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interpol1977 12th May 2007 06:54

Resignation Ryanair
Hi guys,

Managed to get myself another job!!! Very happy and really looking forward to the new challenge.

Now I just have to resign from ryanair..but how?
I remember there was something on crewdock one day, but can't find it anymore..Also Repa site seems to be down so have to ask it here..
PM would be appreciated

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Best regards

stator vane 12th May 2007 07:23

type a letter--
and take into the back office to Peter Bellew. if he is there tell him what it is then. or if to someone else, tell them what it is.

oh-and make a copy for yourself.

that is what i did--back in october, but i'm still there.

had a talk with Peter and he seemed genuinely interested as to why--
and he talked me into staying a bit longer.

but still looking and getting very close to jumping ship.

this time i might treat them like they treat us.

read your contract and see how much notice they are required to give you!

RYR-738-JOCKEY 12th May 2007 08:31

Interpol1977: I think it was an FCI, so it should be in the Ops-A by now..
Good luck.

easymoney 12th May 2007 08:54

Just hand your notice in writing to your base captain

Firestorm 12th May 2007 09:04

Land with the gear up: that should get you out of the notice period as well!
Stop me if I'm being helpful :)

nuageblanc 12th May 2007 10:10

Managed to get myself another job!!! Very happy and really looking forward to the new challenge.
wonderful news for ryannair ! a new 200 hours cadet with a cheque of 25000 euros will immediatly get a job :ok:

unablereqnavperf 12th May 2007 12:49

As long as there are suckers there will be Ryanair!

Pulp Fiction 12th May 2007 15:04

This beats the lot!

Now I just have to resign from ryanair..but how?
Well, I've seen some really half-assed questions on this website but this beats the lot: asking fellow Ppruners how to resign from a company! :ugh:

How is God's name do you manage to fly an aircraft interpol1977?:confused:

LAHSO 06/03 12th May 2007 16:51


> very easy, just look at what nuangeblanc and unablereqnavperf had to say! :}

michaelknight 12th May 2007 17:37

Hey buddy,

Come and work for Ryanair, there's no structure, just a load of gangsters running around pretending to be 'important' give the man a cap.

It's a fair question when you've been on the inside.


interpol1977 12th May 2007 17:42

:mad: OFF Pulp fiction,

it was just a genuine question. If you don't have anything to contribute than don't write anything at all.

Maybe for you it is all clear cut, but I like to leave in a correct way and if I don't have that info on how to do that, I have all the rights to ask that here!

To all the other guys, thank you for your answers!!

I'll have a look into the fci's or memo's to see if I can retrieve something. Or else i'll just go to PB and give him the letter..

Best regards


Flaps5speed180 12th May 2007 18:59

Pulp Fiction, if you'd ever worked for FR then you'd understand that with these guys it's best to cover your arse. If that means making sure that you leave the company in the right way, then so be it.

I certainly wouldn't leave it to chance. The way things work around here you could probably hand in your notice in writing to your BC, wait 3 months on notice, finally think your on your way out to then find out that FR haven't accepted your resignation because of some rule they've just come up with!:ugh: :rolleyes: :{ :eek: :}

Pulp Fiction 13th May 2007 11:45

Flaps5speed180, I agree with you: any of us at FR know how rapidly things can change. However, if you hand in your notice you are required to work a three months notice period, that's in our contracts. So, why on earth is interpol1977 asking such a dumb question? :confused:

It's so straight forward that it's beyond my comprehension that he has to post on how to resign from Ryanair. It's like this interpol1977, you can, 1) either hand in your letter to PB, 2) hand your letter in to your relevant Base Captain, 3) post in your resignation to Personnel in Dublin using recorded delivery. Keep a copy of your letter & the receipt for yourself then if Ryanair deny having received your resignation you have proof of posting etc. Get a signature if you hand it in in person if you want to. What the hell do you think you do? Hand it in to the Lithuanian stewardess at the back of the bus? :ugh:

I try to stick up for the Ryanair pilots on these forums, always taking the line that however bad the company may or may not be the pilots are a good bunch of capable people who are just trying to get on with things. Then along comes a complete nincompoop like interpol1977 with a ridiculous question like this. You're damn right that your next job will be a challenge: I would guess that so is tying your shoe laces in the morning, you probably have to use a velcro fastening though, because even that's beyond you. :uhoh:

RYR-738-JOCKEY 13th May 2007 12:07

Pulp Fiction: You are incorrect. I believe we need to get a written confirmation too. The procedure was given in a FCI one year ago, and that's what it all boils down to. Hence the original question.

RYR-738-JOCKEY 13th May 2007 12:23

Pulp: I guess you're still busy writing a looong reply on my inabilities and/or dysfunction in the cockpit,
based on the above comment...ha, ha :8
Come on...what's your verdict?

Pulp Fiction 13th May 2007 12:23

RYR-738-Jockey, you are correct, an FCI was issued about 12 months ago stating the need for confirmation, but come on, give me a break even if Ryanair denied having received your resignation letter they cannot in any way, shape or form stop you from leaving the company. If you also read the three points I've mentioned you'll note that I state you need to keep a copy of your letter, along with a signature and/or proof of posting so there cannot be a 'legal' denial from Ryaniar.

As you probably know, we are losing a number of pilots from FR & have been doing certainly for the past couple of years. It really doesn't take an Einstein to work out how to terminate his/her employment, or a question on here!

