View Full Version : Factors influencing instructor effectiveness

lil' winglet
9th Aug 2005, 13:32

For my MSc research, I am looking at the factors that affect the quality of instruction a student receives during their ab initio training. To do this, I have set up an online survey at www.ebbatson.net (follow the links to the instructor effectiveness survey). This survey is primarily collecting information about good and bad experiences students had during their training, but I am equally interested in details about what instructors do that they feel is beneficial (or detrimental) to their students flying ability.

All information gathered is for use only in my thesis, and has no commercial aspect whatsoever. The cost of the website is entirely self funded, and hence there are no ads or pop-ups on the site. All information collected is anonymous.

So if any of you wish to share your opinions, please log on to www.ebbatson.net

Thanks for your help,

Lil' Winglet.