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dingduck2 9th Dec 2005 17:50

If you take into account the fact that sucking up to mk managemant counts for half the pts ,well there's no point trying to pass with the parrot...:yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

Look for another airline dude, the grass is bound to be greener than here...:( :( :(

Any news on RB's little prank in Gatwick ?...

bjoe_1 11th Dec 2005 07:31

so, 60 resignations in the past twelve months, a command failure rate that brings tears to your eyes and Yooo know whoooo running around assuring everyone that psychological testing is 'industry standard', kinda speaks for itself doesn't it? :{

GE CF6 11th Dec 2005 18:16

Mauritian Prime Minster angry with Air Mauritius
An article from a local paper Defy Plus of Saturday 10th Dec 2005 says that the Prime Minister of Mauritius is angry with Air Mauritius (Original attached below).
He did not appreciate that the crew complement was inadequate on one of the company's flights. It reports that on his return from a visit from Mali to Mauritius via Paris on the Flight MK 045 CDG-MRU, there were only 9 cabin crew on the A340-300 which carried a full load of pax along with the VVIP (Very Very Important Passenger). This caused a chaos on board and the PM did not feel safe all along the flight due to the low number of cabin crew. An emeregency meeting of the Chairman, Managing Director along with other top brass was held on Friday at Air Mauritius . They looked into the matter and sanctions will be traken against the responsible officers. A company representative was contacted by the paper for comment but he did not return the call.
:\ :\ :\

"Ramgoolam en rogne contre le Paille-en-Queue

Le Premier ministre est à fleur de peau. Navin Ramgoolam n'a pas digéré que l'équipage sur un des vols d'Air Mauritius où il était passager ne soit pas au complet.

Non satisfait de son retour de Mali à bord du vol MK 045, mercredi, a 11h 30, Navin Ramgoolam a demandé une enquête urgente sur le nombre d'équipage qui était sur ce vol ce jour là. Ayant pris connaissance des griefs du Premier ministre, la direction d'Air Mauritius s'est réunie illico presto.Ainsi, pendant la journee de vendredi, le president, le directeur général ainsi que d’autres hauts cadres de la compagnie étaient à l'aéroport pour procéder en catimini a une nouvelle planifications de leurs vols. D’habitude sur les vols où sont présents des Very Very Important Persons (VVIP) ou des chefs d1Etats, les companies d'aviation doivent augmenter leur
équipage. Dans les milieux de la compagnie d'aviation nationale, des rumeurs circulent selon lesquelles cette décision viendrait d'en haut. Il nous revient également que des sanctions seront prises contre l’officier qui aurait donné l'ordre de mettre seulement neuf employés d'AirMauritius sur ce vol.
Selon nos renseignements, Premier ministre, qui était en voyage à Mali, devait transiter par Paris avant de regagner le pays. Toutefois, à bord du vol MK 045, il a été surpris que l'équipage ne fût
composé que de neuf personnes. Outre le PM, les membres de l'équipage devaient s'occuper de
deux cent quatre-vingts autres passagers. Ce qui aurait provoqué un certain cafouillage. Il nous revient que Navin Ramgoolam ne s'est pas senti en secuité tout au long du voyage.
Le Défi-Plus a tenté d'avoir la version de la direction d’Air Mauririus, mais l'officier responsable
n'a pas répondu à notre appel."

qnh 1015 12th Dec 2005 04:11

Prime Minister and Air Mauritius
Holy Cr*p!

Guess JvJ and "Yooo Know Whooooo" have had to change their underware... Not a good idea to piss off the Prime Minister, the Mauritian one in particular!

dead as a dodo 12th Dec 2005 06:23

Bless his cotton picking socks. You mean there wasn't a flight attendant dancing the Macarena for him pouring a bottomless bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label all the way home. Shame!!! Lets shoot the cabin crew sched department. Nevermind that pilots are still bailing like rats from a sinking ship!!!
This is a damn good indication of how the government views it's priorities where the airline is concerned.

ladypenelope 13th Dec 2005 07:12

Don't think PB will be splashed with mud from this puddle but it definitely looks like the final blow to JV & his little stooge DD !:E :E :E
Spoke to one of the cabin staff as well as the Capt , They were fuming at the cock up around the crew swap, Why the swap in the first place ? only Crew sched & Ops can tell ... they will be on the receiving end of this kak for sure !

