View Full Version : EGLL Runway alternation

17th Aug 2006, 11:52
A straightforward question if i may. What is the deciding factor as to whether aircraft land on 09L from the West, or 27 from the East? Is it a predictable pattern, weather related, quotas for noise abatement, or what?

Many thanks

17th Aug 2006, 12:10
At any airport, aircraft basically fly into wind and the appropriate runway will be selected. At major airports preference may be given to using a particular runway direction against the wind to provide noise relief to nearby residents.

Gonzo, or one of the other Heathrow Tower gang, will now provide chapter and verse.....

17th Aug 2006, 12:37
....I fully appreciate the wind issues - sorry, should have said i'm a lapsed PPL - just presumed a greater "force" at LHR! But thanks for the prompt reply; i await knowledge from on high........


17th Aug 2006, 12:58
Yes.. the "force" is the incredibly strong anti-noise lobby resident around the area! They basically stay on westerlies (27s) unless the downwind component exceeds a certain amount, or the runway is wet... and other variables. Each day when they're on westerlies the runways are swapped at 3pm to give residents a break. Each Monday they start with the opposite runway. So, Monday 1 = 27R for landing, becomes 27L at 3pm. Monday 2 = 27L for landing, becomes 27R at 3pm. There are variables early in the morning when they can land on both runways if there is x minutes inbound delay.

On easterlies (09s) they will usually land 09L as that runway is not liked for departures due to the close proximity of a noise monitoring point off it's end. However, there are not the same restrictions as on westerlies so they can land 09R if other factors demand..

It's all clever stuff y'know!!

17th Aug 2006, 14:14
Thankyou Director - i had a feeling that it was something along those lines!

17th Aug 2006, 14:48
T'would be far simpler if it was 27L for Land, and 27R for Rotate ..... etc! ;)

17th Aug 2006, 18:14
Not much I can add to that!

18th Aug 2006, 22:10
....aside from the fact you have to write a "L" and "R" on the back of your hands, and even then you need help in getting that right :E :E

18th Aug 2006, 22:38
I wondered what it would take for you to come crawling out of the woodwork! :}