View Full Version : 757 electrical system

22nd Aug 2004, 15:57
Hi there!

I don't suppose anyone knows of a web reference for the 757 electrical system for a bit of personal tech refreshing? Basically, some schematics of the whole system would be nice.

Or I could wait a couple of days before I go to work again and bug the engineer...


Eff Oh
23rd Aug 2004, 09:46
If you fly the B757 you must have a copy of "Airplane Operating Manual Volume 2" You will find the schematic diagram in section 6.20.
Eff Oh.

23rd Aug 2004, 11:10
Yes, unfortunately the diagrams in my Vol 2 are not the best. What I really want to do is try to get a grip on what individual items are powered by which particular busses. It all comes from a time when the APU shut down of it's own accord before the engine generators were on line!

23rd Aug 2004, 17:40
I have designed my own electrical diagrams for the 757 & 767 using colours, together with an overall description of the system....but in french.

If someone is interrested, let me know