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170to5 15th Nov 2009 10:47

Yes I realise that most people think LHC is Michael himself - but just so we all know where I am right now...I'm not really that bothered whether he is or not; personally I think he talks like MOL but whether he is or not is questionable.

I don't know whether MOL would really be that fussed about what is said on PPRuNe - I would have thought he spends his free time counting the money he has skimmed off the top of RYR while taking it from his employees. Sad thing is no amount of persuasion would convince him that what he is doing is immoral - or he knows that, and doesn't particularly care.

Rainboe 15th Nov 2009 17:27

It doesn't take a lot to get Australians red in the face and thundering after that ghastly part of your history (ref post now removed). You really ought to move on. You lost it, just like the US Air Traffic Controllers. They moved on, you didn't. Try and grow up. We live in the real world, one where jobs migrate if the costs aren't right. You can huff and you can puff about it, but it is happening everywhere now. Unless you are a banker or a 'business leader', you are very much constrained in what your cost/productivity is, and no union now is going to be strong enough to bully businesses into keeping jobs rather than exporting them to a lower cost base, no matter how loud they shout, or how many rude expletives they use! You are burying your heads in the sand, refusing to face facts. The facts are out there happening. We should be grateful the jobs are staying in the British Isles. I reckon they must have come close to going further east!

But huff and puff about scabs all you please. That one was lost, US ATC was lost, the great Australian one was lost, the 49ers did not get their jobs back- exactly when will you lot face reality?

I was discussing what is going on in the industry this week. I think in the last few years, the pilot job has gone from being a-mazing to one I would not let my son invest £80k in to indebt himself for years and still not come out of it with a job. I reckon I could have done far better as a banker, but then sitting in an office shoving paper around and glancing out of the window and seeing a 747 fly past would have caused severe pain! So when we have a nice little feather nest in this industry, look after it, because the feathers are going to be stripped away without you noticing! And if you think the power of the unions will protect your little niche- you have a hard lesson to learn!

The Real Slim Shady 15th Nov 2009 20:32

Scab.......just people who don't hold the same belief as you when it comes to job security.

Perhaps those of us who have little faith in Unions, as opposed to those you who have little apparent faith in empoyers, should employ an alternative epithet to describe the Union tub thumpers ( see the BA CC thread ).

Would it be, as you seem to enjoy brow beating and name calling, to ask the disenchanted (scabs) to come up with an approprite epithet for you lot?

Dinosaurs? Too kind perhaps.

Is this what you come to Ska person? Name calling and baiting?
We can all do that and it is childish: we don't own the companies we work for, unless you are LHC....( myth perpetuation - when I spoke to him a couple of days ago he told my job was safe ;)) so what's the beef?

One day Ryanair might be the only game in Short Haul City. Then again it might be FlyBe or EasyJet. What's the beef? We all need a job to pay the bills.

Less name calling: more rational debate.

Leo Hairy-Camel 15th Nov 2009 21:57

he told my job was safe
Never assume, old boy.;)

Seriously though, I think the Chief's recent thoughts on the subject are right on the money.

The Irish Government has no policy, no vision and no clue when it comes to Aer Lingus. The airline continues to lose money and cash, as it continues to be mismanaged by its Government and trade union shareholders, who control the Board and management of the airline. Now Aer Lingus is isolated and being bypassed by the trend of European airline consolidation. Like Olympic and TAP, Aer Lingus remains on the outside, as none of the big three airline groups have any interest in Aer Lingus.

Perhaps in time even the Government and Aer Lingus will begin to realise that the only secure future for Aer Lingus is as part of one strong Irish airline group which is both a world leader and is capable of competing with and beating Air France, BA and Lufthansa. Sadly in the meantime Aer Lingus will continue to be mismanaged by the Govt and unions which control it, and will continue to be isolated and by-passed as Europe’s airlines consolidate.

RoyHudd 15th Nov 2009 22:36

Father Michael....taking the Michael
"That's great Ted, having a conversation with yourself now....."

