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babemagnet 27th Mar 2009 23:39

Do not get sick at Ryanair!
Remember to not get sick at Ryanair! After 6 months Ryanair can end your contract! Ryanair will deduct money from your basic pay when you are sick! Ryanair will not pay you sector pay when you are sick! The Irish goverment does not give you money they will get money every month from your pay (prsi) but when you want to claim sick pay they will not give you anything and they will not answer your request in this 3 world country (ireland is sick itself) i will do everything to leave this company!

c130jbloke 28th Mar 2009 00:22

Bad day at the office then ??


captjns 28th Mar 2009 00:23

Bon Voyage, adieu, ta ta, ciao... you probably won't be missed. Hey Rookie... don't get your knickers in a twist.

powerstall 28th Mar 2009 00:24

looks like it.... really pretty bad day!! :ooh:

CEJM 28th Mar 2009 00:33

Originally Posted by babemagnet (Post 4820197)
i will do everything to leave this company!

Very simple, go sick for six months :ok: (if it is correct what you write)

And can't understand why you think that they should pay you sector pay when you are sick. It's not only Ryanair which doesn't pay sector pay when you are sick.

student88 28th Mar 2009 00:56

Babe magnets don't get sick so you'll be fine!

Say again s l o w l y 28th Mar 2009 01:06

Much as it is poorly written, there is a point behind it. Due to the pay structure at RYR, then if you do get ill, then you can expect very little in the way of sick pay.

Sector pay and a low wage are superb ways of keeping many of the statutory payments at an absolute minimum as sector pay doesn't count towards many important things. Little stuff like mortgages etc. You know, nothing major.............

Wizofoz 28th Mar 2009 05:00

Yes, but it's not like the nature of employment with Ryan hasn't been well known! I crossed them of my "Preferred Employer" list 9 years ago. I'd have to be desperate to consider a job with them, would be aware of the pitfalls going in, and would beat a hasty retreat ASAP.

Caveat emptor

ATRISGREAT 28th Mar 2009 11:22

It's a shame that Ryanair treats its employees like that. It would be the perfect airline if the employees had better conditions and working contracts. Southwest Airlines in the USA is a kind of Ryanair, with the same success, however all the staff is very well treated, good pay and good conditions which is not the case in Europe.

flipster 28th Mar 2009 12:39

Southwest (US version) was the basis on which Stelios constructed EZY.
No wonder why he is grumpy with present EZY management as it sounds as if the orange machine is a long, long way from its roots and becoming more FYR every day.

Chesty Morgan 28th Mar 2009 13:09

Ryanair will not pay you sector pay when you are sick
Well I suppose that may have something to do with you operating NO sectors.

Or am I over simplifying it?


combineharvester 28th Mar 2009 13:45


I was away to say the same but you beat me to it. I guess if you are a contractor your sector pay is your only income. I've been sick when rostered to do a night stop, oddly enough I didn't get duty pay for both days or an overnight allowance for the trip in that months paypacket. That said I still got a basic salary (A perk of working for a company that has all its flight crew on PAYE). That said, if a self-certification form or doctor's line is not submitted then the company can deduct from the basic salary as well.

OBK! 28th Mar 2009 16:07

Why the h*ll did you go to RYR in the first place? Stop moaning.

rubik101 28th Mar 2009 16:22

Babe Magnet, which planet do you inhabit? What sort of a dumbwit moniker is that?
If you are sick, you don't do sectors; no sectors, no sector pay?

captjns 28th Mar 2009 17:24

Hey come on... give the little rookie a break:sad:.

TolTol 28th Mar 2009 17:47

this 3 world country (ireland is sick itself)
Then go work for a Belgium airline ya hypocrite.

CJ1234 28th Mar 2009 18:04

I don't know what "Ireland is sick itself" means, but it's probably irrelevant.

I'm just starting in the airline industry,and have considered joining RYR. At the end of the day, the airline caters for people who want the flights as cheap as poss - I'm pretty sure pax would strap themselves to the wings if they only had to pay a quid. But then again, everyone KNOWS that - with stories about paying £1 to go to the loo and many other controversies over the years, it's plain to see that RYR will do ANYTHING to keep costs down. I know very little about the airline, but I sure has hell know when I apply that's not going to be like flying the Concorde for BA!!

