View Full Version : Setting HDG SEL before takeoff instead of LNAV

25th Nov 2007, 15:53
What is the difference(s) between setting LNAV or HDG SEL on the ground? How does the FDs beheave? As far as i remember if i choose LNAV before i press the TOGA, it holds wings level until 50 ft. How does it beheave on selecting HDG SEL before pressing TOGA? Thanks

25th Nov 2007, 16:15
If you gave us a clue what type / FMS standard you are talking about we might be able to help :eek:


25th Nov 2007, 16:20
hopefully with at least PIP otherwise you tend to observe the aircraft at a different postcode once lined up.

25th Nov 2007, 16:32
my question was for a Boeing 737-800

25th Nov 2007, 23:19
I do not fly the 737 but on my collins flight director/universal fms if i select lnav it heads for the first waypoint right from the ground.

In the FMS database on the 37 does it contain vector SIDs? Runway heading until radar vectors departures?

25th Nov 2007, 23:31
If you refer to the 738 it will disconnect the HDG SEL mode and you can select it again once you're through 400 ft AGL