Aloue 13th May 2007 13:18

Pulp Fiction perhaps it is you who needs to give us a break. You are not the all knowledgeable person you think you are. There are real issues about resigning from Ryanair, especially given their willingness to cause difficulties to pilots who want to leave. FR have proved themselves to be a big source of problems to many departing pilots. Just why do you think they started changing contracts to require 3 months notice (from the pilot) with, in some cases, as little as one week's from them (to the pilot). Do you consider such a contract to be binding?

You say

... they cannot in any way, shape or form stop you from leaving the company.
- which is literally true, but boy can there be consequences ..... Maybe you might tell us what might happen to somebody who leaves "prematurely"? If you can spell that out I will take my hat off to you.

SpamCanDriver 13th May 2007 13:47

When I resigned last year I handed my letter to PB by hand, and even got a crewdock msg saying they received it! Haha but in typical RYR fashion still got called by crew control after I had left asking why I was late for my flight about 4 times :ugh:

interpol1977 13th May 2007 21:16

quote pulp fiction: "nincompoop like interpol1977 with a ridiculous question like this. You're damn right that your next job will be a challenge: I would guess that so is tying your shoe laces in the morning, you probably have to use a velcro fastening though, because even that's beyond you. :uhoh:"

Why do you have to go so bloody personal? :confused:
If you think this is such a stupid question, then read the other replies, it's not. I'm just trying to do the right thing and don't want any trouble. So calm down with your s%&t remarks. You don't know anything about my capabilities as a pilot or as a person.

And to the others, thanks again for your replies. Let's just leave it at this. I've got enough info.

Moderator, please close this topic before I get more personal rubbish over a fair (for those who know Ryanair) question.

Rg Interpol

easymoney 14th May 2007 03:52


before this closed down.....best of luck with your next job...

Pulp Fiction 14th May 2007 07:21

Look Aloue, I'm really not claiming that everything is as it should be when you resign from Ryanair, we all know of crew that the company has tried to screw with notice periods, bonds etc., leave not being allowed to be used towards notice periods and so on. If you work here then unfortunately that's what you come to expect. If interpol1977 had asked for other pilot's experiences on quitting Ryanair then fair enough, it would have made quite an interesting thread, I presume. But come on, how feable is it to ask how to resign from a company, I say again what the hell does he think you do? :ugh:

interpol1977 the other replies to your stupid question were posted by people who probably took pity on you. I do wish you the best of luck with your new company & remember to have the balls to make some of the decisions for yourself.:D

dartagnan 15th May 2007 16:07

create an UNION!!!and go on strike.

you wont do long, believe me!

DTYSAPCO 15th May 2007 17:34

So, what did you do in the end?

8846 15th May 2007 18:43

In all fairness to Pulp Fiction I thought exactly the same when I read the question... IF there are issues over and above the normal protocols that exist when you leave a 'normal' company then perhaps you should have written that in your question. Everyone (most of us) try to help out on these forums but you've got to give us a bit of a 'heads up' and can't expect us to be mind readers of your particular situation.

To ask straight out 'how do I resign' is going to be viewed as a bit niave by most.


Very sensible to cover your backside in this instance if the reports are true...

Good luck wherever you're going and I hope you get the situation sorted.

Just trying to put a balanced point of view.... :ok:

inveritas 15th May 2007 22:31

Resigning at Ryanair is simple. My housemate did it. He had to wait in a q of pilots in the back office in STN for Peter Bellew. One of the pilots in the small office with PB was in tears. PB gave him a bull**** fatherly chat and did a 10 year financial projection on working at FR or at his new airline. He came home and decided to stay at FR. He is just in the final stages of his command course. Better to leave FR I guess as a Captain than as an FO.

potkettleblack 16th May 2007 07:54

Actually from what I hear its better to leave as an f/o. Problem starts that on one hand you get paid more as a captain but its all the strings that get attached and that each year management will give on one hand and take with the other. In the end you will be no better off and more than likely have taken year on year pay cuts in real terms or erosions in T&C's regardless what management say. But you will be on more than an f/o at another airline and that is where the problems start. Leave to take a pay cut or stick it out at FR. Hence why jumping ship is better until at least there is a massive regime change and FR employees are valued and renumerated accordingly.

Pulp Fiction 16th May 2007 12:52

I would be inclined to post the Notice to the attention of the Managing Director at the Registered Office and record the delivery. All documents delivered to the Registered Office are considered 'delivered' in the legal sense of the word. Ignore the know-alls who know **** all!

It's so straight forward that it's beyond my comprehension that he has to post on how to resign from Ryanair. It's like this interpol1977, you can, 1) either hand in your letter to PB, 2) hand your letter in to your relevant Base Captain, 3) post in your resignation to Personnel in Dublin using recorded delivery. Keep a copy of your letter & the receipt for yourself then if Ryanair deny having received your resignation you have proof of posting etc. Get a signature if you hand it in in person if you want to. What the hell do you think you do? Hand it in to the Lithuanian stewardess at the back of the bus?
You see Mainwaring, already told him that one, maybe you should try to listen to, "the know-alls who know ****all!" and read before you post. :=

It's just so bloody simple to resign from FR that the question, IMHO, is ridiculous. "Ooh, there was an FCI about it." Next we'll have people who hold down responsible jobs, in a well respected industry asking for an FCI on how to chew gum & walk down the street! You know, it's no damn wonder that MOL, and others like him, wipe the floor with us, it really isn't.

As I say, ask for people's experiences once they've handed in their notice and fair enough, a possibly entertaining and informative thread but the question just smacks of totally pathetic and limp wristed to me. Sorry but there you have it. :eek:

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