I hate to be aggressive, particularly on a website filled with vitriolic hatred such as this, but I'm with OBK on this one!


daveyb 28th Mar 2009 18:06

The Irish goverment does not give you money they will get money every month from your pay (prsi) but when you want to claim sick pay they will not give you anything and they will not answer your request in this 3 world country (ireland is sick itself) i will do everything to leave this company!

babe magnet where did you get the above information from? the payment of sick pay depends on your prsi/ni contributions.

example 1, if someone working in ireland for about 6 months goes sick they are not intitled to sick benefit.

example 2, someone that has worked 2 years or more is entitled to sick benefit.

by the way most companies (private)in ireland dont pay sick benefit in actual fact companies aviation/non aviation are using the current climate to let people go even though there profitable.

it will eventually come back to bite them on the arse

fingal flyer 28th Mar 2009 22:16

Why whinge in public expecting sympathy(we all know where that is in the dictionary),you signed up for the Ts+Cs that go with the job you accepted.While I can understand why you are unhappy with the stated situation I have to ask why go there if this is such a big issue for you.

aerobat 28th Mar 2009 23:11

You must be a contractor not a Ryanair employee. I had two days sick last month and got paid a full months salary, although I didn't get or expect any sector pay.

babemagnet 28th Mar 2009 23:46

I am with Ryanair for 6 years plus and i am on a ryanair contract i have been sick for 3 months and i do not get back any money from the Irish goverment its a joke! I have been paying social welfare fees (prsi) for 6 years. They just do not reply on my request for money! thats what i am telling

captplaystation 29th Mar 2009 05:37

I know you said you want to leave ASAP but I am not sure if making yourself so readily identifiable as you have is a wise proposition unless you already have your next job.
Be careful what you wish for, always better to leave at a time of your choosing, and preferably in a manner that leaves the door open and the bridges unburnt.
We never know what happens in the future, one day you could be happy to have any job, even this one.
Just my opinion, but your head is currently way above the parapet if you have given correct info.

dc9-32 29th Mar 2009 06:24

Do Ryanair still put you on a one year probationary period :confused:

Bleedair 29th Mar 2009 08:05

I feel for you. But I can't imagine RYR was your careergoal. It's tough times at the moment but I'm sure you could find something better!!

FCS Explorer 29th Mar 2009 09:20

wouldn't "Don't get sick in ireland as expat" be a better thread title ?

Aloue 29th Mar 2009 09:40

No FCS Explorer it would not. Answer your own questions by asking yourself if the issue is (1) being in Ireland, or (2) being an expat, or (3) working under arrangements put in place by Ryanair?

babemagnet 29th Mar 2009 10:09

I started this thread just to point out that the social benefits in Ireland are very bad organised! It is just a warning for everyone to take care of your social benefits yourself because the Irish goverment does not care about you. it is not to bash Ryanair but the problem with Ryanair is that it is a Irish company. a lot off people do not know this until they get sick. Thats my point

anotherthing 29th Mar 2009 10:55

PPrune is littered with threads from people saying how bad RYR is to work for.

Pilots are, usually, fairly intelligent, do you not check your Ts & Cs before you join?

I appreciate that for some people RYR is a stepping stone, often the only one they can get onto at the time, butthe fact is, the Ts & Cs are available to check before you sign the dotted line.

You either like it or lump it and accept it for what it is. A LoCo carrier is not going to give the same benefits as one of the biggies!!!

sarah737 29th Mar 2009 12:17

When you would be working for a Belgian company you would have had only 1 month basic pay, no sectors nor any other extras. After the first month you would have been on social benefit at 40€ nett a day.
You still think FR/ Ireland is that bad??
You should blame yourself for not having a private loss of income insurance.

eagerbeaver1 30th Mar 2009 08:38

BALPA - Home

All Ryanair pilots should read what is on the homepage, I was suprised to say the least.

latetonite 30th Mar 2009 09:47

Babemagnet, maybe the babes will be less attracted now after discovering your social status and welfare:ooh:

Leo Hairy-Camel 30th Mar 2009 16:22

Dear, oh dear. What IS it about the flatlanders? When they're not measuring dick size by flipping off flight directors and automatics, they're running of 10,000ft runways by performing unnecessary backtracks!