As for the crew congrats to our cabin staff who are brillant as usual, no need to say not even a grunt of approval from management... too busy trying to find somebody to blame for their shortcomings...:yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

james64 13th Dec 2005 18:08

As for the crew congrats to our cabin staff who are brillant as usual, no need to say not even a grunt of approval from management... too busy trying to find somebody to blame for their shortcomings...
Shame really! Your staff will never bend over backwards for you if you are not supportive and tell them the odd thank you now and again. And yet, that is such a great motivator in itself now and again!!! I say, anyone from the AM management is listening? Hello? Anybody there?


The Saviour 14th Dec 2005 07:51

Rumours are that RR is back on the roster, can anyone confirm that? Any news from the authorities since the audit? All seems to have quieten down.

qnh 1015 14th Dec 2005 19:43

This is not what I heard. He is still being toyed around by the company. However rumouyr has it that there is a new head of HR... Any news on that?

Trevor Cantor 15th Dec 2005 08:36

Hi Saviour,
No, RR is definately not back on the roster, management still insisting on a psychological and this farce is turning into a national tragedy! Mauritian law clearly states that a union leader cannot be held to personal account for his/her actions in representing the union. It's in black and white and has been law for years. However, MK, partially owned by the Mauritian government has chosen to either ignore the law or, at the very least not hold the people currently flouting the law to account. Its like it simply didn't exist. Why, because 'someone' would lose face.
And there's another thing they may not have thought about in their haste to get the shrinks in. Where does it stop? and who gets it next. Do they all start demanding shrink assessments everytime they get the hump. Could PB be next (plleeeese!) If you want job security down there, I suggest you get a psych. degree soon as you can. A career as a pilot sounds a lot less certain!

The Saviour 17th Dec 2005 04:14

Thanks TC,

Heard thru the grapevine but obviously not the case. In regards to the CAP 371, we still havent had any changes to the meaning of Contactable as yet.

AP1+2 18th Dec 2005 08:06

Yeah, you're right TC,
It's been almost four months that RR's been de-rostered with no sign of any change as long as the 'three wise men' insist that he has a psych test. I guess we all mis-understood when PB talked about 'industry standard', maybe we didn't understand that he was trying to SET one. Four months off line and the financial penalty that that has meant to RR, sixty pilots leaving in twelve months, a command failure rate that is beyond belief, crew morale so bad its almost unsalvageable and trouble from the PM. about cabin crew numbers. I wonder if the three lads at the top have even considered that this new 'standard' isn't really about everyone else, maybe it's about them.:*

bjoe_1 19th Dec 2005 09:41

Just reading thread on 'Logging long-haul flying hours...' interesting how Cap 371 is interpreted so differently by the various operators. Of course, the 'industry standard' is based on MK and I think all airlines could get a lot more out of their crews if they just referred to PB and the local authority down there. Hee hee hee!:D :D :D :D :D

dingduck2 19th Dec 2005 17:40

Guys ! forget about contactable 1 minute, How is your meter reader doing ??
mine says just crossed 91 hours . Unless I've miscalculated or PB just dreamed that flight time clocked is slashed by half due to op exigencies, looks like the last days (9 to be exact) will be relaxed:cool: :cool: :cool:
phone pulled from wall & smashed , cell lost & thinking of it, might even go & chill out with RR in FF !:ok:

GE CF6 20th Dec 2005 13:36

Hey guys!

Remember the old Ranjit A.'s days when we used to have a REAL flight ops xmas party fully paid for by ops? Man, I miss those days. Now, when you think of it, as a non pilot (discounting the fact that he had a CPL and that you did not want ol' Ranjit as PF... - mark my words, been there, done that), he did quite a good job. CPs had deputees, pilots were treated with mcuh more respect. True, he was a Flight Engineer, and did fly a fair bit, but at least he interacted well with the Pilot communitee outside the flight deck... These were the days!!!:ok: :ok: :ok:

So, now that we don't have any of that, and as dingduck2 is saying that he clocked quite a few hours, like me and many others, and since all our leaves were cancelled, I think i will fall into my swim in my uniform as I get back from this trip, clinging dear-life to me house phone and cell phone...

