View Full Version : Any roster examples cx europe cargo?

2nd Nov 2006, 13:15
Hy guys,
I try again because the previus one request and any other pprune research failed..
CAN SOMEONE send me on private form and mail some rostering examples of 744 and 742 cargo CX europe base?
Many thanks if someone can help me!!

3rd Nov 2006, 02:49
OK. I can't find an easy way to pull out rosters from crewdirect without names attached so the following is fairly broad brush:
The Classic crews do between 6-11 day patterns with between 5-9 days off in between but there will be some reserve or available days off included in the longer breaks (say of 7 days or more). They go Europe, Dubai, nightstop, then to Hkg. A couple of local trips into China then home via Dubai again. The patterns are likely to stay at the longer end (12 days away is the max) as time goes on as they're increasing the local flying aroud Hkg as the -400 takes over the runs to Europe. Eventually it'll probably be deadhead to Hkg, fly the region for 10 days then deadhead home, but it's not the norm at the moment.
The -400 are doing similar patterns but with less days off in between and less reserve.
This may look to favour the classic in terms of days off, but it was a very different story a year ago and will be different again next year I expect. Also, the Classic boys regularly get home late and the roster isn't worth the paper it's written on except to indicate which days you'll probably be at home. The -400 is a bit more reliable.
Hope this helps

3rd Nov 2006, 08:25
Thanks Loopdeloop for your informations,
anyway any suggestion in case of choice from classic and -400 abuot life quality?
I appreciate every other asnwers..

3rd Nov 2006, 10:23
what a complete load of bollox from loopydloopy, the classic work 22 days a month with 8 off, the -400 work maybe 12-14 days a month..............you figure it out . If you want a life go -400

End of story.........................

3rd Nov 2006, 10:40
Copy all clear!!!
Hope to see you in HK FOR THE TRAINING...

3rd Nov 2006, 17:08
Anyone else care to add.....:ok:

Glass Half Empty
3rd Nov 2006, 22:16
Perhaps Sizematters can amplify whether his experience is based from personal experience of the Classic freighter, the 400 freighter or neither.