You do have some respect for us pilots though, Shady/L-H C?

Or are we all as daft as Father Jack?

Thanks a million,


the grim repa 16th Nov 2009 08:05

TOOLS of the trade!!!
I have held my piece for long enough.It chills me to the core to see both the camel and slime shoddy on here professing themselves to be the panel of experts on all things industrial.what a bunch of self serving toe-rags.everyone that has eyes can see that astreaus are being used by a.l. as staff breakers and that is morally indefensible.For our two airheads,being so long in the company of mol has most likely distorted their views of morality.For slime,you don't need to come on here and tell us how "the boss" assures you that your job is "safe",unless you do not believe him.No doubt in true ryanair style you two numpties will be well looked after having done mol's biding and stitching us,your colleagues up.LHC is not mol,but some gormless jackass who bleats on continously about his navy days and could not even keep his training command.as for the othe ex bmi cuckoo,well nuff said.slime send on the missus,or is she busy sorting out the B.A. cabin crew with her expert knowledge.Two clowns never made a circus boys!!!

Norman Stanley Fletcher 16th Nov 2009 09:11

Interesting how things develop. When I first metioned on here that this was a union-busting operation, there was Rainboe et all brandishing their BALPA credentials like winning lottery tickets before the assembled throng. How could such a ridiculous claim be made by an orange dork who had hijacked this otherwise very-pleasant Astraeus love-in? After all, it really is about the merits of taking 5 bob a week in troubled times is it not? And yet, here we find the self-same, BALPA-loving member of 38 years standing now coming out in all his true glory -

You really ought to move on. You lost it, just like the US Air Traffic Controllers. They moved on, you didn't. Try and grow up. We live in the real world, one where jobs migrate if the costs aren't right. You can huff and you can puff about it, but it is happening everywhere now. Unless you are a banker or a 'business leader', you are very much constrained in what your cost/productivity is, and no union now is going to be strong enough to bully businesses into keeping jobs rather than exporting them to a lower cost base, no matter how loud they shout, or how many rude expletives they use! You are burying your heads in the sand, refusing to face facts. The facts are out there happening. We should be grateful the jobs are staying in the British Isles.
The particularly entertaining aspect of this view is that dear old Rainboe enjoyed a fantastic career at BA (soon to be TopCo or something similar I hear), bought and paid for by BALPA. He now lives off a pension that is significantly greater than most current airline salaries - all won for him by BALPA. A set of statements like the ones above would have given a younger Rainboe a heart attack. Alas, time moves on and now there is some pocket money to be earnt at the expense of the jobs of numerous pilot colleagues in Ireland, it turns out that BALPA, IFALPA, IALPA etc, etc are all yesterday's news. Unless of course you run into a snag at Astraeus. In that case there would be no one quicker to get on the blower to BALPA HQ, tears running down your cheeks begging their intervention to a dear old soul who has given 38 years loyal service to this wonderful organisation. All very touching.

To an extent you are right about market forces. Where you are wrong is where the real market forces lie. They lie with people like yourself who, without hesitation or embarrassment, would leave your best mate in the street with nothing if that is what it took. You and your fellow travellers are the ones who control what is happening in the market and not airline management. Due to BALPA's previous successes, you are in the blessed position of being able to only look after Number One. Maybe one day over a glass of very expensive red wine you should sit back and reflect on some of your posts here and wonder if there is any merit in thinking about someone else. In your embarrassing attempts to defend the indefensible you cut a sad figure.

I am heartened that slowly but surely a number of Irish pilots are starting to engage with this discussion - as the true colours of many participants are shown. I am also delighted this discussion has turned in the direction it has because it highlights a particularly pernicious and dangerous situation for our industry.