Hey Russ, if you reading this, could you maybe organise a little "Do" on you fav beach and let the bush telegraph know the time and date. We will make OUR OWN Xmas and New Year party, without PB or MK... So everybody, time to hang up those phones, and get yourself to the beach with a tent (that will avoid drink-driving) and have a bash of a time!:ok: :E :ok: :E :ok: :E

dingduck2 21st Dec 2005 13:03

:E :E :E :E :E :E

Half the work is done ! looks like we got our Xmas gift after all...

inchallah 21st Dec 2005 14:18

THERE IS A GOD AFTER ALL!!!!!!!!! He is/was the thorn in the sides of a lot of people. Let's pray that this will be a Merry Christmas yet.
SCORPIONS are coming.........

Chambudzi 21st Dec 2005 15:49

I guess he will just find another airline to work for with a glowing CV about how he cleverly cuts costs.
Watch out the Middle East.

Also shows what a cheap skate he must be smuggling smokes on his salary.

ladypenelope 21st Dec 2005 16:24

No need to go that far Chambudzi ! I'm sure Ryanair will be beside themselves to get a chance to grab him... good luck to them in that case...:yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

GE CF6 22nd Dec 2005 10:40

JVJ gets stitched
From today's paper "Le Matinal" (Short translation follows)

"Le COE interpellé pour trafic de cigarettes

Johan Van Jaarsveld, Chief Operations Executive (COE) d'Air Mauritius, interpellé par les autorités douanières le 11 décembre à l'aéroport international SSR, avait dans ses bagages 19 cartouches de cigarettes de la marque Dunhill, soit 18 de plus que la quantité permise et deux litres de whisky en excédent.
Interrogé par Le Matinal, Johan Van Jaarsveld répond qu'il n'avait pas passé le "screen channel" avant son arrestation et avait l'intention de déclarer ces articles. "This case is being blown out of proportion." Il n'y a pas eu saisie et il a invité la douane à récupérer les cigarettes vu la somme qu'il aurait dû débourser pour les frais.
Les cigarettes étaient destinées à sa consommation personnelle, a-t-il ajouté.
Selon nos renseignements, le COE avait débarqué du vol MK 852 en provenance de Johannesburg. Après avoir complété les formalités d'immigration, il avait emprunté le couloir "rien à déclarer" lorsqu'il a été interpellé par les douaniers de service. Ces derniers lui ont alors demandé de les accompagner à un comptoir. Une fouille de ses bagages devait permettre de découvrir des cigarettes et du whisky en excédent. Ceux-ci ont été saisis en attendant une décision du receveur des Douanes. Mardi, la direction d'Air Mauritius a pris la décision de suspendre Johan Van Jaarsveld et d'instituer une enquête interne.
Par ailleurs, huit jours après son interpellation, il a adressé une lettre aux membres du
Personnel navigant commercial (PNC) affirmant avoir reçu des informations à l'effet qu'un groupe du PNC s'apprêtait à saboter les opérations en cette période de pointe. Il a donné l'assurance que des dispositions ont été prises pour protéger les intérêts d'Air Mauritius et qu'une attention
particulière état accordée aux vols qui étaient ciblés par les PNC-saboteurs.
Le COE a toutefois admis qu'il existe une "unfair practice" au sein de la compagnie nationale d'aviation. Celle-ci favoriserait les anciens au détriment des nouveaux venus pour ce qui est la distribution du travail, estime-t-il.
"Some unfair practice discriminating Juniors from Seniors resulted in this burden being unevenly distributed among equally deserving members of our family", écrit-il dans sa missive."

Basicaly, he was stopped going through the green channel and searched. Customs found 19 cartons of Dunhill fags, 2 liters of scotch. JVJ said that it was for his own cunsumption, that he had the intention to declare the stuff and the "The whole thing was being blown out of proportion!"
On the 20th, he sent an letter to al cabin attendents saying that he knew that he was aware of a plot by some cabin attendents to harm the airline by disrupting flights in the peak season and he was warining them. He also admitted that there is unfiar prctices and unequal distribution of flights amongst senior and junior cabin staff.

He was suspended 3 days ago, and barred off Air Mauritius premises. This was communicated byy email from teh Managing Director to all staff. Now, questions:
1. What will be the punitive action that the company will take against him?
2. Will the company send him for a psych assessment?
3. He HAS caused a lot for of bad publicity for the company. Will the company sue him?

