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TwoDeadDogs 7th Oct 2000 20:36

EI Whingefest...
Truly,EI pilots have brass necks...In today's Irish Independent(a paper not altogether friendly to EI),Capts Orla Clancy and Barry Tighe address the readership about their pay claim for a 100% pay-rise and how hard they are having it.It starts off with the claim that they should have pay parity with the other members of the OneWorld alliance,purely because they fly the same types to the same airports,ergo,they must have the same workload.??? Does that mean that I,as an engineer,or my fellow employees,be they cleaner,planner,storeman,receptionist,etc.can claim parity of pay with our erstwhile colleagues in the USA,OZ or UK,purely because we do the same job? That doesn't make sense.Living standards,taxes,costs of living in all these different countries make a mockery of that argument,not to mention the fact of non-recognition of licenses between these countries. After this,the poor mite goes on to explain how she's finding it hard to raise three kids on £50K per annum(no mention of her husband's salary,as a top civil servant,or his and her work-related benefits)and is reduced to driving a 1992 Passat and roughing it in chain-store clothing and having only a modest 4-bed semi-d.My heart bleeds.I wonder how much she'd make if she sold it,in these Celtic Tiger climes.She also whinges about early-morning starts,time away from home and lost weekends.No mention is made of the copious annual leave or the allowances,of course.
Capt.Tighe,to his credit,is more restrained,but still allows a whinette to slide in,"...or do damage to a finger or hand.You're finished..." That's what Loss of License insurance is for.No such benefit exists for engineers.He also gripes about how arduous flying the Atlantic is.He's so put out,so he says,that he's cut down to a four-day week.Not bad for £87K(+benefits)per annum.The fact that most pilots in EI would sell their first-born to get a seat on an Atlantic route is obviously beside the point.To quote one F/O who has recently achieved a 330 seat,"I thought I'd died and gone to Heaven!". To Ms.Clancy and her colleagues,I say,try it on less than half your annual take-home and a worse roster,and a work environment that is usually cold,wet,filthy and a perpetual health risk(from poisonous Hydraulic fluid,carcigogenic kerosene and oil,etc).
They were quite happy to accept 8% not that long ago.Obviously,time has faded their collective memories.
regards from the headset.

Compton 7th Oct 2000 21:46

Hey Two Dead Dogs!
I'm glad to see that somebody agrees with me!
I'll add to your posting that if Orla Clancy or Barry Tighe really really want a BA salary, why don't they pack up and cross the pond to blighty, and get a job with BA ??
Oh ! I forgot, they want the best of both worlds (or should that be one world?)
EI crew should grow up a bit, it's a big bad world out there when you can now longer hide under the governments apron strings.
As for Orla whinging about early starts, time away from home or weekends lost - bummer, that's what you already get paid for.
Try a 9-5 office job on £10 or £15 grand a year and you'll soon cry a different tune.

[This message has been edited by PPRuNe Towers (edited 12 October 2000).]

minuteman 12th Oct 2000 18:18

Do either of you two REALLY know what's going on with EI? Mmmmmm, I'd reserve judgement if I was you...

CaptSensible 13th Oct 2000 02:48

Judgement minuteman? They don't have any, just prejudice and stupidity.
And I'm acting against the better part of my judgement by getting on this thread to tell you, and anyone else, to let this die a natural death, just like it was doing.

Au Revoir mes petits.

TwoDeadDogs 13th Oct 2000 03:54

Hello,Minuteman and Capt.Sensible.
With regard to your comments,I must admit to being quite peeved after reading the article in the Indo.No such luxury has applied to the rest of EI's staff,ie,a whole page in a national newspaper to state their case.As one of EI's engineers,I have a stake in trying to find out what in God's name the company has planned for the likes of us non-pilots.They have made a complete shambles of informing their staff of what is going to happen during and after the flotation next Spring.Our cabin crews,handlers and clerical staff are on the verge of picking up placards over pathetic wages and conditions(for example,cabin crew on temporary contracts for IR£5000 p.a.; catering staff trying to earn a little more than McDonald's staff).As regards us at the spanner-wielding end,our company intends to shed it's turboprops and some of it's 146s.Where does that leave us? Are we down the road? Who knows? No-one is saying or telling.Apart from all that,I find the pilots' claim for a 100% pay-rise,when compared to what the non-pilots are looking for,to be a tad greedy.We still have not got what we were owed from the last pay round.Everyone is entitled to a decent living but Ms.Clancy's whinging just put the cap on my frustration.

Compton 13th Oct 2000 05:39

OOPs Sorry Folks!
It seems PPRUNE TOWERS decided to edit my previous post.
I guess my comments might have been mis-understood, and I apologise fully for any hurt of mis-understanding my post may have caused to Capt. Clancy.
While I take back my comments previously made, I still firmly believe that greed is the driving factor behind the current pay claim by EI pilots.
Orla - Sorry for any distress caused. I'm sure you are a first class operator. I had no right to believe, or to pass on using this forum, the mis-givings of collegues in EI. Please except my apoligies.
I wish you the very best of luck with your pay claim, but I still firmly believe it is not waranted.
Here endeth the lesson.
Compy. ;)
P.S. Thanks PPRUNE Towers for editing my post. I would have done it myself but I've not seen PPRUNE for almost a week now due a busy roster.
I owe you a pint or two ! :)

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