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LONGBOW1 12th Aug 2005 14:13

hanger vists
hi all, anyone ever managed to wrangle a vist to a maintenence hanger? i live quite close to man airport and both monarch and my travel have large facilities there, i would imagine a chance to vist and see the aircraft being mantained close up would be fascinating

skiddyiom 12th Aug 2005 15:14

Longbow, A written request to the Base Maintenance Manager may help you there. No harm in asking.


Avman 12th Aug 2005 15:33

And, just for your future reference, it's a hangar and not a hanger. Common mistake made by too many spotters I'm afraid. ;)

freikorps 12th Aug 2005 15:48

what a muppet!, does it really matter how he spelt it for gods sake? we all know where hes coming from, on a more helpfull note longbow i have in the past taken the odd visitor around the my travel hangar at man i will see what the suituation is at present and pm you

Rainboe 12th Aug 2005 16:36

It's no harm just pointing out the correct spelling of a subject so dear to all our hearts! No need to make a diplomatic incident, it was just a gentle correction. Now let's all try and sort out there, their, they're. Its, it's
Next lesson we will get onto whose, who's.

Fernando_Covas 12th Aug 2005 16:40

How about sorting out Your and You're too.:E

paddyboy 12th Aug 2005 16:47

He did...http://www.anchoredbygrace.com/smileys/splitform.gif

Bus429 12th Aug 2005 18:29

How about structuring your sentences, using capitals where required and using the odd burst of punctuation?
Nothing wrong with correcting spelling or punctuation; it makes us a better nation.;)

Fernando, you left out the question mark.

Rainboe 12th Aug 2005 19:05

Oh wonderful! You people are after my own heart! It's so exciting to see wonderful grammar! Next, we must go around in a gang exterminating people who do this!!!!! And ask questions with?????? And then those people who talk in ROTFL and TTFN.....gassed!!!! And as for using smillies........petrol bomb them!

Fernando_Covas 12th Aug 2005 19:38

Fernando, you left out the question mark.
My Engilsh will never be as good as someone who speaks it as their first language. So can I be excused...?

treadigraph 12th Aug 2005 20:00

Might as well be hangered for a sheep as for a lamb...

A bit of gentle grammar/spelling correction never does anybody any harm so long asit isn't aggressive, 'tis how we all learn after all; AvMan is correct, plenty of people do spell Hangar incorrectly including my mates who design 'em for a living...

As for Freikorps offering to see what can be done to assist Longbow with his quest - top bloke!

I thought Fernando's original comment was rhetorical. Ah me...

PPRuNe - educational, inspirational, confrontational, generous and, damn me, if it isn't addictive too!

TTFN, whoops, I mean Cheers!

PS, who's going to challenge me on my over-use of the elipsis...

sabre 60 12th Aug 2005 21:13

unfortunately people like "muppet" and Rainboe are looking for a prey on pprune and will take the first oppurtunity to chop somebody off by the knees. Maybe they should get a life and stop the B.S.:yuk:

paddyboy 12th Aug 2005 21:16

My Engilsh will never be as good as someone who speaks it as their first language. So can I be excused...?
Not really!!!

If you're not confident with the Queens English then do not comment(& then retract)...

This thread has had it's 15 seconds of fame.:) :) :)

Good luck LONGBOW1 and apologies for assisting with the derailment of your request.

I shall now stop triplicating.;););)

Rainboe 12th Aug 2005 23:04


unfortunately people like "muppet" and Rainboe are looking for a prey on pprune and will take the first oppurtunity to chop somebody off by the knees. Maybe they should get a life and stop the B.S.
....the only one doing any 'chopping' or looking for an argument here is you lad! Rainboe's life is just fine thank you, & no BS to anyone- just trying to get us all remembering our grammar in the gentlest way. Unfortunately some people find any attempt at corrections a cause to come out fighting!

Tempsford 12th Aug 2005 23:09

PM me, I may be able to help.


Onan the Clumsy 13th Aug 2005 03:27

So can I be excused...?
Even if you can be excused, that only opens the possibility that you shall be so excused.

Bus429 13th Aug 2005 08:21

I wasn't - note use of apostrophe - being serious.
Treadigraph: rhetorical - art of effective speaking or writing; artificial or exaggerated language.
I also understand that a rhetorical question expects no answer.
Here endeth a very strange lesson. The original post was about hangar visits. While working in the QA department of an MRO at MAN, I got permission to show my son and friends around the facility and aircraft therein ("therein" does not appear in the Collins Gem).
So, Longbow - give Monarch or MyTravel a call.

LONGBOW1 13th Aug 2005 11:19

firstly a big thanks to freikorps who has kindly arranged for me to tour a couple of airbuses undergoing maintenence,really looking forward to that, also tempsford for your kind offer of help, what a contrast to the rather sad people who could only offer petty nit picking over my poor spelling, as one poster said perhaps you people really do need to get a life:O :O :O ,thanks again chaps

Avman 13th Aug 2005 13:45

Dear Mr LONGBOW 1,

I'm sorry that you were offended by my correcting your spelling error. I do not profess to be the world's greatest authority either in English spelling or grammar. I simply thought that, as an obvious aviation enthusiast, it might interest you to spell a common aviation word correctly. Just the same as so many people get irritated at the common mispelling of Britannia Airways as "Brittania Airways".

Yours sincerely,


LONGBOW1 13th Aug 2005 15:22

hi ,i wasnt offended in the least i was just rather disappointed(as were others clearly) that people feel the need to try and score cheap points over such trivia , if this was a english grammer forum i could understand it, as its a aviation forum i cannot really, anyway thats your problem, however my disappointment is mellowed somewhat by the kind actions of people like freikorps and tempsford who im sure are in the majority on this site, thanks again :ok: :ok: :ok:

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