View Full Version : Recipe for a perfect afternoon

28th Sep 2003, 04:27
2 Cubs, 2 Austers, 6 friends, visibility for ever, Autumn colours.

One new strip for all of us (challenging enough to be interesting), like-minded souls to chat about aircraft and widgets and engines, someone to take for a joyride who has never been in a light aircraft before, some boys to sit in the cockpit and make aircraft noises with, then a wave goodbye, waggle the wings, and all of us off to...

One old strip for all of us, cup of tea waiting, homemade biscuits, more talk of aircraft and places and people, then off to...

Another old strip for all of us, one-way, uphill, murmurs of understanding for the one who got swindled by the tailwind and had to overshoot late, despite the Mother of all sideslips, then back home for...

Low level circuits, sun low and orange in the sky, curve from downwind to final, roll out in the flare, rumble, rumble, blast of power, back to the hangar, push, pull, heave-ho, post-mortem of the afternoon ("Nice strip!" "You were heading straight for France!" "He said it was 600 metres, but it never was...") to the ticking sound of engines cooling down.

Cars doors slam, blue dusk, "You coming up tomorrow?", "Great day!", "See you!"

Ee, it were marvellous.

Aerobatic Flyer
28th Sep 2003, 05:20

My version: Coffee at the airfield early in the morning, wondering if it's just a passing shower chatting to friends about aeroplanes, and understanding about 2/3rds of what they say.

2nd coffee, talking about what a wonderful summer it's been and how sad it is that today is going to be the last mountain pilots fly-in of the year.

3rd coffee, talking about instrument ratings as the far side of the valley disappears from view in mist and drizzle....:(

4th coffee (definitely 1 too many:ooh: ) re-doing sums about D140 ownership with a friend....

After missing the fly-in, and having moved from coffee to wine, the sun shone all afternoon. :rolleyes:

28th Sep 2003, 15:42

Made me smile. Many a time I found out the hard way that the weather improves to good flying weather the moment you have your first beer!