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Faulty 23rd Mar 2002 23:25

bmi 2 yr paydeal (not)
In the post ‘Slippery’ era, Midland management aspired to a more open trusting relationship with its workforce.... To some extent it worked. Confidence and trust has grown in some quarters, despite the recent turmoil the company has experienced.. .. .Now though, with one swift uppercut management has blown away this trust. To potentially renege on this, the 2nd year of a two year pay deal will be catastrophic, and not just in moral or morale terms.

flappless 24th Mar 2002 01:43

Faulty,. .. ."Now though, with one swift uppercut management has blown away this trust. To potentially renege on this, the 2nd year of a two year pay deal will be catastrophic, and not just in moral or morale terms.". .. .In the first sentence the management have "blown away this trust" and in the second they "potentially renege on this". .. .Which one is it ? As far as I am aware they have not gone back on anything YET, unless you know better ?????

Red 69 24th Mar 2002 17:10

It would be interesting to see if the tables were turned and there was a pilot shortage, and companies on the whole were offering far higher pay rises than last year to keep their staff. Would Austin Reid then renege on the 2 year pay deal to offer MORE money? I think not. This pay deal should work both ways. Both sides have agreed to it and should stick to it. Things are on the upturn, why is this company so short sighted? It creates nothing but bad feeling and morale.

phd 25th Mar 2002 14:25

I tend to agree with you Faulty - reading between the lines it looks as though the pay deal will be reneged on - but perhaps the company is caught between a rock and a hard place? I do not know how good/bad the finances are right now - but given the current economic climate in aviation it is not really a big surprise that they want to postpone or cancel any pay rise is it? . .. .I have just been told I am going onto a 3 day week and my pay will be cut pro rata to 3/5. In these circumstances it is understandable that a pay rise for others seems out of place. I agree that the company should honour the pay agreement - but I doubt it will. It would be more palatable to myself and others if the whole management agreed to take a 10-15% pay cut - rather than some losing and some staying on full pay.

Cakov 25th Mar 2002 15:03

The pay deal was made before the state of the company necessitated all the lay offs. . .. .Of courset the company should stick to agreements if the conditions had remained unchanged, but that is clearly not the case.. .. .Having received 100% pay CUT in January, it would rub salt in the wound to see my former colleagues getting pay raise now, I have to say.

MaximumPete 25th Mar 2002 16:46

This potential situation just demonstrates the hazards of a two year pay deal. Perhaps there are too many variable to even consider going this way again. Just stick to an annual pay and let the market dictate the going rate.. .. .MP <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" />

Yak Hunt 25th Mar 2002 20:30

Standard trick - raise an emotive issue, slip in some bad news that go's unoticed (B scale?) and then appear the good guy by not reneaging on a deal. Are we flying in different skies from BA - apparently they have just post dated a Christmas bonus - whatever they are!!

Mialo 25th Mar 2002 21:21

Austin Reid is already laying the ground work by saying last week profits have been hit etc etc. Do not expect glad tidings, what ever management want the numbers to reflect the accountants will . .oblige. Graham Ross, General Manager at regional and on the bmi board, has already stated 3 weeks ago that the company overreacted and its not been the doom and gloom predicted. However since Sept 11 is a good excuse for a clear out and a reason to screw the staff don't expect any favours and for those who have had the bat shoved up their . .a**e, expect it to remain. This is one company who do not respect their employees. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="mad.gif" />

Yak Hunt 25th Mar 2002 22:07

It would be nice to know where the hatred for the employees comes from. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="mad.gif" /> . .If it's not from the very top - kindly weed out these idiot's. It's ruining the company.

Electric Sky 25th Mar 2002 22:26

Cakov. .. .I was lucky enough to escape redundancy but lost many good friends and I am not alone in saying that I wouldn't hesitate to forfeit the agreed pay increase if it meant that just one employee such as yourself was saved from redundancy. Sadly that is not going to happen and your issue of not wanting to see the pay agreement implemented would only have an effect on your former colleagues who merely want what was agreed with the company last year. I understand that if the pay deal was agreed now it would be a slap in the face of those made redundant but it was agreed a long time ago. Would us not receiving the pay increase that was promised to us last year really make you feel better?. .. .I sincerely hope that you and all others unfortunate to lose their jobs find employment asap as we lost some fantastic people, but I also feel that the pay deal should be honoured.. .. .ES <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

Yak Hunt 26th Mar 2002 12:12

Airlines will always operate on the minimum number of pilot's - do not ever think otherwise. Pay and redundancy are two completely seperate issues - beware the smoke and mirrors!!

L84Wrk 26th Mar 2002 13:53

Pardon my ignorance, but is this is the mainline deal your talking about as apposed to BMiR. A few months back one of their 145 drivers told me he had just recieved quite a handsome insrease. Can this be so?

L84Wrk 26th Mar 2002 14:09

Can I spell or wat? Sorry spelling/grammer police but its been a long night.

nitefiter 27th Mar 2002 19:39

bmir crews agreed a two (turned into three) year deal with six monthly token incremental increases. The next increase is expected to be paid as agreed as of the 1st April, the last one was honoured so heres hoping this one is as well. We still lag well behind comparable operators in the pay department.

nitefiter 2nd May 2002 07:45

It took a while but just got my April advice note and the increase has been paid.

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