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-   -   Mach-Number to Airspeed Conversion Above 65,000 Feet (https://www.pprune.org/tech-log/441721-mach-number-airspeed-conversion-above-65-000-feet.html)

DERG 15th Feb 2011 11:24

you win some..sometimes:E

Ex Cargo Clown 15th Feb 2011 14:58

I'm not a huge fan of thermodynamics, I hate physical chemistry.

you could quite easily use pV=nRT, the more accurate equation though would be the Van der Waal equation

(p+(n^2a/v^2)) * (v-nb)=nRT

you can easily find the a and b constants for air as you know the mole fractions, I'll help you out here, as I have the text in front of me with a nice table. a=1.3725 b=0.0372 and you can class air as having a molecular weight of 28.85 at those figures.

You can now plug your figures into the equation.

Jane-DoH 16th Feb 2011 03:40

Ex-Cargo Clown

That formula provides the gamma figure?

Ex Cargo Clown 16th Feb 2011 14:14

You can get the gamma value from the ratios, but you are still making assumptions. I don't know how many accurate temperature and pressure readings there are at 70,000ft.

I'd suggest you are looking at a gamma value of between 1.3-1.4, as soon as you get that high you can use pV=nRT a little better as the air is so "thin" there are less molecular collisions and so these are negated, but are still present.

You might want to email NASA, I'm sure they have some data on this. You can get up to 80,000 ft on here, temp there is 199K :eek: U.S Standard Atmosphere

Don't forget when you do your calculations to use only SI units, ie Pa, K etc

Jane-DoH 16th Feb 2011 22:13


your my kinda women Jay....always asking questions...most don't ask..you single?
First of all, before we go any further my name isn't Jane or Jay -- it's Robyn. I did intend to register under that name but when I did, the e-mail message to activate the account never came. When I attempted to create another account, it wouldn't let me claiming that I already had an account (one that I couldn't activate). So, I then created an account called Jane-DoH, which was effectively a parody of Jane Doe pronounced as if Homer Simpson was saying it.

Secondly, yes I am single.

Ex Cargo Clown

You can get the gamma value from the ratios, but you are still making assumptions. I don't know how many accurate temperature and pressure readings there are at 70,000ft.
But that ratio covers specific heat at constant pressure vs specific heat at constant volume right?

Don't forget when you do your calculations to use only SI units, ie Pa, K etc
Thank you.

DERG 17th Feb 2011 08:15


Thanks for your reply. May I ask if you are a formal student of aviation?

Upper Air 17th Feb 2011 09:08

Why not. . . ? LSS then comp?
Why not just calc Machno to get your TAS, then convert your TAS to EAS using your whizzwheel computor. . ?

The formula for Machnumber, as you know is (grab a calculator - its sssooooo easy)

the sqrt of 273 (+/- T) x 38.94

So stab in 273 add or subtract you outside temperatur (+/-T)
sq rt the result

then times it by 38.94 (you van prob do it by calculas too . . . but I really don`t wanna know, ok?)

then - you will have a number whic is you True Airspeed, ok?

Now, take this True Airspeed and using your metal or plastic flight computor you can calculate the EAS from the Tas.


Jane-DoH 18th Feb 2011 01:34


Thanks for your reply. May I ask if you are a formal student of aviation?
No, I'm just an aviation enthusiast. Still I've always been fascinated by how things work.

Upper Air

The formula for Machnumber, as you know is (grab a calculator - its sssooooo easy)

the sqrt of 273 (+/- T) x 38.94

So stab in 273 add or subtract you outside temperatur (+/-T)
sq rt the result

then times it by 38.94
So at 273 K, you get 643.3944 kts, correct?

DERG 18th Feb 2011 07:21

I am a big fan of the USN. Do you like military aviation?

This link is a good read:


Upper Air 19th Feb 2011 09:43

Machno / EAS
So at 273 K, you get 643.3944 kts, correct?

Yes and that is TAS, just one more step and slide for EAS then.

But, after about 36,000 feet its -56.6*C

Concord flew backwards and forwards regularly at 70,000ft

mm43 20th Feb 2011 07:57

Upper Air;

This may be getting pedantic, but when you start quoting the Speed of Sound as 643.3944 kts at standard sea level, something didn't look right.

Standard Sea Level conditions according to the ISA are:-

101.325kPa and 15°C / 288.15°K, and the accepted speed of sound is 661.4788kts / 340.2941m/sec. Just refer to the ISA Chart in Post #5.

It would appear that a digit or two got transposed in your "magic" multiplier and the standard temperature of 15°C got left behind in the calc.

√ 288.15 * 20.0468023 = 340.2941m/sec
√ 288.15 * 38.9678655 = 661.4788kts

So 38.97 seems closer for a memory number.

Jane-DoH 20th Feb 2011 22:04


So 38.96 seems closer for a memory number.
No wonder my result didn't seem right. Off memory, Mach 1 ~ 660 kts.

DERG 21st Feb 2011 07:07


Do you know how many decimal places the crew use when they enter the "numbers" into the flight computer?

Well I always round mine to 2 decimal places for general use, but I could imagine the third decimal place might make a difference on long flights.
In civil engineering we work to plus or minus 5mm over a 6000m distance, well we did when I was trained, but these days they user lasers and GPS stuff..so maybe even "tighter".

So the question is... how many decimal places are used when a crew inputs the data for mapping the flight?


p.s. the laser spelling came out like that when I entered the text..I mean LASER. done it again..why does it do that?

HazelNuts39 21st Feb 2011 08:19


Originally Posted by Jane-DoH
So at 273 K, you get 643.3944 kts, correct?

Correct, but ... the SLStd temperature is 15 °C or 288.15 K


john_tullamarine 21st Feb 2011 11:04

the l@ser spelling came out like that when I entered the text..I mean l@ser. done it again..why does it do that?

The site has some background text checks for various reasons .. l-a-ser becoming l@ser is one of them. Hopefully no-one has a need to know as I would then have to dig deep to find out the specific reason.

mm43 21st Feb 2011 17:32

Laser pinpoint accuracy in cutting steel is ...

Laser pinpoint accuracy when cutting steel .... , aah, looks like more to do with keyboard idiosyncrasies than anything else. The top line was pasted in from a text editor, and the next line was typed into the text-box. In fact the "L" was entered as "upper-case", but was also changed - to "lower-case".

Further investigation seems to confirm that laser is a reserved word in the program - as JT has already indicated.

Solution: Use a text editor.

chris weston 21st Feb 2011 21:51

Sorry all, coming to this late.

pV=nRT is a longish wave length Clupea Harengus

Watch V - its m3

Trust me - I'm a chemist

Units of pressure?

Try N/m2 or Pa or kPa or mmHg or inches / feet of water or Bar or mBar or Atmospheres or psi etc ad nauseum

We use kPa mostly where 1 Bar/Atmosphere = 101.3 kPa

Mods will decide if this adds anything!


Upper Air 22nd Feb 2011 13:04

MACHNO and Hazelnuts39 + mm43
Jane-Doh was confirming Mach 1 at 273K - nobody was talking about ISA or AMSL! If you took the time to look at the previous text you would have seen this and Jane, yes you are right, that is the Local Speed of Sound (LSS) at 273K - and mm3 - it is 38.94 because the Captain says so.

Insulting words removed by UA.

bits deleted - we really don't need to be gratuitously insulting ? JT

HazelNuts39 22nd Feb 2011 13:35

Originally Posted by Upper Air
Obviously, Hazelnut 39 if you apply the ISA temp of 15*C then K will be plus 15 higher - duh.

Sorry, you missed the point of my post, which was twofold: First to point out that Jane's sonic speed was for 273 K, not 288.15 K (hence the title: Confusion?), and second that the standard sealevel temperature is 15 °C per definition, not 15.2. Thought that would be obvious.


Jane-DoH 22nd Feb 2011 23:29


Do you know how many decimal places the crew use when they enter the "numbers" into the flight computer?

Well I always round mine to 2 decimal places for general use, but I could imagine the third decimal place might make a difference on long flights.
In civil engineering we work to plus or minus 5mm over a 6000m distance, well we did when I was trained, but these days they user l@sers and GPS stuff..so maybe even "tighter".

So the question is... how many decimal places are used when a crew inputs the data for mapping the flight?
Two to three decimal places when mapping the flight depending on the length of the flight.

p.s. the l@ser spelling came out like that when I entered the text..I mean l@ser. done it again..why does it do that?
Well, I think you just think I'm a chatterbot so you are entering odd characters and text as well as switching the topic midway into civil engineering, using ambiguous measurements (m can be in meters or miles though in this case it's obviously meters), then switching back to the original topic in some bizarre attempt to "screw me up".

