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skery1a 1st Nov 2004 20:03

Bacx -> Ba

having read another post, about GSS pilots having no luck
getting into BA, how are the BACX girls&boys getting on?

anybody been called for an interview or even better, been offered a job, or entered the holding pool?

or is nobody bothered to join ba?

'round midnight 8th Nov 2004 19:18

This will be interesting to monitor.

As we speak, a reasonable number of BACX pilots (mainly SFOs)have filled-in the lengthy BA on-line application and are waiting to hear.

The only concession they get over external apllicants is that they will be selected 'ahead' of externals, all other things being equal, whatever that means. The details have not been discussed/agreed between Bacx Balpa and BA Balpa/BA, so quite difficult to hold anyone to their word...

When the deal was agreed between the parties, no mention was made that BA would recruit 24 cadets from OATS prior to opening the gates to non-type-rated BACX/externals. Indeed Spin de la Floss knew nothing about the cadets, he says.

What is certain is that BA never mentioned it to BAcx Balpa when 'concessions ' werer being discusssed, or subsequently.
Naturally, this latest development has been greeted with dismay by BACX pilots, who are no longer holding out much hope of access to mainline.

Watch this space...

Cornflake 8th Nov 2004 20:12

Joining Mainline?? HA!
Indeed you are right. I can't wait to read the first mainline post. As to what will happen, well, as granny said, 'No-one ever lost money by overestimating the amount of suckers in the world'. There are so many BACX guys desperate to believe some, ANY, good will come of being bought by BA that they will continue to hope. Ah me, hope springs eternal I guess.

Spin Floss will not be believed, people will watch with interest to see how many SFOs actually make it through the process. However, I suspect not many will want to risk holding their breath.
BACX balpa will be blamed by TDLF whatever happens.
My guess: a token few, single figures at most. The loss rate to the likes of Easy and Thomsonfly will accelerate, particularly when TDLF inevitably comes back to the table with the doom and gloom about the fuel price increases. There will be a new cost cutting target, and initial official/unofficial figures about the impossibility of a better pay deal, in fact he will want sacrifices again.

As you say, this will be an interesting thread to monitor, I can already hear Handsolo, tandemrotor, carnagematey and the rest telling us that BACX BALPA turned down membership of the seniority list, telling us we stole their jobs, telling us the same thing - that it's our own fault, and we should be proud to be part of a (guffaw) "world class company" over and over.
Let's try and keep this on message, so do we have anybody who has applied who has even got a 'maybe' yet??:confused:

Takes a deep breath, whilst reaching for the tin helmet and the aqualung!! :uhoh:

Leviathan 9th Nov 2004 07:09

New Pay Deal

Forgive me for slight tangent off topic but do I recall reading somewhere else that BACX pilots (CC) were/are/will be in the midst of negotiating a new pay deal?

This being the case presumably the CC would also be bringing up the issue of mainline access, among other things?

How is the BACX CC regarded by the pilot group as a whole?

Future new Joiner, hence the interest.


Tandemrotor 9th Nov 2004 15:26

Good luck to everyone. I haven't flown with anyone who would fail a BA conversion, so when you are offered a job, don't worry about handing your notice in.

Those of you from the RJ in particular, will have a head start, because you already fly to similar SOP's. Hopefully, you are also ZFT qualified, and therefore suitable to go straight on to LH (If that's what you want!)

You're still doing better than people joining from outside the 'Group', because you get continuous date of joining for some useful things!

Pontiuspilot 9th Nov 2004 17:17

Rumour in Manchester that at least two guys there have been given start dates, Airbus at LHR. I hope this is the start of something positive, sounds good so far!:ok:

'round midnight 15th Nov 2004 13:28

So far, eight BACX pilots have interview dates between now and Jan. Although there is no guarantee that they will gain access, methinks I may well have to eat humble pie for Xmas. Oh well...

Tandemrotor 15th Nov 2004 16:00


Just curious:

Is that an accurate, and comprehensive 'official' figure, or is it a minimum of 8 that you personally know of?

I hope an awful lot more get their chance!

'round midnight 16th Nov 2004 16:52


8 have officially asked for time to attend the interview. I do not know how many have applied, but I know that BA will only interview a set number of CX pilots at any one time, for obvious operational reasons. 8 is therefore a snapshot.

