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-   -   99% of easyjet pilots reject pay offer (https://www.pprune.org/terms-endearment/205576-99-easyjet-pilots-reject-pay-offer.html)

Bbow 13th Feb 2006 17:11

Alistair : exactly, I've left out the sector pay as it won't make that much of a difference. 0.30 x 600 = 180 Pounds.

FlapsOne 13th Feb 2006 17:19


Fair call - I hadn't spotted the 'taxed' statement in the initial posting.

Localizer Live 14th Feb 2006 13:00

I don't tend to comment on matters within EZY - however, I feel compelled to add to the debate over this pathetic offer.
This proposed (approved?) deal that the management have offered has been packaged in true EZY style (a little bit like the ill thought out annual leave bid process). At first glance it would appear to be a good deal, but like all the postings here and on the BALPA bulletin board, it is very evident that it is nowhere near. Once you begin to unravel the offer (why it has to be so different from our current scheme?) you soon come to the conclusion that this is nothing much more than our current level of earnings - give or take a few hundred pounds - but presented in a different way!
The level of BALPA membership at EZY is now at an unseen level. I sincerely hope that our excellent CC team are not de-motivated by the strong feeling from the members that this offer is not hitting the mark.
Finally, some colleagues have commented "that we are not destined to receive endless pay cuts", etc. Being the very nature of negotiation, this has lowered some people's thought's and expectations as to where our share in the success of the company lies. After all, we are all working for the same company and therefore should be open to receiving some of the rewards for making EZY a success and not just for the (fat-cat corporate greed) management who have the ability to reward themselves huge bonuses.
Thanks to the CC for there unrewarded hard work... but it's a NO from me!

HotAir 14th Feb 2006 14:14

Calculator says NO!

Norman Stanley Fletcher 14th Feb 2006 16:31

F & B - If you are a BALPA member you know a vigorous debate is raging on the BALPA forum. There is clearly significant dismay among members at what has happened and it is being addressed. In order to avoid any embarrassment to our CC I will not be posting further on this debate until we have a way forward. It is vital that we stick together here and I am reluctant to bring public disunity to this forum at such a time as this.

bugle 15th Feb 2006 06:11

The only way to stick together is to share information and to communicate: the only way the management can reduce our salaries, and rest assure that it is one of their target, is to divide the workforce and they will endeavour to achieve it;
for exemple the basic pay increase: have you notice the number of different pay increase? and the difference beetween Capt and F/o? On average, Captains get 19% gross basic pay increase, F/o 12% gross not included the Trss or Cadets: Why such a difference? is it fair?
And Soon, Milan base will see another pay scale for Pilots...
Personnaly speaking, I think your points of view, dear collegues, are of utmost importance and allow us to get a better idea of what we can expect in the next few months.

Doug the Head 15th Feb 2006 07:33

Originally Posted by bugle
The only way to stick together is to share information and to communicate: the only way the management can reduce our salaries, and rest assure that it is one of their target, is to divide the workforce and they will endeavour to achieve it;

Personnaly speaking, I think your points of view, dear collegues, are of utmost importance and allow us to get a better idea of what we can expect in the next few months.

True, so letīs discuss this on the BALPA website! You are a BALPA member bugle, arenīt you??? :cool:

bugle 15th Feb 2006 16:08

Doug the Head: You are a BALPA member bugle, arenīt you???
No I am a taxi driver and I feel lonely....just joking:rolleyes:

Sorry but I checked the BALPA Members Area Forum and couldn't find any topics regarding easyjet; where is the " vigorous debate raging on the BALPA forum"? thanks for your help

autobrake3 15th Feb 2006 19:41

I note that the performance bonus targets are common to those applied to management. What they fail to mention however is that percentage bonus applicable to them is somewhat different. Up to 24% based on company performance plus up to a further 16% based on personal performance. That is up to 40% of salary as opposed to a maximum of 5% for a C5 captain. Yet another reason to reject this insulting 'deal'.

A4 16th Feb 2006 09:43

Bugle - you're not serious are you?

There IS a very large thread/debate on the BALPA easyJet members area. Suggest you contact BALPA to enquire as to why you cannot see it - have you registered for the forums?


10002level 16th Feb 2006 17:45


You must be looking at the wrong forum: you need to look at the "EASYJET BALPA MEMBERS FORUM" where there is a thread 26 pages long discussing the latest pay offer. I suspect that you are looking at the "BALPA MEMBERS FORUM".

The former is accessed via the link in a box labelled "Forum Discuss issues with other members", whereas the latter is accessed via the link "members forum" both of which appear on the page

(link removed due to possible security issues)

Hope this helps - not very well labelled are they?

Bbow 17th Feb 2006 23:05

Anyone else having problems getting into the members area of the BALPA site?

When I put in my membernumber and password it won't let me enter....it was working fine this morning....

Perhaps an overload of postings about the rubbish payoffer?

overstress 17th Feb 2006 23:10

Yes Bbow there seemed to be problems. When I tried using a link from within PPRuNe, it worked (BA forum, not Easy)

Flysky 18th Feb 2006 08:13

I cannot get into the BALPA easy forum either. It was ok yesterday morning.
Have the management infiltrated the system to stop us talking about the situation away from the flightdeck?

Ice Man 18th Feb 2006 08:20

I have found exactly the same problem, can't log in at all. It was working fine yesterday.Hmmmmmmmmmm!

BALOO 18th Feb 2006 08:36

Same here!
However, if you click on the link provided by 10002level above - it works !!!

Pilot Pete 18th Feb 2006 11:20

Must be a problem with the BALPA site as I can't get into my company (not easyJet) area either....


FlapsOne 18th Feb 2006 20:41

There was a problem but all OK now.

CaptainProp 20th Feb 2006 17:28

Are you guys still having problems logging on to th BALPA web??

BALOO 20th Feb 2006 17:32

It was working again.............now it isn't :*

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