I'm not a robot. Sure, I can be odd, and be socially inept, kind of quirky sometimes, and take things a bit too literally but those things are all the product of having a pervasive developmental disorder such as asperger syndrome, high functioning autism or PDD NOS (which means you have a pervasive developmental disorder which does not neatly fit into any of the following). I've been diagnosed, at different times, over the past 14 years with one of the three (PDD NOS was the most common diagnosis that came up).


Correct, but ... the SLStd temperature is 15 °C or 288.15 K
So at 273 K, Mach 1 = 643.3944 kts, and at 288.15 K, is 661.4788 kts.

john tullamarine

The site has some background text checks for various reasons .. l-a-ser becoming l@ser is one of them. Hopefully no-one has a need to know as I would then have to dig deep to find out the specific reason.
That's a really weird quirk. I honestly just thought DERG thought I was a chatterbot and did that as some kind of "test". Still, I'm going to leave what I wrote to him anyway.

chris weston

We use kPa mostly where 1 Bar/Atmosphere = 101.3 kPa
Even though 1 atm and 1 bar are supposed to be 1 atmosphere, why does a bar translate out to 100 kPa, and an atm translate out to 101.3 kPa? (I checked the defintion of 1 bar to make sure it was the same as 1 atm)

BTW: As you have "second law" written as a title under your name, I assume you mean entropy. Here's something that's rather fascinating. Being that the total amount of energy in a closed system is zero, and gravity being negative potential energy, this actually means that given enough time every unit of positive energy which includes energy and matter, and every unit of negative energy will actually neutralize out to nothing (if our universe is a closed system, which I wouldn't be surprised if it is).

DERG 23rd Feb 2011 04:02

think it is always expanding Robyn

Upper Air 24th Feb 2011 10:57

Sorry, you missed the point of my post, which was twofold: First to point out that Jane's sonic speed was for 273 K, not 288.15 K (hence the title: Confusion?), and second that the standard sealevel temperature is 15 °C per definition, not 15.2. Thought that would be obvious.

I see your point HN39 and I do apologise. UA

john_tullamarine 24th Feb 2011 11:12

Sure, I can be odd, and be socially inept, kind of quirky sometimes

I wouldn't have thought that. However, you have livened up the forum somewhat with a bunch of interesting questions and you consistently keep the threads stirring along nicely. As to whether that is because you are just tenacious or have medical conditions with long names is beside the point ...

Those who might find your style irritating are not forced to attend class - the others of us probably find the threads more than a tad interesting.

Solution: Use a text editor.

Neat trick - I shall remember that.

Rivet gun 24th Feb 2011 15:43

TAS = Mach * a0 * sqrt (T/T0)
EAS = Mach * a0 * sqrt (P/P0)

Which rather appeals to my sense of symmetry.

a0 = 661.48 kts
T0 = 288.15 Kelvin
P0 =1013.25 hPa

Then all you need the ISA stratosphere pressure equation and you can generate CliveL's lookup table.

Upper Air 25th Feb 2011 16:41

Great Universal
Nope, sorry, I don`t care who you are. . . you are not parkin` that Universe `ere. . . move along now please, , ,thank u verri much. . .
yes, You and take that Universe with you. . . (The cheek of it all)
(wait `till I get back to the office - I`ll `av a quick word with God, thats what I`ll do. . . blinkin` ooligans. . )

mike-wsm 5th Mar 2011 21:31

Originally Posted by John_Tullamarine
The site has some background text checks for various reasons .. l-a-ser becoming l@ser is one of them. Hopefully no-one has a need to know as I would then have to dig deep to find out the specific reason.

In another thread they said it was to prevent advertising bots from posting unwanted adverts for l@sers.

edit: One proud owner of a L-a-n-d R-o-v-e-r found he was driving a Trabant. Presumably East European advertising is less aggressive.

Ravsmanu 12th Aug 2011 06:24

May be he is preparing to fly solo in a C-152 at Shuttle Landing Facility -KTTS in Florida! Runway is a small one just 15000 feet and he might approach at supersonic speed.

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