View Full Version : Question re: Dublin

18th Dec 2004, 21:45
Hi Folks

I was just browsing at old photos on a.net and came across this one.

http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=093623&WxsIERv=Qm9laW5nIDczNy00NDg%3D&WdsYXMg=QWVyIExpbmd1cw%3D%3D&QtODMg=RHVibGluICgtIENvbGxpbnN0b3duKSAoRFVCIC8gRUlEVyk%3D&ERDLTkt=SXJlbGFuZA%3D%3D&ktODMp=SnVuZSAxNiwgMjAwMA%3D%3D&BP=0&WNEb25u=Q2hyaXMgU2hlbGRvbg%3D%3D&xsIERvdWdsY=RUktQlhC&MgTUQtODMgKE=TGluaW5nIHVwIG9uIHJ3eSAxMA%3D%3D&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=MTQ2&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwMC0wNy0wNg%3D%3D&ODJ9dvCE=&O89Dcjdg=&static=yes&sok=V0hFUkUgIChwbGFjZSA9ICdEdWJsaW4gKC0gQ29sbGluc3Rvd24pIChE VUIgLyBFSURXKScpIEFORCAoTUFUQ0ggKGFpcmNyYWZ0LGFpcmxpbmUscGxh Y2UscGhvdG9fZGF0ZSxjb3VudHJ5LHJlbWFyayxwaG90b2dyYXBoZXIsZW1h aWwseWVhcixyZWcsYWlyY3JhZnRfZ2VuZXJpYyxjbixjb2RlKSBBR0FJTlNU ICgnKyIxNiInIElOIEJPT0xFQU4gTU9ERSkpICBvcmRlciBieSBwaG90b19p ZCBERVND&photo_nr=120

The 737 is lined up on 10, and the British Airways is at the holding point.
What is puzzling me is what seems to be a 747-400 at the top of the picture and while I'm not even suggesting for a minute that this is a doctored picture - I would appreciate a little help in understanding how it got to this point. Normally the outbound track would be much longer, unless the 747 turned fairly sharpish immediately after rotation......

any takers?


the grim repa
18th Dec 2004, 22:14
used 34 for take off.

18th Dec 2004, 22:52
Don't think it's a 34 departure. That would have brought the 744 back towards the 737 over the photographers left shoulder rather than away from it.

A 10 departure with left turn out. Too tight for a 16.

19th Dec 2004, 03:31
B744 doing a straight out departure from RWY34.


19th Dec 2004, 16:38
Nah, looks to me that the information provided by the photographer is misleading.

You can clearly see the terminal buildings in the background. This implies that the EI 737 is facing south and holding short of Rwy10 (look at the signs on either side), the BA is facing west on the taxiway (with the long parallel boundary fence in the background) and the 747 is therefore turning north having departed Rwy 10. To take that photo from the boundary at that point would require quite a big zoom lens which would account somewhat for the apparent closeness of the 747 to the airport.

Next week, I will be revealing the identity of the second shooter on the grassy knoll. ;)

Golf Charlie Charlie
19th Dec 2004, 20:16
Cormacshaw, I am 99% sure you're right. The 737 is not "lined up" at all but still has a 90 degree turn to the left to make before being on the 10 threshold.

Teddy Robinson
19th Dec 2004, 23:10
Could it be that we are looking at the threshold of departure runway 14, and the 747 has just used 10 for the extra length ?

20th Dec 2004, 00:30
Could a 747 take off from a runway other than 10/28?. Just a question from a snapper.


20th Dec 2004, 09:21
Another strange thing about the photo is the fact that there appears to be 2 Ba 747s, the 747/400 which is airborne and the one behind the airbus. Could the photo have been taken at Shannon? BA used to have training flights there. What's also a bit odd is fence, the northern perimeter fence along runway 10 is a wooden panelled structure whereas in the photo the fence looks like a normal chain linked type.

20th Dec 2004, 11:29
I could be wrong, but I don't remember any trees along that fence, which as said is wooden panels and not chain-linked?

20th Dec 2004, 20:51
<<Could a 747 take off from a runway other than 10/28?.>>


I have seen it with mine own eyes.

Singapore Airlines Cargo - light load - RWY 16. One of the regulars at EIDW but I haven't been there for two years now so not sure if she still comes in.....one of the local lads might be able to help me on this!

The best site for me was the Aer Turas DC8 landing on 16 on a beautiful summer's day with a b*stard of a crosswind. the crowds of Sunday drivers with their kids used to stop and look because it's so close to the threshold......anyway, sideslipping all the way, roars across the threshold as only a DC8 can.......result: about twenty kids under three all now screaming in panic and parents not having a clue what to do......God, the memories - I love 16!

Doors to Automatic
20th Dec 2004, 22:21
Can't comment on the orientation of this particular shot as I don't know the airport well enough but on the subject of a 747 departing on the short 34 - I can confirm it does happen; I've also seen it with my own eyes.

In fact if the aircraft is stopping at Shannon (as most of them do) and therefore light it will use less runway than, say, a 737.

Liffy 1M
23rd Dec 2004, 18:00
As a local, I'm not at all convinced that this is at Dublin. As a photographer I don't know how you could get a shot at that angle and also the fencing in the background is the wrong type. Furthermore BA 747s have only appeared here on a handful of occasions and it is also a long time since BA A320s were even occasional visitors. I'm inclined to believe it is at Gatwick (runway 08 end) or maybe Manchester. If you are sufficiently interested you could of course e-mail the photographer via the link from the a. net photo.

23rd Dec 2004, 18:36
Dead right Liffy 1M.

The 737 is holding short of 08R at Gatwick.