Rainboe 16th Nov 2009 09:46

I'd hoped a touch of realism would have snuck into this discussion by now. Whatever made AL do what it did, it must have been serious. Those jobs migrated, just like so many others are doing every day now. They are going to go where pay rates are lower if the differential is big enough. So what were they before, because I earn the UK median airline pilots income? I think we in this company have recognised it is better to have a lower paid job than a superbly well paid non-job! How incredibly fortunate they didn't migrate to Warsaw or Bucharest, because that is the next thing to come. At least the jobs are still British Isles-based, and AL has a stab at returning to profit, even if they can only charge a tenner- but then, need I say unless they charge competitive rates against other airlines, they are out of it? I don't know, or care, what the long term plans for AL are. The point is that companies have the right to employ elsewhere, and this they have done, just like Twinings Tea sending jobs to Poland, BMW sending car production to South Africa, Sony being build anywhere but Japan, Cessnas being built in Shenyang......open your eyes- it's happening all over the world, and it's easier than ever, so you have your head in the clouds if you think a powerful union alone can save your overpaid job. Who do you think you are- a Banker?

Said before, my personal financial affairs are of no concern to anybody else, just like a pilot who wins lottery or makes a killing doesn't have to justify his continued employment, if that is what he wants.

curser 16th Nov 2009 10:35

Rainboe, what a revolting set of standards you have. You claim the median salary over and above you union won pension benefit. You sir are living as a parasite. You have fed off the work of others at BALPA and then given the system a nasty contagion in return. How dare you pontificate and place your financial affair out of bounds while acting as an agent for a bonus grabbing management set.
Those aircraft you are flying are Aer Lingus aircraft, agreement has been reached over who can fly them. Your days work is in breach of those agreements and despite our repeated requests for negotiation, management have refused to talk. Why would they when greedy, self serving and morally repugnant :mad: like you allow them to continue unfettered by social norms or contractual complicity.
Ps. you have yourself a great day, see you round ops?

Rainboe 16th Nov 2009 10:42

Well you certainly live up to your name! I don't fly them or go anywhere near them or have anything whatsoever to do with them. I fly elsewhere. You are an example in action of the refusal to recognise reality when it hits you in the face. As virtual government employees, you no doubt assumed the taxpayer would carry your employment costs for life. We have the same problem over here- about 10 million unnecessary government employees. One hopes their jobs will be outsourced too, because there is no way us taxpayers can carry featherbedded employees on wonderful contracts too. Reality has struck in the US, UK and Far East. Jobs have vanished and migrated. You had a wonderful contract, built on sand- the company could not support what larger airlines have done, however strong your unions. Any pretend 'concessions' you offered to the company were a joke. So the company dumped you. It is sad, but, now you must sadly endure what the rest of the industry does. Just like the financial laws that dictated a fine airline like XL should vanish, so it is not me personally changing your comfortable little home, it is high finance, and this is the way it works and is dictating events now. Something some of us can still not quite see.

The Gatwick company is not 'doing this' to you. I gather there was quite a lot of competition from several companies to get this contract. What won it was control of costs. Any one of several companies could be there instead. The important question is: how on earth was it possible to get in that position and still show so little care for the problems of the company? The answer is two 5-letter words- 'union power'. Except it doesn't work forever.

ska-bearbaiter 16th Nov 2009 11:18

Dear Rainboe,

Reference my last post I'd just like to say thankyou! You have just proved my point.

That really is one almighty great blind-spot you've got....

But I guess you have to keep the blinkers on so that you can bear to live with yourself.

You know,if you have any lawyer friends you should ask them if, when defending a suspect accused of looting, would a suitable defence be:

"But yer Honour, everyone around me was thieving so I just thought I'd loot some stuff for myself..."

In the mean time, just you keep on telling yourself its OK, and hope that BALPA dont read pprune!

The Ska-bearbaiter

ItsAjob 16th Nov 2009 12:04

Rainboe, if you are retired and on a nice pension already why the hell are you still going out to work?

Hawaii, go go girls, sunshine, I can think of better ways to spend my golden years.

