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LVL CHG 5th Oct 2003 08:14

Thanks Scroggs. I would rather fly the 747-400 if given the choice but I hear the Airbus is ok to fly too - although I have followed a bunch on upwind and they are complete roadblocks... Very sluggish on the departure! Flying that 400 into Barbados or Las Vegas would be very nice indeed!

3MTA3 7th Oct 2003 03:07

Thanks a lot fot your answer Scroggs ;) I looks like I will be called back if there is any need .

Gordo 10th Oct 2003 08:40


Its a bit worrying that you were told of a course and then it was cancelled.
Was it a firm date and offer and so therefore had you put in your notice to your current employer leaving you in limbo for all these months?.
I'm assuming not but could you clarify?.

fadec_primary_channel 10th Oct 2003 22:38

The only thing I would add is..
IF and that is a BIG IF, the merger / takeover / alliance with bmi happens all the time to Command could be altered radically. This of course depends on exactly how the procedure unfolds. As always the devil will be in the detail.

I would like to fly for VS but with the point above looming I will sit and wait for now!



3MTA3 11th Oct 2003 16:50

Gordo, yes it was a firm offer with a firm date, and yes I already resigned from my previous employer when I had the mail telling me that the course was cancelled. Fortunately my employer couldn't replace me, and since they were happy with my job, they took me back. :cool:

scroggs 12th Oct 2003 18:33


You're likely to be waiting a very long time! The 'deal' (if it ever was such) between Virgin and BMI is off, and is unlikely to be ressurrected until either or both main protagonists are off the scene. As I said in another thread in another forum, the problem seems to have been primarily that Virgin saw it as a takeover of BMI, whereas BMI wanted to regard it as a merger of equals. As Virgin's branding is its primary asset, there would never be any deal that risked diluting the brand.

Secondly, the corporate attitudes and philosophies of the two companies are miles apart, and are unlikely to be easily reconciled. Virgin's brash and extrovert style is anathema to BMI's more conservative tastes, and vice versa.

Lastly, while it's well known that BMI wants to operate longhaul, and that a tie-up with Virgin would give them a face-saving way of achieving this ambition, there is no similar ambition at Virgin to own a full-service short- and medium-haul operation, particularly when such operators are struggling in the face of the no-frills competition. BMI's recently-announced traffic increases include the contribution of BMI-baby. Without that contribution, BMI's figures look fairly weak, I understand. Don't forget that Baby is obtaining its own AOC, and would be spun off from BMI before any deal with Virgin.

So, don't put your life on hold for the 'maybes' and 'mights' of this world. Before you know it, retirement will be looking and you'll still be wondering what's best to do!


fadec_primary_channel 16th Oct 2003 15:39

You are quite correct, and I am mindful of all the points you raise.
Your final one brought a smile to my face!

I wont clutter up this forum with my postings, but my position is replicated by many in bmi. Plenty of people are looking around, but there is no clear move from one company to another due to all the different T's + C's etc and the blessed seniority list!

Some would like to move but the sums don't add up.



warpdrive 31st Oct 2003 03:46

Velocity Boy

How did the interview go?

Who was on the board?

Did they say when you might start?

Hope all was positive for you!!

scroggs 31st Oct 2003 18:47

All interviews taking place at the moment are to establish a pool of pilots who may be able to join the airline at relatively short notice should our efforts to start an Australia route be approved. The success or failure of these efforts rely on inter-governmental negotiations which are outside our control. As a result, at least for now, no start dates are likely to be offered.

Of course, by Monday all the above may be out of date! ;)


To clear up any misunderstandings, 3MTA3's course was cancelled because of the suspension of expansion plans caused by the SARS crisis. The aircraft he was due to fly (B742) is no longer scheduled to carry out any of the new routes then proposed. We are waiting to see if and when those expansion plans will be reinstated.

pilotatlast 1st Nov 2003 20:41

What sort of experience do you guys that are getting interview with Virgin Have?

Pnooze 5th Nov 2003 16:38

I have been into see our recruitment lady this week to help 2 mates get into VS which is, rightly or wrongly, the way to get onto the A list.
One is 36 years old with 5000 hrs on North sea helicopters and 1500 hrs on the A320, and got told to come back once he has another 1000 hrs on the 320, and the other has about 6000 hrs including 3000 ish on the 757/767 and has been told to expect a phone call soon. He is a similiar age.
Hope that gives you some idea of what VS is looking for at the moment.

Gordo 11th Nov 2003 16:03

Just a quick note to all those have been helpful with my inquiries regarding VS.

I have decided to take another option that involves alot of sand,
but many thanks all the samefor all the info and happy flying to all in VS.

cheers Gordo.:D

scroggs 11th Nov 2003 17:58

Gordo, hope things work out well for you in the desert!

I felt I should clarify pnooze's remarks. While Virgin is very happy to receive personal recommendations about prospective pilots, it is most emphatically not the only way to get in! Many, many Virgin pilots were recruited with no help from those already on the inside. Please don't get the idea that you have to have a mate within Virgin to have a chance of a job here; it's not true.


Gordo 11th Nov 2003 18:50

Just to second what scroggs said,

did the the whole process sucsessfully and got an offer without knowing anyone in VS myself.
(cant say its quite the same in the sand pit though;)

AFA 9th Dec 2003 22:05

A mate of mine who was in the `pool` has just been offered a A340 course for early next year.
Looks like those who have been paddling around for a while are finally getting taken on.
No idea how many courses are being run, though it looks like a mixture of full and CCQs.

warpdrive 10th Dec 2003 17:06


What was your mates background...interested to see whether he/she is type qualified, thats all

Virginia Plane 10th Dec 2003 18:38

I'm currently swimming in the pool too. I'd also like to know if AFA's mate is a CCQ to the A340. I've never been rated on a bus so I'm a full course but haven't heard anything yet.

Virginia Plane 11th Dec 2003 03:38

Warpdrive, I think you tried to PM me twice but I couldn't find anything in my inbox.

warpdrive 11th Dec 2003 04:22

VP...I did....problems my end...please PM me so that i can reply and try it that way.


AFA 11th Dec 2003 10:34

He`s a current A330 pilot with about 3000hrs Airbus time so i guess he`ll be on a ccq. Like i said though, it`s sounds like they`re running full courses as well.
When i last spoke to him he certainly had the impression that they would be taking people out of the pool in order of the dates they were interviewed. However it was also made clear that there would be notable exceptions. ie If they were planning a 744 course they wouldn`t take him they would wait for a A340 slot or maybe take those who require less notice if they were in a hurry.
Hope this helps.

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