And now, the effrontery of questioning three months off sick? Shouldn't you be tending to your dungeons?

And to end on a low note...

To achieve recognition it may be necessary to show the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) that a majority of pilots support the application.
Well, good luck with that, Ian. Ryanair pilots have repeatedly demonstrated that you're not wanted here. Ten out of ten for persistence, though.

inveritas 30th Mar 2009 18:59

Mugabellew's monitoring of absence is quite obsessive - you get called personally - within hours of your absence - if you have not "complied with Ryanair procedures" - then you get a selection of standard letters.

If you hit some target on his spreadsheet you get summoned to meet him in STN. All very polite, follow up letters, follow up calls, follow up meetings - until - well you find another job and - Foxtrot Oscar out the door.

I smell a constructive dismissal campaign coming to a court room near you soon.

Mugabellew - F.O. back to your family in Ireland - and leave us in peace.

captplaystation 30th Mar 2009 21:04

In all fairness this was done by that nice Mr Brady and that dumbass Rose, along with numerous others from DUB (depending on what base you were in.)
I know it sound a bit like WW2 deathcamps, but they are "only obeying orders " :} :eek: & if they don't, they won't have a job.
If they tell you to put the gear down at 5 miles what do you do ? leave it till 3 ? nope you drop it at 5, as you want to keep your job.
Difficult to accept I know, but they are doing the same, so try not to take it too personally :hmm: You will just get old prematurely, don't believe me ? look around you.

daveyb 31st Mar 2009 12:47

started this thread just to point out that the social benefits in Ireland are very bad organised! It is just a warning for everyone to take care of your social benefits yourself because the Irish goverment does not care about you.

babe magnet,

You said that you work for FR directly for the last six years? who told you that your not entitled to any sick pay?

my friend has being out of work since last november 08 he gets paid $ from the social welfare about 450 euro per week thats for him&missis+kids plus he also gets helped out with the mortgage repayments.

to say that irish benefits are crap you must be living on a different Ireland to me why do you think that our country is full of bogus asylum seekers?

whatdoesthisbuttondo 20th Apr 2009 12:13

Everyone knows the score with Ryanair before joining.

Please have the courtesy NOT to support an airline that is dragging all the better airline's conditions down AND THEN have the cheek to come on here whinging about how shoddy they are as an employer.

When you pay peanuts. . .

blackred1443 20th Apr 2009 12:42

i can understand your grievances with ryr but critising an entire nation probably wont help....i take it aviation isnt booming in belgium then or you could work there!!sabina not hiring then??

el caballero rojo 20th Apr 2009 13:11

i take it aviation isn't booming in Belgium then or you could work there!!sabina not hiring then??
Why are you all reacting so p***** off? The only people finding it funny making a statement like that are the ones who have not been out of a job as those former Sabena pilots. As far as I know, RYR has a crew base in Belgium, so why should not a belgian be flying for RYR? Even if we talk about Europe, it does not mean that in every European country you will be threated the same way by its health care and social system. Being offended because just one person criticizes it, is in my opinion just as cheap as RYR its lowest priced ticket.
We are all pilots. Why do not act like one?:ok:

kenhughes 21st Apr 2009 03:22

If I understand the OP correctly, he lives in Belgium, works for an Irish Airline and is, presumably, paid in Euros. So far so good.

Because his pay originates in Ireland, it's subject to the social welfare deduction. (What I used to pay as National Insurance Contributions when I lived in Blighty). Again, so far, so good.

But, he gets sick and, because he doesn't live in Ireland, he can't claim pay-outs from the social welfare fund, which he's paid into for six years. It's even possible that, because he hasn't contributed to the Belgian equivalent (if there is one), for six years, he can't claim (full) benefits from the Belgian fund.

Does no one else see an element of unfairness here?

I don't think RYR can take the blame here, but the Irish Government could be possibly accused of greed - and of demanding money under false pretences?

blackred1443 21st Apr 2009 15:30

while i see his point to an extent but its hardly something he wasnt aware of when joining ryr.lets face it most pilots are aware ryr is probably not the best deal available.
as for my spainins friend,you seemed to have missed the point entirely,i was merely saying dont vent your frustrations on an entire nation just because your not happy with ryr.is belgium perfect?

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