Have you no life?

bluepilot 16th Nov 2009 12:34

Dear Rainboe,

BA and Iberia wish to merge, market forces old boy! one thing stands in the way....3billion of pension deficit! now if BA were to close the pensions and vastly reduce your income (due to market forces), you i presume will not huff and puff about it, just accept it, after all its just business, the fight is lost :rolleyes:

BOAC 16th Nov 2009 12:36

It's amazing how history repeats itself - I recall the 1992 efforts by BA to pass LGW shorthaul to another (low T&C) company on that company's AOC. 13 hulls, if I remember accurately. Oh what a fuss there was. Being part of that company, I well recall the bitter name-calling by the BA BALPA 'stalwarts'
yes, we were 'scabs'
yes, we were 'trying to take BA Pilots' jobs'
yes, there were 'other interested parties'
yes, we were actually spat on by BA's finest
yes, the BA pilots were overpaid and overstaffed - funny that, how memories fade. I wonder if there are any of those fine chaps still around flying today?

PilotsOfTheCaribbean 16th Nov 2009 13:43

Are there any pilots involved who totally rely on this income for their living, who think these are fair market rates, who don't have rich early pensions or massive second incomes?

If early employment pensions were taxed at a more punitive rate, or music piracy was simply given a shrug, would you be quite so blase about ridiculing the incomes of full time career pilots? Of course you wouldn't, and when it mattered, of course you didn't. You ride these forums on your high horse of arrogance edged with a hint of nastiness, but underlying it all you remain a hypocrite in the true definition of the word.

Market forces are one thing, but the distortions to these markets by allowing boy scouts on "bob-a-job" salaries to occupy the right hand seat in preference to experienced full ATPL holders, coupled with "retired" final salary pension drawers, being given a free 10 year working bonus, do not properly reflect the reality of "market forces." In many respects this is a career that has been turned into a theme park ride for the wealthy. That is a perversion of market forces. That a growing number of companies are exploiting the perversion may be understandable, but the lazy regulators who are ultimately responsible for this fiasco, will eventually be forced to mend their ways. However you shouldn't worry, you will still be largely unaffected.

Rainboe 16th Nov 2009 15:30

This pension thing has got you like a rabbit caught in headlights. You cannot think of, or see, anything else. It's nothing. Take out a few experienced pilots on pensions in the UK- there's only a few dozens quietly working on, as is their perfect democratic right, and it makes no bloody difference at all! A few dozens, for a brief few years. Who can say 'no you can't work on- you have to go and leave your place for someone else!'? I suggest we also ban ex-military pension-right gratuity holders too! And those who earned pension rights in previous careers! Get over it- it's nothing to do with you!

.....but the lazy regulators who are ultimately responsible for this fiasco, will eventually be forced to mend their ways..
You believe this? All the recent history indicates the regulators have put their fees up as they have progressively left things to stew as they develop!

As for why I do this- I love my job. I like working. I have no intention of wasting days on golf courses! I am experienced and I like the mental stimulation. I throw the question back- did you go through all that expense and training to live for the day when you can give it up? Why? How are you getting yourself up at 3 am to go to work if you really don't want to do it? So why don't you give it up, turn your talents elsewhere, and let an unemployed pilot into the industry? I suppose your monicker 'ItsAjob' says it all!

ItsAjob 16th Nov 2009 16:19

As for why I do this- I love my job. I like working. I have no intention of wasting days on golf courses! I am experienced and I like the mental stimulation.
Whilst this may be some sort of hobby for you, stimulation, whatever you call it, others do this to earn a living - for the money, not the love of aeroplanes.

Its punks like you that degrade our salaries. Dare I say you would even work for free if it kept you busy.
Why don't you go flying sea planes or something more exciting to curb your love for work. There is even places in B&Q for retired people who love to work!

