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Vortillion 15th Jan 2002 23:48

BBC Presenter Tells Ryanair Boss to Grow Up
The BBC Watchdog presenter Nicky Campbell asked M'OL whether "it was time he grew up now that he's playing with the big boys."

M'OL was given an opportunity to respond to several complaints from customers but just brushed them off with crap statistics. When asked why Ryanair never answer the phone he was reported to say "because they keep you on the bloody phone all day!" Absolutely priceless.

M'OL has done a fine job of creating the airline, but he's now a liability. Perhaps the Ryan's need a more conciliatory MD for the next stage? :)

Evo7 15th Jan 2002 23:57

I thought that MO'L was better than the passengers - "We've paid £19 for this flight, but there was a problem and the flight was cancelled. We demand free hotels, hire cars and a BA ticket back home...."

<slap, slap, slap>

You get what you pay for, chaps....

MO'L didn't sound good, mind. Just better than the passengers :)

Avenger 16th Jan 2002 00:19

Why can't these consumer police stop knocking the low cost airlines? Maybe £20 should be added to each ticket just to have a fund to compensate the wingers... we would still be much cheaper than the competition... and folks would still travel.
It's totally wrong to give a 4 minute slagging and expect any CEO to take it on the chin.
This type of irresponsible reporting will cost jobs in the long run.
The industry and staff should support MOL on this one
P**s O*f watchdog

Dan Dare 16th Jan 2002 00:23

Customer Service? Not at these prices!

I think it might pay dividends for return business to consideer the customer (and the staff!)

Loved Roger Bacon's Straight and Level in Flight today....

<a href="http://www.flightinternational.com/fi_frameset.asp?target=fi_issue/is_reg_comment.asp" target="_blank">www.Highwaymanair.com</a>

Step 1.
Out of a job? Wanna a new one? No problem! Simply cough up your credit card number and $100 to fill out the online application. Nothing could be easier.

Step 2.
Great news, you can come for an interview! But don't forget to authorise a further $100.

Step 3.
Excellent, you passed the interview! Now come for a simulator assessment for only another $250.

Step 4.
Congratulations! Your simulator assessment was OK. You are well on your way to being back in the air again. But first you'll need a conversion course. That'll be $20,000 thank you.

Step 5.
Well done. You completed the conversion course. Unfortunately we don't have any jobs left and have decided to concentrate on our much more profitable business of selling interviews and simulator time - sorree!!

[ 15 January 2002: Message edited by: Dan Dare ]</p>

Vortillion 16th Jan 2002 01:33


Quite right you get what you pay for, I don't dispute that. But the vast majority of the travelling public don't understand the economics of the low cost business model.

If I owned Ryanair I wouldn't allow that rabid pitbull (dressed like a forty-something student) onto national TV to explain the facts. He's clearly incapable of diplomacy and therefore a liability. Just because he was correct it doesn't mean he had to say so! Fun to watch though. <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

touch&go 16th Jan 2002 01:34

This is why I stopped watching this gutter, cheap and trash excuse for TV, this program has created a real Watchdog mentality were everyone shouts the odds about there rights, and sue anyone, and thing at a drop of a hat, as for Nicky Campbell, he interviews people and doesn’t listen to there answers, then finishes off the interview with a below the belt comment without giving the interviewee an opportunity to answer.

I am not a Ryanair employee, just someone who hate’s this program and the way it has changed the British people………..treating people with respect, good manners with ‘please and thank you’ I find gets me most thing sorted out.

I’ll get of my soapbox now.

andy.summers 16th Jan 2002 02:02

I once watched a Watchdog film crew doing an article on kiddies' clubs in a holiday hotel trying to cajole 3 and 4 year olds to say things that would be damaging to the tour operator. Happily the said kids didn't say the right thing, and the report was never shown, but it demonstrates the depths to which this licence-payer-funded junk programme will go.

Unfortunately I missed tonight's episode. However can't say I'm a great fan of either Watchdog or Ryanair!

eeper 16th Jan 2002 02:36

Can't say that I'm a huge fan of Ryanair, but I agree with most of the posts that Watchdog has gone downhill in recent years. Nicky Campbell seems to prefer a soundbite, Kilroy-esque kind of program to any sort of serious reporting. Some of the closing lines on reports are positively cringe-worthy...

I think that we are in a transition period. People are used to the sort of extras that you get with the big carriers (hotels if your flight is delayed, backup aircraft etc.) and haven't figured out that you cannot expect this for twenty quid. When people realise this some will return to BA and BM while others will take the risk and stick to the lowcosts. It will take time , but I suspect that the two styles of operation can co-exist.

dallas dude 16th Jan 2002 05:25

Slightly off the subject I know but anyway several years ago Watchdog did a "skit" on the fact that my brother's house/back garden, having been built on the site of the old incinerator at what was previously RAF Chessington, "Was a hazardous waste site and what was the developer going to do about it?".

Sadly, my brother took these people at their word when they said they truly were interested in helping the "little guy".

The show ended up being complete bo**ocks and four years later my brother's still waiting for resolution!

