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VIKING9 10th Sep 2000 22:04

http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gifI cant believe Thunderbirds has just returned to Beeb2. Those guys had some imagination back in the 70's. Why do we need the A3XXF when we already have Thunderbird2 with chief pilot Virgil?? :rolleyes: I reckon Gerry Anderson secretly hangs out in Toulouse these days http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

waco 10th Sep 2000 23:52

Would just love to be an ops guy with Thunderbirds:
You just call em out, no "i'm out of hours for that"
"car'nt you find some one else"
"not another night flight"
"no I'm not on standby, anyway I've just had a drink"

Off they go and get that job done.

They never go tech either, must have great engineering cover and just keep flying without refering to the mel. No performance required
especially for TB2 off that short runway!!

What a great bunch of guys. Wish they worked for my outfit.

Hey just a minute,

one or two of them just might............
Thanks for your help guys and girls.

VIKING9 10th Sep 2000 23:58

And what does "FAB" stand for anyway :rolleyes:

waco 11th Sep 2000 00:13

Fly And Booze ?

Xebec 11th Sep 2000 00:41

Follow As Broadcast

Xebec Tracy (Thunderbird 10)

That's me behind the camera.

[This message has been edited by Xebec (edited 10 September 2000).]

JB007 11th Sep 2000 01:42

Hey Waco,

I've just noticed the likeness with you and Parker !!!! :)

Hear All...See All...Say Now't.

Mycroft 11th Sep 2000 02:59

Don't forget the performance of the Fireflash (as seen on first episode: 600 Pax; 250,000 ft; Mach 6 (which it reaches on climb) impessive even if the couldn' afford headsets and had huge handheld mics. Incidently; how old is Jeff Tracey - I always believed series was based around 2065 (ie 100 years in future when it was made) but Jeff is stated to have been one of the first men on the moon - an event in the foreseeable near future when it was made.

TOGA_Party 11th Sep 2000 04:50

If Brains married supermodel Claudia Schiffer, would she be know as Claudia Schiffer-Brains?? :)

mik 11th Sep 2000 11:55

I loved the Fireflash episode, esp. the wonderful oh-so-British accents from the tower crew.

My wife added to that episode slightly - when Virgil's elevator car crashes near the end of the episode and ends up upside down with him in it. Scott calls him on the radio : "Virgil, are you all right?". My wife replied "My strings! I can't feel my strings!" :)

VIKING9 11th Sep 2000 14:30

Nice piccy Xebec. I often wondered what happend to the alleged leader of Debonair. Seems he is now residing in some dug out cavern in Italy with the boys. All posing for the camera after a board meeting to discuss what to call the next failure. Callsign "DEB" - Don't Even Blink - it's over in a flash. Or was that Gordon?? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gifEven Debonair had a mole but not quite like Mr Andersons' http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

Xebec 11th Sep 2000 18:15

Good one Toga!
Excellent series, but the acting is a bit wooden.

Xebec Tracy http://freespace.virgin.net/anthony....es/Button3.gif

[This message has been edited by Xebec (edited 11 September 2000).]

gaunty 11th Sep 2000 18:25

Go Thunderbirds Go :)

WeatherJinx 11th Sep 2000 23:13

Lady P: Parker?

Parker: Yus, M'lady?

Lady P: Take off my shoes.....

Parker: Yus, M'lady...

Lady P: And Parker?

Parker: Yus, M'lady?

Lady P: Take off my coat....

Parker: Yus, M'lady...

Lady P: Parker?

Parker: Yus, M'lady?

Lady P: Take off my dress....

Parker: Yus, M'lady...

Lady P: And Parker?

Parker: Yus, M'lady??

Lady P: Take off my bra....

Parker: Yus, M'lady

Lady P: And Parker?

Parker: Yus, M'lady?

Lady P: Take off my panties....

Parker: Er, yus, M'lady

Lady P: Oh and , er, Parker?

Parker: Yus, M'lady?

Lady P: Don't let me EVER, EVER catch you wearing my clothes again.....

WxJx :) :) :)

[This message has been edited by WeatherJinx (edited 11 September 2000).]

Joe Ninety 12th Sep 2000 14:04

I can't believe I'm about to give out the Thunderbirds URL on pprune - still, at least I have an excuse for knowing it, namely my 4 year old son... Mycroft, if you want to know all about Jeff Tracey, his age and background, and those of all the rest of the family, servants and hangers on, it's all on www.thunderbirdsonline.com

Hey, let's face it, I would know, wouldn't I? - he's a distant relative, after all!!

mach78 12th Sep 2000 21:44

Seventies?-this was made in the sixties-

Slasher 13th Sep 2000 06:31

Bring back the REAL stuff like Space Patrol! I miss Captain Larry Dart, Husky and Slim running around the solar system in the Meson-powered Galasphere 347.

Another favorite was Supercar with Mike Mercury and Dr Beaker.


"Yobba Rays on!"

[This message has been edited by Slasher (edited 13 September 2000).]

Damsel 13th Sep 2000 06:55

Xebec, thank you for the FAB answer, that FAB thing has puzzled the entire family for years!!
(how sad)(and we won't mention that we have all the video's, the toys, the books, even Tracy Island...........)

GulfStreamV 13th Sep 2000 14:23

"I always believed series was based around 2065 (ie 100 years in future when it was made) but Jeff is stated to have been one of the first men on the moon "

Jeff was one of the first men on the inhabited moon colony setup.


Eric 13th Sep 2000 14:23

I don't think my wife is fully into Thunderbirds. Last week's episode had the Mole in action, and as it returned to its trolley covered in dirt, I wondered out loud whether Brains had designed a device to clean all the gear.
She replied, "They probably just rinse them under the tap" - no romance some people!

swashplate 13th Sep 2000 15:08

I've mentioned this before ('Kursk' disaster) but no-one picked up on it:

Why dont' we all stump up for a REAL 'International Rescue' service?

When emergencies happen, these guys can go and do the rescue, and the politicians cand do **** all (like usual) and take the credit!

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