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cwatters 30th Sep 2009 06:58

>Why bother? CO2 is not a poison or polluter. Without it, plants and humans
>will die. I grow tomatoes in an atmosphere of around 1000 ppm CO2 and
>they love it! We breathe out CO2 at around 40,000 ppm. Mankind's 3% CO2
>contribution affects Mother Nature's 97%? Really?

Do the numbers yourself...

Not sure where you get your 3% from but CO2 levels have risen from 315ppm in 1960 to around 360ppm today (Source http://science.nefferport.com/image008.jpg) That suggests at least 100 x (360-315)/315 = 14% could be man made.

Without the atmosphere earth would be some 30-32C colder than it is (source Greenhouse effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Water vapour accounts for 36-70% of that and CO2 from all sources is believed to account for between 9% and 26%. Huge uncertainty I'm afraid but lets assume CO2 accounts for 17% (average of 9-26).

So without any CO2 the earth would be 0.17 x 31C = 5.3C colder. Mans contribution is 14% of that or 0.14 x 5.3C = 0.7C

That appears to agree remarkably well with what the temperature record suggests. (Source http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporat...hs/myth6_1.gif)

By the way that's the first time I've done that calculation. I didn't work backwards from the answer honest.

Flying Binghi 30th Sep 2009 11:54

CO2 levels going up....

....and yet, the planet cools...:hmm:

cwatters 30th Sep 2009 17:13

C02 isn't just "going up", in historic terms it's exploding...


>....and yet, the planet cools...

Due to El Niño...

Met Office: Myth 2: Drop in monthly global temperature means global warming has stopped

Quote: In 2007-2008 the global climate was influenced by the cold phase of this oscillation, known as La Niña. The La Niña began to develop in early 2007, having a significant cooling effect on the global average temperature. Despite this, 2007 was one of the ten warmest years since global records began in 1850 with a temperature some 0.4 °C above average.

The La Niña strengthened further during early 2008 and became the strongest since 1988/89, significantly contributing to a lower January temperature in 2008, compared to recent years. In addition, global average temperature was influenced by very cold land temperatures in parts of the northern hemisphere and extensive snow cover.

January 2008 may have seem particularly cold compared to January 2007 - the warmest January on record and largely due to the warming phenomenon El Niño - but this merely demonstrates the year-to-year natural variations in our climate.

In future, while the trend in global temperatures is predicted to remain upwards, we will continue to see inherent variability of this kind.

End Quote.

If you were talking about the longer period of cooling read this..

The Ups and Downs of Global Warming | wltx.com

aviate1138 30th Sep 2009 17:58

This seems more believable......

1 MYTH Carbon Dioxide levels in our atmosphere at the moment are unprecedented (high).
FACT Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, currently only 350 parts per million have been over 18 times higher in the past at a time when cars, factories and power stations did not exist — levels rise and fall without mankind's help.

2 MYTH Mankind is pumping out carbon dioxide at a prodigious rate.
FACT 96.5% of all carbon dioxide emissions are from natural sources, mankind is responsible for only 3.5%, with 0.6% coming from fuel to move vehicles, and about 1% from fuel to heat buildings. Yet vehicle fuel (petrol) is taxed at 300% while fuel to heat buildings is taxed at 5% even though buildings emit nearly twice as much carbon dioxide!

3 MYTH Carbon dioxide changes in the atmosphere cause temperature changes on the earth.
FACT A report in the journal 'Science' in January of this year showed using information from ice cores with high time resolution that since the last ice age, every time when the temperature and carbon dioxide levels have shifted, the carbon dioxide change happened AFTER the temperature change, so that man-made global warming theory has put effect before cause — this shows that reducing carbon dioxide emissions is a futile King Canute exercise! What's more, both water vapour and methane are far more powerful greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide but they are ignored.

Also I would like to know why the CO2 measurements are made near an active volcano.
I also find it hard to believe the CO2 levels are similar worldwide?

tocamak 30th Sep 2009 18:37

Who to believe?
If this forum reaches a concensus on the validity of human influence on climate change then it would probably be the first anywhere! All sides can put out the usual suspects as evidence both ways as witness the Myth/Fact posting previously and the sums on the effect of CO2 earlier. You only get the truth as it suits someones point of view or vested interest and nothing seems to give such entrenched opinions. For what it's worth I have followed (as best I can) the topic in New Scientist for some time and whilst they may of course have a vested interest (not sure why though) the story does seem that the concensus of most scientists is that climate change is happening and human intervention is having an effect.

One thing I do take issue with though is this "Save the Planet" message from the more extreme tree huggers; the planet will be fine without us and frequently does it's best to get rid of us in big numbers!

cwatters 1st Oct 2009 18:59

This seems more believable......
So do little green men to some people. There are serious errors of fact in that..

1 MYTH Carbon Dioxide levels in our atmosphere at the moment are unprecedented (high).
FACT Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, currently only 350 parts per million have been over 18 times higher in the past at a time when cars, factories and power stations did not exist — levels rise and fall without mankind's help.
Just because natural cycles exist it doesn't mean that man made GW doesn't exist. Should we raise C02 levels just to find out what happens?

2 MYTH Mankind is pumping out carbon dioxide at a prodigious rate.
FACT 96.5% of all carbon dioxide emissions are from natural sources, mankind is responsible for only 3.5%, with 0.6% coming from fuel to move vehicles, and about 1% from fuel to heat buildings. Yet vehicle fuel (petrol) is taxed at 300% while fuel to heat buildings is taxed at 5% even though buildings emit nearly twice as much carbon dioxide!
Natural sources are indeed large BUT they are balanced by equally large sinks.

We should tax emissions from buildings more.

3 MYTH Carbon dioxide changes in the atmosphere cause temperature changes on the earth.
FACT A report in the journal 'Science' in January of this year showed using information from ice cores with high time resolution that since the last ice age, every time when the temperature and carbon dioxide levels have shifted, the carbon dioxide change happened AFTER the temperature change, so that man-made global warming theory has put effect before cause — this shows that reducing carbon dioxide emissions is a futile King Canute exercise!
All perfectly true but so what? Increasing temperatures do indeed increase C02 levels. That's what worries scientists. Raise temperatures a little and the permafrost melts releasing C02 which increases temperatures which raises C02 etc etc. It doesn't matter which came first the chicken or the egg. Chickens make eggs and eggs make chickens.

What's more, both water vapour and methane are far more powerful greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide but they are ignored.
The effects of water vapour and methane are very definitly NOT ignored. Do you really think climate models are that simple? As the planet warms more water vapour is produced and that in turn warms the atmosphere further. All that's in the models.

Nor is methane ignored. Recent examples suggest warming has already triggered the release of methane.. Warming Of Arctic Current Over 30 Years Triggers Release Of Methane Gas

Also I would like to know why the CO2 measurements are made near an active volcano.
Because it's remote. Measurements are adjusted for local outgassing from the volcano...

Mauna Loa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We can be reasonably sure the data from Mauna Loa is ok because it shows clear seasonal C02 cycles whereas emissions from the volcano itself presumably aren't seasonal.

I also find it hard to believe the CO2 levels are similar worldwide?
But they aren't similar world wide. There is a wide variation particularly between cities and mid ocean. That's why having monitoring stations on remote islands is important even if some are near volcanos.

cwatters 1st Oct 2009 19:16

New Scientist has an interesting article this week. It shows how temperatures around the world would change IF the world warmed by 4C on average whatever the cause.

Basically air temperatures over land would warm by much more than air temperatures over the sea. For example Australia would warm by 6C and North America by 7-10C. Parts of Russia and Africa by 15C. By contrast the southern pacific and would warm by only 1C.

The article begins..

"By 2055, climate change is likely to have warmed the world by a dangerous 4C unless we stop pumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere the way we do now" ... "Even if we are lucky, we we are still likely to hit 4C by 2070."

ChristiaanJ 1st Oct 2009 20:27

"Even if we are lucky, we we are still likely to hit 4C by 2070."

Oh shoot.... I won't be around any more to see all those doomsayers eat their hats.


cwatters 2nd Oct 2009 17:19

France won't be wanting EU money to fight forrest fires then :-)

peopleandplanet.net > forests > features > mediterranean forests are a burning issue

Mr Optimistic 2nd Oct 2009 19:03

I wonder how much unneccessary CO2 is generated by the olympics: all that building, training and then attending. Can I have my money back ?

ChristiaanJ 2nd Oct 2009 21:25

Originally Posted by cwatters (Post 5228218)
France won't be wanting EU money to fight forrest fires then :-)
peopleandplanet.net > forests > features > mediterranean forests are a burning issue

Could you explain how you derive your statement from the link you posted??


cwatters 3rd Oct 2009 07:34

Well a 4C increase in global average means about 6C for france. Anyone not think that will increase the number of forrest fires?

jcbmack 4th Oct 2009 20:20

Indeed It Will

Well a 4C increase in global average means about 6C for france. Anyone not think that will increase the number of forrest fires?
Drier land from higher temperatures more total solar insolation will make things less bearable.

jcbmack 4th Oct 2009 20:22


I wonder how much unneccessary CO2 is generated by the olympics: all that building, training and then attending. Can I have my money back ?
During the Beijing olympics C02 emissions were actually reduced in anticipation of the event. Unfortunately, most of the farm water and water to villages was re-piped to Beijing for the event.

Will Fraser 4th Oct 2009 20:29


Czech yur speling. You meen Solar 'Insulation' surely. 'Insolation' is what a cobbler duz wen he maeks shoos.

yur wilcom

Your solution to Global warming is elegant. We shall have Olympics year round everywhere. (Al Gore will be most upset, however)

tocamak 4th Oct 2009 20:59

'Insolation' is what a cobbler duz wen he maeks shoos.
Well he might do but it also is a measure of the electromagnetic radiation received for a given area over a given time.

Will Fraser 5th Oct 2009 01:27


You use a y that carries 1,000 years in a quarter of an inch. The 1/8 inch where the CO2 spike resides shows a huge uptick, granted, but unimpinged by the last 150 years of the IR. Que paso?

Also, earlier you show a 45ppm increase over the last 50 years. At 3% manmade, that is a total ACO2+ of 1.35 ppm. In fifty years? It works out to .0270 ppm/year? Please do check my math.

jcbmack 7th Oct 2009 18:12



Czech yur speling. You meen Solar 'Insulation' surely. 'Insolation' is what a cobbler duz wen he maeks shoos.

yur wilcom

Your solution to Global warming is elegant. We shall have Olympics year round everywhere. (Al Gore will be most upset, however)
'What is solar insolation?'
"The amount of electromagnetic energy (solar radiation) incident on the surface of the earth. Basically that means how much sunlight is shining down on us."http://www.apricus.com/html/solar_collector_insolation.htm
"Insolation (Incoming Solar Radiation) is the amount of solar radiation incident on any surface – for our purposes, we will be comparing insolation levels on the surface of the Earth. The amount of insolation received at the surface of the Earth is controlled by the angle of the sun, the state of the atmosphere, altitude, and geographic location."--http://www.solarpanelsplus.com/solar-insolation-levels/

Also read: RealClimate: Global Dimming II

The solution to the issue is complex.

Will Fraser 7th Oct 2009 18:58


Mauna Loa site indexes local vocano emissions? You are kidding, yes?

Google is your friend, Loihi

Please do address my math re: CO2 (man made) percentage enhancements?


I had forgotten this was tech log when I posted a cryptic attempt at humour. I see you missed it, so I shant apologize.

I gave up Real climate when I found they were playing with science re: Hockey Stick, Mann et al. I gave up Climate audit when they became fixated on the Stick, and avoided Bristlecone proxies, and deleted my attempts to steer them to the problems with conifer program proxies for the obvious reasons.

Insolation in toto is a nice simple starting place. Please do try to steer the howling chimps to the Sun and its vagaries. Sunspots? Also see what you think of cwatters graph re: uptick conformity with 350 years missing of the last millenium. Good chap.

Cheers, Will

cwatters 8th Oct 2009 06:56

> earlier you show a 45ppm increase over the last 50 years. At 3% manmade,
> that is a total ACO2+ of 1.35 ppm. In fifty years? It works out to .0270
> ppm/year? Please do check my math.

Who says only 3% of the increase is man made?

Lets say over 50 years 1 ton of natural C02 and 0.03 tons of man made C02 were released (eg 3%). In the past nature was roughly in balance so roughly 1 ton was also absorbed in that time. That means 100% of the increaseis man made even if man was only responsible for 3% of the release.

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