MOL is probably still laughing all the way to the bank for the free advertising! Thanks Watchdog!

(a dog with no 'nads ain't no watchdog!)

dik dastardly 16th Jan 2002 07:11

Can't say I'm a big fan of MOL. Ryanair is only low cost if it suits them ie if you want to travel when they are giving out promo's. However you can't blame him for exploiting the masses who assume that a low cost profile means its always the cheapest option. MOL has said it often enough for the public to believe it..no point in them crying wolf if it turns out it wasn't the deal they thought it was. However MOL's profile is becoming worrying arrogant in a marketplace with some high quality low cost alternatives. It'll be interesting to see who comes out top of the low cost tree.

David Hurst 16th Jan 2002 11:32

The likes of Watchdog (and You and Yours on Radio 4) have different priorities to the consumer. The first priority is to keep the viewer's interest by having 'good' television. Their second priority is to find enough nasty rip-off merchants to fill the time available - and hopefully fed from the audience rather than finding their own. Their third is to keep themselves in jobs and hopefully go on to something better. Then, and only then, are they interested in the consumer.
By all means get them involved in your problem but recognise where they are coming from and use them rather than the reverse.

twistedenginestarter 16th Jan 2002 12:32

I thought the interview was very valuable. For the first time I can remember, someone (MOL) specifically stated that no frills actually means no fairly fundamental things. For example, MOL said he will by and large ignore your attempts to complain.

Even worse he accepted that your ticket is not reliable ie it's pot luck whether you will actually make the journey within a couple of days of what's on your ticket. That is really quite serious to most people.

Against that he claimed, and he convinced me, that average ticket price is £35. That is staggeringly low. I just wouldn't have expected that. I can't see how BA can live with that in the long run.

52049er 16th Jan 2002 12:40

Was I the only one to notice his ...ahem... 'interesting' use of statistics -

"Last year BA sold 45 million tickets at an average price of £185. We sold 10 million at an average price of £35. That means every person that bought a Ryanair ticket saved £150".

Indeed. Exactly how much does Ryanair charge for a return to SYD?

Shame NC didnt ask about his alleged non payment of landing charges.

I have nothing against the cheapo's at all - but the sooner consumers understand why their ticket is so cheap (ie no accom, tough if your a/c is tech etc etc) the better, if only to stop people moaning to such programmes.

Trinity 09L 16th Jan 2002 12:45

The interviewer tries to perform like Anne Robinson, but I am afriad he is the weakest link in the program, losing his cool and pen wagging. He has not been a success story for the Beeb. Has he the ability to run an airline? Interesting to establish if he has ever travelled on a budget airline, though I suspect not and always on tax payers executive/first or freebies. <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

leander 16th Jan 2002 13:49

I came across Watchdog's investigative integrity some years ago. Shortly after I had changed airlines I was contacted and asked to 'confirm' that I had left the previous job due to their allegedly poor safety record. Fortunately I had some of my wits about me and managed not to say anything that could be misquoted. I then contacted the previous Chief Pilot who's legal department threatened action against the BBC that very day. Needless to say the article was dumped.

bow5 16th Jan 2002 14:26

Nicky Campbell is a mis-informed prat. You only have to listen to the guys radio program to know that.

I've never heard one man spout so much total bulls**t everytime he goes on air!!

People think too much nowadays. The bare facts are that if you pay £20 for an airline ticket then you live with the consequences. Gees, I paid £20 for a 15 mile taxi ride the other night.

Get some bloody perspective!!

danfulton 16th Jan 2002 14:41

I though MOL handled Nicky Campbell quite well - stated that if you write in with a complaint it will be dealt with in 24 hours and a response sent.

Another item on Watchdog last night was about the scandal that restaurants charge more for wine than supermarkets.

Do you think they are desperately looking for targets??

expedite_climb 16th Jan 2002 14:50

Slightly off topic but .. - last year watchdog ran an article on some pigs that had to live in straw covered in mud and s***. Now come on - really !!

sgt.culpepper 16th Jan 2002 15:29

Don't you just love it! A presenter who talks just as much bull**** as Mo'L.Avenger, about "a CEO expected to take it on the chin" . Well Mo'L has been dishing it out for years and like all bullies when he is on the recieving end ,he can't take it.Vortillion,if N.C is incapable of diplomacy where does that leave Mo'L with his well known personal attacks on anyone that gets in his way including an appalling onslaught on a Government minister in Ireland. She , of course is making him pay dearly for it now by blocking his plans for a deal at DUB.
52049er, you have it spot on. Mo'L is a master at quoting statistics to effect a totally misleading conclusion.Nicky C, well N.C may be mis informed and that is inexcusable, Mo'L however is well informed yet choses to misinform . There is a world of a difference.

5711N0205W 16th Jan 2002 16:19

Nicky Campbell started out as breakfast DJ on Northsound Radio in Aberdeen quite a few years ago and was widely regarded as a prat then. Someone who can make Anne (Botox) Robinson look like a good presenter must be awful.
His interviewing style has always been to have the louder voice and talk over the interviewee. not a great advert for BBC integrity in journalism, but a good example of dumbing down at work!

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