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-   -   Farnborough display checks have started July 8th 14:00 hrs (https://www.pprune.org/spectators-balcony-spotters-corner/334262-farnborough-display-checks-have-started-july-8th-14-00-hrs.html)

aviate1138 8th Jul 2008 15:54

Farnborough display checks have started July 8th 14:00 hrs
From the leafy glades of the Surrey Hills just south of Farnham I can hear fast jets strutting their stuff at EGLF. Rewards are that a griffon engined, invasion striped Spitfire has appeared twice over our abode. That and an Apache [probably from Odium].

Of course I am hoping the Tin Triangle will appear at some time in the next few days for its display check flight? Anyone know when that might be?

Gulf4uk 8th Jul 2008 18:40

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Visual06 8th Jul 2008 21:14

Thurs afternoon is the scheduled arrival for the "tin triangle" according to the sheet I saw today whilst airside :ok:

chevvron 9th Jul 2008 07:53

The invasion striped Spitty was actually a Merlin engine, but a Griffon one did fly after it.
Anyway it started monday with the Catalina.

overfly 9th Jul 2008 22:49

elsewhere they're saying 558 has gone u/s - no detail on what, or time to fix.

Max Angle 10th Jul 2008 16:15

It was in the air over Farnborough this afternoon, what a sight (and sound).

SpringHeeledJack 10th Jul 2008 21:32

The rain came in sheets and then........ out of the west came the menacing form of the Vulcan. It was truely impressive, big sweeping arcs in the sky, rarely going outside the limits of the airfield it seemed. It's been a few years since i last saw one flying, amazing :ok:

It didn't stay on station too long , perhaps due to fuel constraints, but most likely due to the low rain clouds that hung around whilst it flew. Kudos to the crew for what must have been a 'challenging' sortie what with transit traffic in the London TMA and the visibility at Farnborough. A last blast of the Olympus donks and it scooted back off to the west.

The weather soon cleared :ugh::rolleyes: and then bit by bit those who remained were treated to various breathtaking displays by variously F16s, F18,s and then later in the afternoon 2 smudges on the western horizon that weren't Chinooks going into Odiham, but......F22s!!!! One peeled off, the other came over the airfield and for seemingly 10mins gave a display of such power and dexterity that it was a joy to behold. EVERY car alarm in the area where i stood was set off :} It then met up with it's buddy and they headed off northwards (RIAT ?).

The Eurofighter turned up later in the afternoon and gave a good repost to the Raptor, amazing what a few microchips and a g-suit can acheive :)

Also of note were the display of the C-27 transport plane and the Bell Agusta BA609 Tiltrotor.



scudpilot 11th Jul 2008 17:05

The two aircraft you saw coming in were not both F22's , I know because I was treated a to a low level flypast along the A30 between Hook and Blackbushe.. awesome.... lucky enough to see the F22 displaying and followed by what was I think an F18, who was acting as his wing man when I saw them over the A30.

SpringHeeledJack 11th Jul 2008 18:02

The two aircraft you saw coming in were not both F22's , I know because I was treated a to a low level flypast along the A30 between Hook and Blackbushe.. awesome.... lucky enough to see the F22 displaying and followed by what was I think an F18, who was acting as his wing man when I saw them over the A30.
You know what Scud, that's what i thought and said to those i was with, but they were adamant that the F22s 'travel in pairs' due to security reasons..... The F18 seemed to 'loiter' around Odiham as the F22 did it's amazing display (shades of the Mig/sukhoi displays and Anatoly Kvotchur) and then they met up again and headed north to the west of Farnborough. I was, of course, a good distance away and my monocular better suited to spotting goats on a mountainside than aircraft, but the silhouette was different to my mind and eyes. That has pleased me, the old eyeballs aren't finished yet :)



chevvron 11th Jul 2008 18:07

To put you out of your misery, it was an F15.

SpringHeeledJack 11th Jul 2008 18:29

Yeah, but, no, but yeah that's what i said! :}

Actually i could see two grey vertical stabalisers, but not wether they were vertical or angled with my 'goat glass'



Flightman 12th Jul 2008 08:03

F22. :ok:

scudpilot 12th Jul 2008 09:12

assumed it was an F18 as I did not think that F15 was still in production? Cheers though....:ok:

G_KKES 12th Jul 2008 10:19

There is no F15 display this year according to the "official" Flying Schedule.

Listening out, I heard the arrival of the Vulcan predicted @12.30 but this was usurped by emergency landing of the RoN 737 ;) I nipped down the local pub 300m from the threshold, but it landed safely.

XH558 arrived from the west and appeared out of the gloom. Ceiling around 800' at this time. I was very close and she stayed high, so shots are mostly of her underbelly.

Toodle 12th Jul 2008 17:01

An F-15 (86-0176) escorted the F-22 from Fairford to Odiham where the F-22 was left to fend for itself all the way to Farnborough did its display then returned to be escorted home again :rolleyes:

Gulf4uk 12th Jul 2008 20:04

vulcan at Farnborough
The Vulcan arrived back at Farnborough this afternoon and was \IS
opposite the TAG Terminal . Said to be staying all week but Flying
weekend only. Air India 777 Has arrived as has a C17.


aviate1138 19th Jul 2008 08:45

Chevvron said

"The invasion striped Spitty was actually a Merlin engine, but a Griffon one did fly after it."

Aviate has noted.....

The invasion striped Spitty that flew over me was Griffon engined, as I can tell the difference in sound, even at my advanced years!


Photograph of Aircraft G-RRGN

SpringHeeledJack 19th Jul 2008 10:23

An F-15 (86-0176) escorted the F-22 from Fairford to Odiham where the F-22 was left to fend for itself all the way to Farnborough did its display then returned to be escorted home again
Having heard various theories as to why said "Rapture" (overheard yesterday :}) needs an escort, it would be nice to hear some firm reason. Theories are a) to confuse radar signature b) to ward off attack from hostiles! c) US Airforce custom.....

If it were b) then it would be interesting to know what would happen over foreign soil :confused: If it were a) then the cousins aren't very trusting towards their allies. :suspect:



RichieD 19th Jul 2008 17:54

Having heard various theories as to why said "Rapture" (overheard yesterday :}) needs an escort, it would be nice to hear some firm reason.
I suspect (although don't know for sure) that the F-22 currently doesn't have the required avionics fit (Mode-S) to transit through UK controlled airspace.. the escort aircraft probably does and would allow ATC to "see" the aircraft (don't forget that the F-22 has been designed to have a small radar cross section... so that it can't be seen by radar!)

chevvron 19th Jul 2008 18:02

Ah I've seen what you mean. Whereas Carollyns Merlin Spitfire has a 'full set', Andy Sephton's Griffon engined one only has them on the underside! (I'd only seen it looking down from the tower-that's my excuse anyway)

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