It is of interest to note that some Air Mauritius staff have been fired in the past for much more begnin reasons than that!

Xmas time? A lot of people are keeping their fingers crossed!

:ok: :E :ok: :E :ok:

bjoe_1 22nd Dec 2005 10:57

Well, well, well!

Look at that! The Chief Operating Executive smuggling cigarettes... Now, how interesting is that? So, is he the one who will foot the bill for the Prime Minister's Paris flight fiasco? Is that the beginning of a shake up? Lets see,

Chairman: Fired
Managing Dir: Fired
Chief Admin and Human Resources Executive: Fired
Chief Operating Executive: ???

Who will be next? Meanwhile, heard that PB seems like teflon coated... No dirt sticks to the fella.:{ :{ :{

AP1+2 22nd Dec 2005 13:23

Who's next?
Well, tried a little exercise advised by a mate of mine... Tuped in the name of teh Chief Financial Executive Cornwell Muleya into the google search engine... Guess what came up... Eye-poping is an understatement! Read on. No further comment!

:ooh: :ooh: :ooh: :ooh: :ooh: :ooh: :ooh: :ooh: :ooh:

Daily News

Air Zimbabwe loses billions in French deal

3/27/2003 6:46:44 AM (GMT +2)

By Precious Shumba

Cash-strapped Air Zimbabwe has been prejudiced of billions of dollars
in scarce foreign currency as it forges ahead with its plans to acquire two
50-seater aircraft from Air Littoral Industrie SA of France. The money has
been lost through the payment of bonus fees to intermediaries, travel
allowances and kick-backs to management.

Sources familiar with the contract strongly feel that the airline's
management has to be investigated for illegal foreign currency dealings as a
matter of urgency or the airline could collapse. Documents made available to
this reporter show that Air Zimbabwe entered into an agreement with two
organisations to act on its behalf in order to hire two ATR 42-500 MSN 484
aircraft. The aircraft will service central and southern African routes.

The lease agreement is subordinate to, and consistent with the terms
of a sub-lease agreement between Maela Finance BV of Canada and Air Littoral
as sub-lessee as per agreement struck on 28 June 1996.
Aviation experts described the agreement as a "contract within a
contract". Air Zimbabwe will pay Air Littoral US$147 000 (Z$8 million) for
each of the planes every month for the next three years.

Efforts to get a copy of the memorandum of understanding between the
airline and the French company on Monday failed. But sources said the
management had committed the airline for the next three years and millions
in scarce foreign currency will be paid to the French in travel allowances,
monthly rentals and maintenance work. Rambai Chingwena, the airline's
managing director, refused to discuss the
deal saying it was premature for him to disclose it.

He said: "It (comment) will come at the appropriate time. It's at a
stage not for public disclosure." An e-mail to Chingwena by Lionel Sineux,
the head of fleet management at Air Littoral Industries dated 12 March,
shows that Air Zimbabwe has already paid US$357 881,09 (Z$286 304 872) as
part of US$450 000 (Z$360 million) security deposit before the plane is

A source said: "This ATR business has been Chingwena's preserve. He
has flown outside Zimbabwe on several occasions and claims large amounts in
foreign currency. "The airline has lost substantial amounts through this
secretive deal. The money that Cornwell Muleya, an aviation consultant and
the former acting general manager for Air Botswana was paid, should have
been used to rehabilitate the British Aerospace 146 which has been lying
idle in the hangar since 1999.

"The money should have been paid directly to Air Littoral Industrie
without engaging private individuals and consultants. "The delegation that
travelled to France should have done that in the first place than wait to
lose millions in foreign currency. Air Zimbabwe paid for Muleya's travels at
US$350 each day he travelled on Air Littoral business."

Another US$170 000 (Z$136 million) was paid as commitment fee . An
additional US$102 086 was paid but Sineux was unsure what that amount was
for, saying he only knew that that transaction was initiated by the
Commercial Bank of Frankfurt (CBF). The contract was signed despite
resistance from government and advice from Air Botswana which once dealt
with Air Littoral. Air Zimbabwe first entered into an agreement to engage
Muleya as their consultant, to source the planes .Muleya wrote to Dennis
Maravanyika, Air Zimbabwe's former senior marketing manager, on 17 October
2002 expressing his satisfaction with the contract.

