View Full Version : Autoland HWC / TWC Adjustments

29th Dec 2007, 11:52
Just wondering if anyone is able to answer a quick question about the autoland in the 757/767 (not sure if it is just these types or Boeings in general).

We had to do an autoland to BRS 27 with a tailwind the other day, so spent a fair bit of time in the books on the way there looking at the LDR etc. Something that caught my eye was the performance manual saying that a headwind will INCREASE the autoland's landing distance required (from the numbers at 50ft), and a tailwind will REDUCE it. I would have assumed that a decent headwind would reduce the groundspeed, and therefore LDR.

It wasn't a typo, as there was a note saying something to the effect of "note that these adjustments are the opposite of what you might expect" etc.

Any ideas?

Best wishes,