'round midnight

skery1a 19th Nov 2004 15:38

hi all,

somebody was suggesting today, that everybody in bacx applying, will get an interview with ba.

has anybody from bacx, been for an interview yet and have they
been invited back for the sim ride?

round' : i think the 8 you mentioned must be your base only, because most people i ask, f/o's, seem to have interviews with ba ,starting next week .

good luck

Captain Correlli 19th Nov 2004 17:20

I have an interview next week, would be most grateful for any advice, tips, links to relevant help etc. Technical, psychometric, audio visual, whatever - it will all be grist to the mill.
What do they like to hear, should I be a go-getter, or a Compamy policy man, should I be a CRM Bunny, or advocate common sense and airmanship? Do they think the FCOs should be obeyed for ever and ever, or should I suggest sometimes one has to use initiative and deploy the telescope to the blind eye (that's the Nelson Touch for you Crabs & Civvies). Seriously, any of the Mainline Community's advice would be much appreciated

Puhleeeeeese, and Pretty Puhleeeeese:}

redsnail 19th Nov 2004 21:56

Have a look here

If the link doesn't work, go to Wannabe Index on the Site menu, not the Wannabe forums.

HZ123 21st Nov 2004 07:30

I am sure you know this but at least before interview try to obtain a copy of BA news or scan ba.com for the last couple of months news items. They dolike to hear good of themselves and particularly the company and BACX, they are also keen to see some knowledge with regard to the opposition, general airlines fiscal conditions, 'OneWorld'. Good luck.

Jelly Doughnut 21st Nov 2004 09:50

Captain Correlli

Read the following, it is a pretty accurate summary of what to expect.

Copies of BA news are provided at Cranebank, something to read whilst you "relax" before the day starts ;)

Good luck :ok:

Captain Correlli 21st Nov 2004 11:05

Thanks for the tips, that's brilliant.Any of you guys any info on how you think BACX are perceived by BA - I don't mean all the cr@p that gets posted by all sides on here, more the chit chat by run-of-the-mill mainliners, particularly management who may well be part of the interview team. What am I getting at - well, do you think all the hassles and arguments have pitched the level headed sides of BA against BACX as joiners, in spite of the policy, or do you think it makes no effective difference, or do you think they might be slightly in favour of helping us. Just a thought.

Oh, and what do you think would be an answer to a question like"and tell us Correlli, what do you think of BA management, now you have been run by us for a couple of years?" or "Do you think BA are on the right track management decision wise"? Or do they just not ask that sort of thing, do you think? If they DO, though, should I bu11sh1t, or tell them what I really think?

(TDLF is a nice, clever, committed guy with the best interests of all employees, but especially pilots at heart, he is doing a fantastic job under the circumstances I mean it, I mean it, I mean it - hmmm, this is getting more difficult by the minute!)

In the meantime, I am off to bone up on Fleets, bases, policy, economics, mission statements and all the rest of the crap - I hope this is all worthwhile, that's all. Am 36 and a jet skipper (in a small way, ok) and am presumably committing to at least a decade, and maybe even 15 years in the RHS.

Any thoughts anyone?

Ta Ta,


Captain Correlli 25th Nov 2004 19:21

So, it is now down to the waiting game - though one of the Captains on the interview panel did say I had done well - he probably says that to everyone?

Harry Wragg 25th Nov 2004 23:06

Capt Corelli you could be committing to never being a captain again!! If the current demographics and business plan don't get any better you can expect command when you are 52, assuming that you can still offer 3 years in the left hand seat.

On the plus side "no bond" means an easy get out when you realise that your career has stalled.


Carnage Matey! 27th Nov 2004 02:21

Hmmm, isn't Harry one of those miserable ex-CFE whingers who crop up here occasionally? I'm sure he greatly values his command over feeding the family. Those four stripes must be particularly important to him, especially as he's probably now sitting at the bottom of the 744s co-pilot list!

Captain Correlli 27th Nov 2004 08:36

Harry, thankyou for your comments - a friend had in fact updated me on the potential for progress. Left or right seat doesn't make a lot of difference, I don't feel I have anything to prove, it's the total package looking forward which is most relevant.;)

Having said that, thanks for taking the trouble to write. I have to say that the difference in tone between yourself and Carnage Matey is vast. Carnage - I really don't see the necessity to personalise the slightest fact-based comment which you don't like!

.......isn't Harry one of those miserable ex-CFE whingers..........

So would I be one of those .....miserable ex BACX whingers.... if I were offered the job, and if I decided to take it? I know there's a lot of history and bitterness between the two Companies, but you don't do much to encourage one you know!

Any other ....miserable ex-CFE whingers......got any comment on how they find life within BA?




Tandemrotor 27th Nov 2004 12:07

Just for a little historical perspective CC:

Harry is a chronic BA basher, who has been predicting the imminent bankruptcy of BA for the last 3-4 years to MY knowledge!

He had us believing he would do ANYTHING to resist being employed by Big Bad Airways.

He hates the company, and has so stated. Obviously though, he doesn't hate BA so much, that he wants to work anywhere else! (unless nobody will have him!)

Had Carnage perhaps ommitted the "ex-CFE", his label of "miserable **** whinger" would have been entirely appropriate.

Hope you enjoy the 319/320/321/737/747/757/767/777

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