Muleya was said to have been paid US$25 000 (Z$20 million) as success
fee for each of the ATR planes and will receive an additional US$10 000 (Z$8
million) as bonus fee for each of the planes once the aircraft are delivered
to Harare.

This money is meant to thank Muleya for not exceeding the target
rental of US$100 000 which Air Zimbabwe was prepared to pay for the
aircraft. The aircraft were sourced at a rental of US$90 000 each.
Sources said since the memorandum of understanding between Air
Zimbabwe and Air Littoral was signed about four months ago, Chingwena has
undertaken several business trips to London, France and Canada, pursuing the
deal and claiming millions of dollars in foreign currency.

For example, Chingwena last Wednesday travelled from Harare on the
pretext that he was going to Montpellier in France to seal the deal with Air
Littoral but instead stayed in London because his visa to France was

He later proceeded to Canada on unspecified business. He will return
on 6 April. According to sources who travelled to France last week,
Chingwena received US$10 800 (Z$8 6 40 000) at the rate of US$600 daily

Five senior managers who travelled to Montpellier returned to Harare
last Sunday. Each was paid a daily allowance of US$350 for the one week they
stayed in France although Air Littoral paid for their
accommodation and flight expenses.

Meanwhile, when Muleya's relationship with Air Zimbabwe reportedly
soured, Air Zimbabwe approached Beaumont and Son of the United Kingdom to
assist them complete the Air Littoral deal. Patsy Barnes of Beaumont and
Son, according to documents at hand, faxed Air Zimbabwe on 18 March,
acknowledging receipt of the airline's accounts and a copy of the memorandum
of agreement.

Chingwena immediately faxed Cathy Oatridge at their London office
concerning the legal fees. He said: "Please can payment be made immediately
to Beaumont and Son in terms of the attached." He directed that the money be
deposited in the Beaumont and Son Sterling client account 0996602 sort code
18 00 02T on the same day.

On 19 March, James
Edmunds, a partner in Beaumont and Son, wrote to Air Zimbabwe
confirming Chingwena's flight schedule and said he was looking forward to
meeting him in France. Air Zimbabwe workers said the swift manner in which
Chingwena responded to the request to deposit the $44 million in foreign
currency into the Beaumont and Son account, had shocked them.

The same management has refused to release foreign currency to carry
out modifications on three Boeing 737 planes. The Civil Aviation Authority
of Zimbabwe has reportedly threatened to ground the planes by 31 March
unless the modifications were carried out.

Trevor Cantor 22nd Dec 2005 13:34

Swindler's List
I think we should take this entire thread, make it into a story line and call it something like 'Swindler's List' only I dont' think Speilberg would think it was believable.!

(I wonder who would play who? but one of them would have to have a terrrrrible cough, that's for sure!))

GE CF6 22nd Dec 2005 15:23

Swindler's List
So, lets see.

Chief Operations Executive, J Van Jaarsveld: arrested by customs for smuggling 19 cartons of cigarettes into Mauritius a few days ago;

Chief Financial Executive, Cornwell Muleya:
bad history and reputation in previous airlines- Air Zim and others-, with money going into the wrong places... (see loooooooooooooong post by AP1+2);:yuk:

Chief Administration and Human Resources Executive, Ram Ramachandra:
Fired by previous MD for building an Empire inside and Empire. Effectively, he staled the negottiaions with pilots and "encouraged" them to leave and then proposed to hire pilots via a company called Virtual Human Resources with which it was alleged that he was invlovled closely... An internal investigation concluded that "he had no invlovment in VHR at the time of the investigation". He was allowed to get a new job in India, and the company then Managing Director wrote to all employees and said that he "could not deny him" such an opportunity; Ram Ramachandran is the one who recruited J Van Jaarsveld; it was also allegeded that he conducted interviews at the airport HR office after 5pm, in the absence and behind the back of the Airport HR Manager; when the later complained, he was promptly transferred to Port Louis and Mrs CH, JVJ's protegee, was put their to replace him...:yuk:

james64 22nd Dec 2005 17:24

All of that sounds aweful!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

With Flight Ops pressurizing pilots and intimidating them, and thses guys running the show, no wonder so many drivers have legged it!

Is there a honnest soul running that company? Indeed, Swindler's list would be such an appropriate name for it!

For sure, I would not be buying Air Mauritius stock!

Elvis has sped out of the building!

Chambudzi 23rd Dec 2005 12:11

" I dont' think Speilberg would think it was believable.!"

This is all 'ops normal' at MK. It has been going on for years so why should there suddenly be a change. The Financial director was given 4 years prison only about 6 years ago and the then CEO/Chairman was caught with his fingers jammed in the till but other than a fuss in the papers nothing much came of it. As far as I know the Finance chief still hasnt served a day.
Someone earlier was talking up the good old days with Rancid apple but he was frankly no different to your present managers. He was the one who brought in Gulf air when there wernt enough MK pilots and paid them 70% more than the existing MK pilots.
Then there was the pilot Karl Donian death. Killed in very suspect circumstances and nicely swept under the table.
The rules in MK are written by whom ever is in charge and the Cap 371 or whatever number it is will be interpreted according to the needs of the company on the day.
I put money on it that VdJ will be replaced by someone equally harsh on staff and and staff salaries and in 10 years from now pilots/cabin crew will still be pulling their hair out. Best go down to the beach and enjoy your time while you are there or find another place to work. Trying to change things wont work, I know!!

GE CF6 23rd Dec 2005 19:01

Air Mauritius has been the cash cow of SOOOOOOOOOOOO many individuals with sticky fingers! The former Financial Director's case and all the people he has accused of having benefitted from the "Black Box" funds... People from both government and opposition, movers and shakers...

At all times the employees were assured of the bad financial situation, need for cost control, cost containment, cost cutting, cost reduction etc etc etc. Meanwhile, the company carried on making money but employees got sweet f*** all in return or some crumbs whilst the loafs were eaten by the selected few!

And yes, about Rancid Apple: it was Virgin Atlantic crew that actually were pulled in to give a hand when MK ran short on pilots! And now SAS... Really bad for moral of the current guys, all the time being at the wrong end of the deal. :{ :{ :{

Hope JVJ will NEVER get another job in aviation! Or anywhere else for that matter, for he is an evil man. There are still a lot left in Air Mauritius

Chambudzi 24th Dec 2005 01:54

Nicely put GE CF6 and very much to the point. It is a never ending process and you all deserve a less crooked bunch of managers.
Just a small point- Rancid brought in both Virgin and Gulf air in late 96. The Gulf Air dudes are still whistfully dreamy eyed about the well paid days spent in the sun with their families by the free Shandrani pool.

qnh 1015 24th Dec 2005 04:12

JVJ's brown underwear
Hi, hi, hi!

:O :p :ok:

So, they did get JVJ after all, hey? OK, never know if that will be enough to get rid of the guy. Technically, he should not be entitled to any payment/compensation for being fired on a gross misconduct charge. So, lets see. When are they going to get rid of the Finance guy? It does make scary reading about the stuff at Air Zimbabwe. My G**!:ugh:

I bet a lot of guys will be going through the Red Channel now! Heard that there are few walking around in diapers nowadays, for they are not too sure about what will happen to them...

Indeed, quite a few were put in position by Ramachandra, JVJ and their little gang; besides the HR department, there is a very interesting case of an ex Union President (ground staff) who did all the dirty work of Ramachandra to bash a tiny little engineer (who would not harm a fly) about an email he allegedly wrote at work regarding Union matters. That chappy deserves to be referred to as Brave Heart! Man he gave Ramachandra a run for his money... :ok:The engineers were realy pi**ed off with the ground staff union that was betraying their aspirations. Time for them to make their own!

Meanwhile, that ground staff Union President was pushed in to become a cabin attendent... A much better job than that he had before, thanks to Ramachandra and his cronnies. The interesting thing about that Cabin Attendant is that he is the ONLY Colour Blind cabin attendent in the company... How good does it get? :yuk:

bjoe_1 24th Dec 2005 23:27

All gone very quiet for the holidays, but then I guess every one needs a rest! RR still de-rostered, hope the poor guy managing to enjoy a break even though the past few months have cost him more than a few quid! To those on the nineteenth floor, what can you say?Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and how the hell do you manage to sleep at night? Santa's on his way!

GE CF6 28th Dec 2005 10:00

Happy New Year Russ
Wishing to all of you and especially Russ a very Happy New Year 2006. Hope that his long (and I am sure a very lonely ) journey will see a succesful rerostering and him takingh to the skies again. As for Air Mauritius, may it start at LONG LAST listeing to the grievances of its employees and acting on them to make it a Happy Place to work for. And to the new MD, please, don't get that aggressive to your staff in letters. Show that you really want to work WITH them, and not against them. Your tone is very important, the way you pitch your arguments will either win you the staff support, or alleniate them. To the New CHairman, hope that he will be able to clean up MK and rid it from some nasty individuals who have no room in aviation.

"Ground, we have had 2 good starts. You are cleared to disconnect all ground equipement. Hand signals on the left. Have a happy New Year"

God bless us all! :ok:

AP1+2 3rd Jan 2006 11:48

Good old Cornwell Muleya
Well, well, well. So the New Year has come, and things are still very quiet I see. Any news on JVJ? Will he get the boot from Air Mauritius or will he live another day to scre* more pilots and cabin attendents?:ok:

Meanwhile, some more stuff about Cornwell Muleya. One could highly recommend to read his books, available on amazon.com

Check the stuff out. Maybe Air Mauritius has got a jem afterall, whatever Conrwell did in Air Zim and in other airlines before. You will also note that with great interest what he told the publishers about himself... Forget gold chips on the shoulders... These are bloody Fort Knox on his own shoulders... Please be advised: some of the reading below might offend readers...:yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

My last words: God help us all and keep us from the mercy of those self righteous individuals who decide the futures of SO many people and the livelyhood of a whole Nation and country!

Author Profile
Born in Zambia, Africa, Cornwell Muleya is a chemical engineer and professional accountant. He has worked at the highest levels of the business world in finance and executive management in several countries. An award-winning manager in the aviation industry, he believes in sharing the gospel as part of his mission Cornwell is also the author of Time Difference, a book that explains the inseparable relationship between life and time. In it he reveals God’s purpose for time and outlines the biblical principles of time management. He points out that time is your key into God’s kingdom and also challenges you to be an effective person. The Seven Chapters of Your Life is his second book.

The Seven Chapters of Your Life
God's Limitless Plans for your Future
By Cornwell Muleya (Author)

Book Summary
God created the world in all its majesty in seven days. Similarly, He has set out seven chapters that you must go through for your life to be complete and pleasing to Him.

The Seven Chapters of Your Life gives the hidden truth about God’s plan for your life. Before you came into this world, God wrote a perfect plan for you. He enclosed this plan in what He terms the “Volume of the Book.” In this book, God allocated all the resources you will ever need in this world and for eternity. He gave you limitless ability and talents to enable you to live a life of miracles. He has equipped you physically, mentally, and spiritually to ensure you overcome all the problems you will encounter in this world.

This book will help you find your God-given heritage so you can claim it. It is your blueprint from birth until eternity. Discover how to live your life with the power and authority given to you by God, your Creator.

Time Difference
Your Essential Guide to Time Management/Principles of Time Management
By Cornwell Muleya (Author)Book

Time Difference explores the inseparable relationship between life and time. In fact, it shows that time is our greatest resource since it is God's instrument for helping His children find their way back to Him. This book will give you a clear understanding of how God wants you to use your time in this world to achieve your mission. It will empower you to develop your talents and convert the wealth God has given you into material and spiritual benefits.Time Difference gives a step-by-step outline of how to organize yourself and get the most out of your life by applying the principles of time management.
You will learn how to achieve all your dreams by
· Believing God
· Setting goals
· Managing your workplace and your home
· Developing discipline and managing your daily life
· Eliminating the habits that make you waste time

With numerous biblical references and spiritual analyses to provide a road map for a “fresh start,” the book also contains a compendium of key truths and facts about time management. Use them daily as a reminder that time is your greatest asset in fulfilling your God-given destiny!Author ProfileBorn in Zambia, Africa, Cornwell Muleya is an engineer and professional accountant. He has worked at the highest levels of the business world in finance and general management in several countries. An award-winning manager in the aviation industry, he believes in sharing the gospel as part of his mission. Cornwell is also the author of The Seven Chapters of Your Life, which outlines God’s purpose and plan for your life. In it, he reveals the plan God has for every person and how God has provided for all our needs before we are born.

Trevor Cantor 5th Jan 2006 09:40

Re: Air Mauritius defies IFALPA
"The Seven Chapters of Your Life"???? "God's Limitless plans for your Future"???? Maybe RR needs to have a chat with Cornwell who could no doubt read him his horrorscope and let him in on MK's plans for HIS future!
"Time Difference"? "Your essential guide to time management"??? Four months de-rostered and counting.
I dunno, whatever they're smoking they should pas it around. Are these tomes required reading on the 19th floor, does anybody live there anymore?

bjoe_1 6th Jan 2006 10:06

Swindler's List

An award-winning manager in the aviation industry, he believes in sharing the gospel....
Well, award winning hmmmm.... If you read his history about all the airlines he's been too, he indeed deserves an award, and that was NOT for SHARING (I am not speaking of Gospel here)!!!:sad:
So, I guess he knows that God has been extremely good to him and decided now to SHARE something, in writing. But sadly it was only Gospel, and not his Swiss and UK bank account numbers. :( :( :(
Maybe one would rather ask our friend here to write a new book:
How to Swindle in the Aviation Industry in 10 (short) lessons.
Could I suggest as prologue to this international block-busting best seller a chapter with the numbers and passwords to CM's bank accounts. :ok::E :ok: :E :ok:
As for managing my time, after that,I think will do very fine all by myself, thank you!

dingduck2 6th Jan 2006 16:35

Re: Air Mauritius defies IFALPA
Why has this thread been moved again ??...:confused:

ALTCRUISE 3rd Feb 2006 18:16

The Time Is Nigh
Well...Well...Welll....looks like "crunch time" is fast approaching.....the "court date" is on the 8th of this month, with an Executive/AGM meeting combined, a few days before, on the 6th Feb.!

Stating the obvious, morale is at an all time low,...the most "common" question on the flight deck these day is...."so, when are YOU leaving????"

Whether management is concerned or not is debatable, we in the "trenches" certainly have not heard a "peep"

Although they are very short of crew on the A340.....with most of those crew being rostered for close to 100 hours per month now,....the 767 crew have not yet been factored into the equasion......which then ofcourse changes the dynamics a bit.

The rumour doing the rounds is that the crewing of the 767`s will be "outsourced" to rated crews via a leasing company, whilst the Air Mauritius crew are re-trained onto the A340.....!With so many instructors having already voted with ther feet, it is going to put an enormous strain on this department, for sure!

Another rumour is that the ATR fleet/Operation may be given over to a private company like "KATO AIR" for example, as it is not a "profitable operation".......If operated by a "private organisation" though, it will have some kind of goverment subsidy, in which case THEY might be able to operate at a profit,...complicated, but do-able!
This then "frees-up" the ATR Crew for upgrade to the A319 or A340......so in the end, all part of the GRAND PLAN....and no "crew-shortage" after all!!!

Anyway, that was my sixpence worth, I hope at the end of the day something GOOD comes out of this DISPUTE....otherwise the DARK storm-clouds may just become darker!

G Jetson 3rd Feb 2006 22:38

Glad to hear RL won his case of unfair dismissal against the company.

At least one more to come I think.

When is this company going to learn.

pramils_love_child 4th Feb 2006 16:21

Dad's getting worried. :eek: He isn't talking to Mummy! :uhoh:

When all the B767 boys come over, it's going to make him look even worse! :eek:

He says he will still have a job because all the 'nice men' in Port Lousy will look after him because he did the 'good' thing by them. :cool:

I'll see (listen) if he says any more more to Mummy tonight! :mad:

It's not a happy home at the moment. :{

dingduck2 6th Feb 2006 05:45

Yeah ! maybe it's about time mummy takes him for a trip to naughty bottieland with Mr Cane :E

Who knows maybe he'll like it:{ :{ :{

I wonder how many of those SAS guys they recruited ? maybe here for the long run ?...

pramils_love_child 6th Feb 2006 16:37

DD2 - you know what he is like :}

I get the spankings at home when he is angry :ouch: (all the time)

He came home tonight very upset :oh: (again)

Another B767 pilot has said he's leaving and not wanting to fly Dads plane :{ and going to an airline where they like expat pilots :)

Dad's a mean man :* but I don't know whats going to happen to me if you guys upset him more :ouch:

Maybe the SAS guys will stop me from getting hurt:ooh:

Please stop for me, but not for your cause :ok:


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