Leo Hairy-Camel 16th Nov 2009 17:13

Somewhere Over the Rainbow.....
At last we have, not only a shameless apologist for the endless distortions of a lifetime spent in the languid embrace of BLAPA, but an articulate and enthusiastic supporter of them who, with nary a shrug, dismisses the objections of the brethren as irrelevant. You've just gotta sit back and admire such hauteur, Rainbow. My hat off to you, Sir.

As an old friend wrote here years ago...

You'll find more loyalty in a Bangkok whorehouse than you will amid a group of pilots.
Quite so.

Aer Lingus is in intensive care, operating within a set of constraints largely imposed upon it by the endlessly enlightened folk of IALPA, accustomed as they are to receiving €400,000 for a part time A330 training command. Nice work if you can get it, boys, but don't they bleat when it looks like being taken away! Here's the really funny bit, though, rather than hang their heads in shame for a lifetime of unrestrained avarice, rather than working together with the airline to solve a problem largely of their own making, they dare criticise Astraeus for making hay for the five minutes the sun is shining. Hilarious.

If ever there was any doubt that pilot unions are unfit for purpose; any doubt that BLAPA exists only for itself and British Airways, and that IALPA are a bunch of feckless, self-interested, semi-literate windbags (evening dim repa), you'd have to travel far to find an example more stark than the pages herein. Remember Goneril to her father King Lear...

Sir, I love you more than word can yield the matter;
Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty;
Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare;
No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honor;
As much as child e’er loved, or father found
A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable.
Beyond all manner of so much I love you
Dearer than eyesight indeed. Shakespearean pilot’s ode to BLAPA.

It's a new world, ladies and gentlemen of the air. Yesterday's unions aren't going to make it any less new, or protect you from its reality and they may very well bite off the hand that feeds you. On the subject of which, and with impeccable timing, it's happening in Helsinki too, where the unionised brethren at Finnair seek to renew the sable lining of their all-weather, state-protected flying jackets, by striking this very day. Interestingly, Air Baltic, a well run, well paid LCC, seeks to fill the void. What do you think the previously loyal Finnair customers will do with their bookings of the future once they've tasted the freedom of the same thing at a fraction of the price?

Oh, and if you're going to have a go at Rainbow for drinking deeply from the BLAPA watering hole his entire career only to occupy a 757 well into autumnal years, give a care to the long suffering FOs at GSS, where BLAPA fed B744 retirees, the Kobe Beef of the pilot community, continue to clog the arteries and careers of entirely able GSS first officers. As a true testament to the enduring value of incest, they, too, are BLAPA members. Ask one of 'em to tell you the response they get from BLAPA if they dare complain.

Most entertaining.

bluepilot 16th Nov 2009 17:14

hit a raw nerve rainboe? I did not say you couldnt work on having got your pension, what i was saying is that if and when BA slash your income you I presume wont huff or puff about it!

repeat of my previous post:

BA and Iberia wish to merge, market forces old boy! one thing stands in the way....3billion of pension deficit! now if BA were to close the pensions and vastly reduce your income (due to market forces), you i presume will not huff and puff about it, just accept it, after all its just business, the fight is lost

to quote you:

But huff and puff about scabs all you please. That one was lost, US ATC was lost, the great Australian one was lost, the 49ers did not get their jobs back- exactly when will you lot face reality?

this may well come back to bite you! But then I expect you will rely on the BA CC and BALPA to fight your corner.:rolleyes:

Rainboe 16th Nov 2009 18:27

Wake up at the back! BA won't slash my income. How many times do I have to say, I am NOT a BA Pensioner. I no longer have any dealings with BA Pensions, they have nothing to do with me, I do not rely for my pension on BA Pensions, we don't communicate, we parted ways, I have no interest in them, they have no interest in me, we parted as friends. They cannot cut my income because I have none from them. I wish them the best for the future, I'm sure they have quite forgotten me, but if they looked up my records, I'm sure they'd say 'say Hi! from BA Pensions please!' So shall we leave pensions out of it?

That's why I've been trying to steer the whole of Pprune off my pension! It's very boring (and private).

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