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Breakthesilence 8th Dec 2013 15:54

Just try on the next flight, possibly in daylight, good weather and a low traffic condition. Then disengage the A/P and A/T and land manually or re-engage everything.

I don't think it is such a catastrophic challenge...

contra-rudder 10th Dec 2013 12:34

low missed app altitude
We have standard company procedure for this situation.

- Set Missed app altitude
- Detune ILS from NAV1/2
- Disc. APP mode
- Descend in V/S and accelerate
- Clean UP in descend
- Level off and fly procedure

mrjet 10th Dec 2013 18:52

Pontius got it right. In TOGA the AFDS does not consider what altitude is set on the mcp (it will of course attempt to capture a higher mcp altitude), the AFDS will always give a climb command in TOGA.

Last time I tried what the OP described in a sim I froze the sim at 15000' with the aircraft still climbing away from the mcp altitude.

Analyser 11th Dec 2013 16:34

Thanks Pontius.You got my query spot on.She will continue to climb till something is done about it and this was checked out in the sim by a colleague.

Now please explain this...


TOGA power at 30000ft on descent
with TMD reading CRZ and A/T commanding GA power.:hmm:

AirRabbit 11th Dec 2013 17:39

Originally Posted by Analyser
Thanks for the responses but will need have it checked out in the Sim.

While I don’t argue with your intent, I would caution, before you make arrangements and jump into the simulator, you should check out whether or not the simulator has been appropriately programmed to function “just like the airplane” for any specific set of circumstances. Remember, simulators are little more than very fancy computers … and they will do only what they have been programmed to do, and this is true for EVERYTHING you see in the simulator. Don’t get me wrong, there are professionals who spend a great deal of time attempting to ensure that all of the interoperable systems are, in fact, interoperable and that all of the aerodynamics are, indeed, just like the airplane. But the simple fact is that unless the person who wrote the programming was supplied the correct “airplane answer” to systems interoperability and the airplane's aerodynamics, there’s a good chance that the simulator could give you a wrong answer without telling you that it’s wrong ... and, as a result, you might think that what you see in the simulator is accurate. This is why it is never a good idea to "grab a sim period" whenever you can, UNLESS there is a qualified and current simulator instructor available to make sure you don't take away the wrong idea ... and there are some circumstances where even the sim instructors are not fully aware of that simulator's limitations. Welcome to the world of simulation.

flyboyike 12th Dec 2013 00:34

I can grab a cup of coffee in the breakroom at the sim building without an instructor being present, right, AirRabbit? Or will that be the wrong answer?

BARKINGMAD 30th Dec 2013 19:50

Is this not a "discontinued approach"?

No need for TO/GA mode on anything, else the autos get confused as do the pilots.

Click-click and fly the aircraft to the required path and track with required energy.

F/Ds are redundant and potentially erroneous and maybe deselecting them til your oppo sorts out the APFDS could be a better MOI, and then you can go back to chasing the magenta spider again?

Just a thought from an old codger who likes K I S S!

RAT 5 31st Dec 2013 11:18

Just a thought from an old codger who likes K I S S!

Every new cadet training file should have this front & centre on its cover. Boldly.

Got the T-shirt, but before we are all gone what about a KISS lapel badge or emblazoned tie. I did once write the letters on my epaulet gold bars, but it was frowned upon. There was a sense of humour failure. I was only trying to spread the gospel. I then took to wearing lucky socks and red underpants. It seemed to work considering my survival success.

Aluminium shuffler 31st Dec 2013 20:39

I can think of a few places with GA alts of 1,500 feet or so AGL, so this is a real issue at those places. I have had a very new FO do his first GA at one of them because of a screwed up ATC instruction, so it was a real surprise (with such clear wx and runway) and he pressed TOGA. I had to pull the thrust back pretty sharply to prevent a flap speed excedence as he recognised the need to continue descending and kept the attitude steady, but forgot the thrust increase was so large for the attitude...

For clarity's sake, pressing APP again after it engages will not disengage the mode - it is one of a few modes that locks in, and this is indicated by the button's lights extinguishing on engagement; the light is only on when armed, and the mode can be deselected in that condition.

axl76fg 12th Jan 2014 17:19

The A/P will disconnect and A/T add thrust to reduced G/A, F/D pitch 15deg nose up

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