View Full Version : Globalflyer question!

11th Feb 2006, 15:09
Hi - I rarely venture out of JetBlast, unless there is a NASA mission or something else grabbing my attention and today is one of those days.

Right now, Steve Fossett and GlobalFlyer are 50mins or so from the ETA at Manston and I was wondering if GlobalFlyer has a discreet frequency or is being handled by the regular ATC centres that are in his path from Ireland to Manston. If the latter, then how difficult is it to fit something as unique as this flight in to your regular days.

Thanks in advance for any replies :ok:

Mods - if you think this is not an appropriate thread then please feel free to kill it :)

P.S. he is passing Llanelli at the mo according to this (http://www.globalflyer.com/MissionControl/Tracking/index.jsp)

11th Feb 2006, 15:57
Looks like Bournemouth rather than Manston at the moment on the flight tracker..

Whichever, a remarkable feat.

EDIT: literally seconds after I posted SKY reporting that he has landed in Bournemouth

11th Feb 2006, 19:13
He would have worked domestic, perhaps on a higer flight priority.

I'm sure someone from LACC will confirm!

11th Feb 2006, 23:02
Was afforded Cat "E" status and somewhere around STU was on a discrete frequency until landing. Had the emergency not occurred he would have probably remained on the normal frequencies all the way across.

Its not too difficult fitting this sort of flight in, we know what they want to do and where they want to go so just move everything else out of the way. Unless they then declare an emergency.............:ooh: