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popay 30th Jul 2006 20:23

captain_jeeves, hey mate. Very interesting question in deed. I was really asking myself the same question. Apart from deriving a lot of useful information and learning effect I'd describe pprune as the ZAHIR as I just finished the book of Paulo Coelho.
Here is the quote: "According to the writer Jorge Luis Borges, the idea of Zahir comes from the Islamic tradition and has thought to have arisen at some point of the eighteenth century. Zahir, in Arabic, means visible, present, incapable of going unnoticed. Its something which once we have come into contact with it, gradually occupies our our very thought, until we can think of nothing else. This can be considered either a state of holiness or madness." Paulo Coelho.
There are not that many interesting and appealing threads as i wished to be but nothing is impossible as Toyota said once.
In other words its an addiction I agree and also has got a physiologic effect of sharing the emotions. Another very important aspect of pprune is using it for publicity. In some parts of the world like in the ME there's no effective exchange of the information between the upper and lower levels of company and its only natural that nepotism does find a flourishing ground and people just keep lying to each and every one in order to secure their positions numbing the whole efficiency, therefore publishing the relevant info here provides very much needed transparency. Transparency is enormously important for the improvement of any outfit as it brings up the problems to the surface in order to be solved hopefully.

Aloon 30th Jul 2006 21:34

Mainly for information beyond my experience.. but it's one hell of a good place for a debate!!

It's interesting to know that everyone here has time to think of a response, yet in reality, in conversation... This doesn't happen!!

Nice to know that replies are thought of, and sometimes researched, rather that spurted out!!

mini 30th Jul 2006 21:54

mini had been half heartedly pursing his PPL, so always had an interest. Then a sudden career change tossed him into the aviation arena as a contractor, his bosses knew nowt about aviation, mini knew less, a web search revealed PPrune, many years later mini can say the the info picked up & help recieved on this website has been invaluable and has contributed to the succesful outcomes of our projects.

captain_jeeves 31st Jul 2006 06:51

Its something which once we have come into contact with it, gradually occupies our our very thought, until we can think of nothing else.
In other words its an addiction I agree and also has got a physiologic effect of sharing the emotions.
Wow. I’ve never considered this as addictive. My opinion of it has always been that it’s a meeting place for many, interested in a similar subject, nothing more. With that, depending on my work schedule, personal commitments, etc, I come and go to this group (PPRune) as I please, when it suits me.

An addiction, as I understand addiction to be, is the inability to make that choice.

Nevertheless, each is allowed their own opinion, and at the least, the rest of us have to respect that, regardless of our own believes.

Another very important aspect of pprune is using it for publicity. In some parts of the world like in the ME there's no effective exchange of the information between the upper and lower levels of company and its only natural that nepotism does find a flourishing ground and people just keep lying to each and every one in order to secure their positions numbing the whole efficiency, therefore publishing the relevant info here provides very much needed transparency.

Transparency is enormously important for the improvement of any outfit as it brings up the problems to the surface in order to be solved hopefully.
Okay, this is your opinion, and I respect your right to have that opinion. But, I – in my opinion - strongly disagree.

First, this is an anonymous forum. Each of us has no idea who the other members really are or where they come from. And, unless we decide to publish our personal details (Not a good idea on any internet forum) then we remain anonymous.

With that, publicity is next to impossible. However, this group of anonymous players could be perceived as providing some form of publicity – either positive or negative – but again, as the players are anonymous, how much faith can we put into their opinions?

Regardless, I don’t think that any reputable company would use the information posted here in a decision making process. Of course, one could use any number of the opinions stated – and if similar and abundant – use those to form conclusions about policies, etc. Provided, that they have tangible evidence to support those conclusions outside this forum.

But again, all the players are anonymous, so how much can we trust as fact?

If we are really interested players in this anonymous game, we have to play responsibly. Don’t take everything you read as the gospel, and when you decide to post, write your post considering that someone MAY take your remarks, opinions, and suggestions AS the gospel.

But, I am going to read the book. Maybe after that, I’ll have a different opinion.

Cheers /cj

popay 31st Jul 2006 07:46

c.j all true and valid you have said in the Western world, yet read the book and work for couple of years in the ME and then you might have changed your view on the world. :ok:

captain_jeeves 31st Jul 2006 10:46

Been there, done that. And, got a tee-shirt, that never fit after all the muttabbag's

Anyhow, Na'amulla A'layk :ok:

rhovsquared 31st Jul 2006 15:00

hello all:
I Pprune, because of this sites immense educational value. It's like millions of hours of experience tied up on one sight. also as some others feel it is very addictive for those in connected to aviation.
theres's no other place short of working for an airline-for myself-where I can get such detailed technical information and lively FAR /JAR part 25 banter AND plenty of BCAR to go around :} :D :D :D

Re-entry 1st Aug 2006 14:49

Hi Rhov. hope the osteomalaise isn't affecting the A12 lead beta-bounce.
To answer the Q though, to relieve the daily boredom with some crewroom banter, plus occasional useful info.

