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Fuzzy Duck 27th Sep 2004 08:40

Allowances and the Revenue
Does anyone have any information on any allowances aircrew may be able to claim from the IR (excluding duty pay). I understand there were some negotiations going on a while back but when I rang the IR this a.m they were being coy.
Any gen would be appreciated.

Engine overtemp 27th Sep 2004 18:21

You can claim Fixed Rate Expense Allowances (FREA) but the amount the Revenue allow varies hugely depending which tax office you use (Luton being particularly tight with pilots). You can now also claim relief on a percentage of your BALPA subscriptions.

If you could tell us which IR office you deal with then you might get more help.

Eric Mc 15th Oct 2004 08:50

Engine Overtemp - I have a query on Union Subscription claims for airline pilots. You sound like you might be able to help.

You mention in your post that a perecentage of the subscription can be claimed. I have access to a document from BALPA which suggests that this percentage is 66.67% (2/3) of the total annual sub. Is this the normal rate for all airlines or does it vary depending on which airline the pilot works for.

In other words, have different airlines negotiated different rates.

Daysleeper 15th Oct 2004 10:49

The BALPA thing is seperate from the FREA.

You can claim 66.7% of your BALPA subs as per the letter.


depending on which airline you work for and which local tax office you use you can claim a fixed ammount of tax relief for work expnses. Things like sunglasses, suitcases, flightbags medical etc etc.

These amounts vary from £470 from one tax office to £2000 from another. :hmm:
Typical govt rubbish really.
There is nothing to stop you not claiming the FREA and submitting your own claim based on your expenses for the year. However you had better keep all of your reciepts cos you have to be able to prove it. The FREA is easier.

Eric Mc 15th Oct 2004 11:58

Excuse my ignorance, but what does FREA stand for - Flat Rate Expenses Allowance?

If flat rate allowances can be claimed, what are they?

I checked the Inland Revenue website for information on allowances which might be claimed by flight crew and there was nothing at all to be found.

scroggs 20th Oct 2004 14:14

Fixed Rate Expense Allowance is negotiated directly with the Inland Revenue by individual airlines. It does not include BALPA fees, which are relieved at 66.7%. Virgin's FREA rate is 600 pounds annually; other airlines may be more or less. Your HR department should have all the appropriate figures for your airline. If you are contract, or self-employed, you may have to negotiate your own rate with your tax office.

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