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Poontang Luva 11th Jun 2002 12:50

Ryanair/easyJet pay
I was just wondering if someone could explain why there is such a big difference in pay (or appears to be) between these two airlines.

Looking at their websites a senior FO at easyJet gets £36,716 where as a Ryanair senior FO gets £66,600 (£600 more then a line training captain at easy!)

I'm sure i'm missing something here because this just seems wrong.

If this has been discussed before, i'm sorry for bringing it up again. Maybe you can direct me to the old thread....



FlapsOne 11th Jun 2002 17:30

I think you'll find this misleading Ryanair quote similar to their fare advertising. You try and get a ticket from London to wherever for 2 quid!

The FR salary quoted is not the basic salary but a theoretical salary based on flying the maximum possible sectors in a year.

The EZ figure is a basic guaranteed salary to which you can add sector pay and overnight expenses.

If someone has all the data, let's see a detailed, accurate breakdown of BASIC PAY, SECTOR PAY, NIGHT STOP PAY, PENSION, LOSS OF LICENCE INSURANCE, HEALTH CARE BENEFITS, UNIFORM, BOND DETAILS, etc etc etc. and make sure we compare like with like.

I doubt if anyone has the inclination to do that......I certainly don't.

Mindthegap 12th Jun 2002 14:11

Ryanair has no overnights so its only basic and sectorpayments.
Fo in London stn. has around 25000 - 28000 STG basic. Then 25000 STG in sector pay. 50-53000 STG per year is very good.
And rumours are that now things are picking up in airlines MOL is going to increase the sectorpayments for those that are on a 50% sector payments.

Commando 12th Jun 2002 16:55

Try this link for easyJet salary and benfits:

Engineer 12th Jun 2002 17:09

What is Easyjet's definition of FO and SFO?

snooky 12th Jun 2002 17:12

I'm not sure but I think SFO happens on ATPL issue.

Poontang Luva 13th Jun 2002 03:48

Thanks for the replies! ;) :D

OK so if the Ryan guys and gals make half their yearly salary through sector time how much is made by easy pilots (roughly) per annum through sectors?

Also while i'm on the subject how many sectors on average does a pilot in these two airlines do in a normal days work?

Snooky I think your right. I also heard it was a 'unfrozen' ATPL to get SFO status.

FlapsOne 13th Jun 2002 10:20

How Much?

25000 STG sector pay.

The maths is interesting. How much per sector?

Nassauman 13th Jun 2002 13:00

Mindthegap is not quite right - basic is 25-28k before tax but sector pay is circa 23k AFTER TAX - which equates to some more than 55k per annum. In FR it is 4yrs max (if you are low hours)to SFO - if you aren't a Captain by then!

The sector pay system is complicated but works out at about £130 after tax per day plus some for holidays and £200 after tax in addition for working a day off.

A 5 on 3 off pattern, very aggressive bean counters and shiny 800's complete the picture.

I jumped in a while back (with some trepidation ) and have to say it is not anything like the horror story you read about in the forums.

FlapsOne 13th Jun 2002 19:22

So, in month involving 20 days flying, an SFO will take home on average £2600 NET in sector pay alone, plus basic of course.

Assuming this as fact, and some holiday, that makes sector pay worth over £27000 per year AFTER TAX.

Forgive me if I don't believe it !!!

Nassauman 13th Jun 2002 19:36

Actually flying is about 16 days in a month with 5 on 3 off and standbys (diffcult to do much more anyway because of flight hours). I forgive you for not believing me , in fact I couldn't care less. When I looked for info here before joining Fr - I got a pile of drivel. I thought I might help answer what appeared to be a serious question - silly me.

D McQuire 14th Jun 2002 10:21

Not to worry Nassauman

Some sort of dispute always seems to break out as soon as anyone mentions anything about Ryanair pay, conditions, hours, a/c, fares, safety...in fact Ryanair anything!

I have never quite figured out why this is - could it be people begrudging the huge success story Ryanair is now, plain old 'Paddy whackery' or just people who tried and failed to get into this airline. Hard to say but you very rarely get people who are actually on the inside of Ryanair giving off much here.

Thanks for some real information.

Poontang Luva 14th Jun 2002 11:30


Thanks for the info mate! ;)

Like the poster above I don't quite understand why ppl bag Ryanair so much. Maybe some of its justified, I don't know. But I think its mainly a case of ppl suffering from "Tall Poppy Syndrome" or they're irked by the fact that an Irish airline is doing extremely well when compared to its UK competition??!

Anyway thanks for helping to answer my question.



six.sigma 18th Jun 2002 14:45

Poontang Luva, your initial query was in relation to a comparison between the pay at Ryanair and Easyjet. Here are some comparisons based on the information contained in the Easyjet Web-site and the Ryanair Pilots 5 Year Agreement;

Gross Earnings;

Ryanair F/O STG£58,241*
Easyjet F/O STG£37,268*

Pay Increase 2002;

Ryanair 3%
Easyjet 1%

Pay Increase 2003-2005;

Ryanair- 3% for the next 3 years
Easyjet -No increase agreed


Ryanair- 5 on 3 off, fixed days off
Easyjet- No fixed roster

Loss of Licence Insurance;

Ryanair F/O - STG£115,900
Easyjet F/O -STG£40,000

Shares / Options;

Ryanair- Pre-tax gain of €249,000 in 5 years
Easyjet- Not available

Travel Benefits;

Ryanair - Interline deals with other airlines
Easyjet - No Interline deals available

* Gross earnings are inclusive of grossed up sector allowances

FlapsOne 18th Jun 2002 19:41

Read the small print on the FR web site about sector pay.

Find out about the loyalty bonus at EZ.

Check your facts about the EZ pay rise for 2002.

Check your facts about the roster patterns at EZ.

Note how the phrase 'up to' and 'potential' is used on the FR website.

Compare FO with FO of SFO with SFO or Capt with Capt.

Look at the amount of sectors/hours/duty hours worked each year by each.

If, and I doubt it, anyone can accurately come up with all these figures we might be able to compare 'apples with apples'.

After considering all of the above try again.

By careful use of 'potential and up to' the EZ SFO salary could easily top £60K.

Lapsus linguae 19th Jun 2002 07:51

F1, is there to be a pay rise this year at eJ? It all seems very quiet.

FlapsOne 19th Jun 2002 13:07

Yes there is.

The offer of 2.3% was overwhelmingly rejected by the members.

ANy agreed new offer will be backdated.

Negotiations continue.

lemon 19th Jun 2002 21:40


If you look at the Ryanair website which shows the earnings you will notice that the last sentance on the page says:

"all figures are grossed up earnings – i.e. basic pay and grossed up sector pay"

easyJet's site show's earnings for basic salary then gives figures for sector pay.

The figure quoted by Ryanair includes a grossed up sector pay which means they've taken the sector pay, added the tax that is paid on that sector pay and added the total to the gross basic earnings.

When you take out the sector pay and the tax that is paid on that out of Ryanair's salary quotes the figure is similar to that of easyJet's.

Also easyJet work a 6 day on 3 day off schedule from what I gather and this is carried through the entire schedule so in effect you know you're roster 6 months in advance.

FlapsOne 19th Jun 2002 22:36

Yep I know all of that.

Why are you telling me?

What do the 3 asterix next to the SFO salary on the FR website mean? They are not explained anywhere.

lemon 20th Jun 2002 10:45

Apologies F1 - I meant that for Six.sigma

And not sure what the 3 asterixes are for - probably means you also need a type rating on the Space Shuttle to qualify for those earnings. You know how small print can be.

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