Re-entry 2nd Aug 2006 01:07

Rhov are u a joker?

Re-entry 2nd Aug 2006 01:13

rhovsquared, who are you? send me PM

gearpins 2nd Aug 2006 09:06

I am a new kid on the block ..:bored:
I pprune for knowledge...in my opinion every day there is more info lost for want of a question.:ooh:
at work you dont wanna be asking them...at home..
you cant seem to find a convincing explanation....as the books...have kind of moved on ..if you know what I mean...
And its so much more fun to learn through a discussion or debate;)

Rigga 2nd Aug 2006 11:24

I'm nosey, to start with, then I get interested in a subject and try to help out, if I think I can, and sometimes I just put some bait out and stir it about a bit!
Most of all, I read and learn.

And yes - Pprune is addictive!

ARINC 2nd Aug 2006 20:47

Originally Posted by BEagle
Because it's a 'virtual crewroom', for one thing.
To help folk with questions, for another.

Sums it up for me..

Swings the lamp for Beags........when I was on Lightnings.....zzzzzzz

BarBQ 2nd Aug 2006 23:44

Who started PPRUNE?
Anyone knows who started pprune?

OzExpat 3rd Aug 2006 08:14

Captain PPRuNe and PPRuNe Towers started it and continue to run it.

Mercenary Pilot 3rd Aug 2006 08:36

Anyone knows who started pprune?
From the website....

PPRuNe, otherwise known as the Professional Pilots RUmour NEtwork started 10 years ago as a sideline hobby for founder and airline pilot Danny Fyne. What started as a group of dedicated UK and European pilots who would post a few hundred messages a month, has grown into the premier global forum where professional pilots and those in the airline industry communicate through over 2000 posts per day.

With over 110,000 registered members out of nearly 300,000 readers globally, in as many countries as there are in the world, PPRuNe has been recognized and written about in many famous publications. Some of the publications that have quoted or written about PPRuNe include: The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The Times, The New York Times, The Daily Telegraph, Flyer Magazine, Pilot Magazine and Condé Nast Magazine, to mention just a few. PPRuNe has also been covered by CNN, the BBC plus a host of other TV and Radio stations around the world, too many to mention here.
Why do I PPRuNe? All the reasons stated above...It’s also a fascinating online community. Could you imagine getting so many pilots, engineers, beancounters, cabin crew, managers, owners, enthusiasts, controllers etc etc all in one place in the "real" world?!? :ouch: :ooh: :E ;)

MrBernoulli 3rd Aug 2006 08:42

I have to echo BEagle's comment further up this thread. It is a virtual crewroom. I miss the old fashioned crewroom where you could trade a few jokes but also learn a lot about aircraft and how to OPERATE them from the more experienced guys. Stuff that just didn't feature in any operating manual.

rhovsquared 11th Aug 2006 21:21

oh I forgot to add the exposure to many SOPs, as other have said it nice to see how everybody 'does their thing' and I just love jets [the technical side]
but i feel all pilots are spotters too i'm always looking up and saying ooh look there's an A340 LOOK!!! a Boeing 727 ahh marvelous there's the QUEEN herself or from the ramp while taxiing my li'l piper, Flight Controls...Free and Correct, Cool a lear 45..Flaps SET for TO, there's a cessna CE500 Wow it's a KINGAIR... Mixture RICH. is that a G iV, or V, Carb heat... OFF.. Engine Guages... All Green...so Pprune is a natural place to visit and learn

Re-entry I'm a nut, a scientist and a pilot, but a non-airline pilot who loves Airliners :} I've sent you that PM :)

captjns 11th Aug 2006 21:24

For the social intercourse;)

Gipsy Queen 12th Aug 2006 03:57

Originally Posted by captjns
For the social intercourse;)

Yes. In my case, nostalgia too.

I cleaned the Brylcreme out of my helmet and put the control locks in my DH104 for the last time many years ago. PPRuNe may not be addictive but being "up there" certainly is. However, in today's climate of lunacy, access to all those old places where one persued this sort of intercourse now is denied all who are unable to furnish a "valid" reason for being there. Opportunities for a grounded old skyman to shoot the breeze with like-minded souls are becoming scarce.

Sadly, so are the souls. Too many of us are setting the DI to 27.:hmm:

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