View Full Version : Simple system definations, 767

10th Aug 2005, 18:36
can you guys help me out here, can u give me a defination of the following....i have filled it in with my defination, maybe very wrong, ive only just started learning the type

AFDS.... actually controls the diviations of the F/D, taking into account what has been selected on the MCP,thus updating accordingly

Autopilot.... manuevers the flight controls to follow the flight Director, aircraft becomes "live!"

FCC....?!?!? L C and R... the autopilot?!?

sorry for my lack of understanding

t6 sparky
13th Aug 2005, 12:46
AFDS= Auotpilot/Flight Director System.

FCC= Flight Control Computer, a "Black box" in which resides the computational circuity for both the a/p and the f/d.

All of the computations for both systems are the same, but one output is used for the f/d and another for the a/p.

L C and R= Left Centre and Right ie the 3 separate A/P'S AND F/D,S