View Full Version : Catc

5th Dec 2005, 10:39

Was wondering if anyone can give me some general information on the CATC. I.e, what courses students take given an average Area/Approach/Aerodrome course?

Which of these courses use 'Blip Drives' and simulators that may require an ACPO?

Does the CATC do anything else for NATS and ATC other than training cadets and R&D? (strange q i know!).

Any info about the work of the CATC is very helpful. Thanks.

Dances with Boffins
5th Dec 2005, 11:49
Why d'you wanna know?

http://www.nats.co.uk/training/atc/index.html will tell you lots of interesting CATC-facts. If that doesn't do it, there is a link on the site to contact them directly.