add 10 mins to each flight or is there a set way of doing it.

Thanks for any help

9th Jul 2009, 21:38
I was in the same position as you; on the advice of my flying school's CFI (an ex-UAS QFI), I didn't copy the hours across, but just sent the CAA a certified copy of my UAS logbook and they were happy with that. LASORS (http://www.caa.co.uk/lasors) (Section A, Appendix B) has the full details on taxi time allowance (draw up a table at the end of your logbook and get it signed by the Boss), but note that you can't use the extra time for licence issue:

Please note that this arrangement cannot be used for CAA licence issue purposes