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DOC.400 10th Jan 2005 20:43

Interesting Apporaches?
Having not quite exhausted the potential of FS2004 Century of Flight (Xmas pressie from Mrs DOC.400 -bless her!), I've got hooked on flying approaches based on Jeppesens Simcharts Europe disc.

Innsbruck for one, off the hold at 9500' and a 4 degree decent profile to offset localiser........fine until I attempted the 'circle to land'..... :-( -are there any other European airfields with involved approaches I should have a go at??


minibus3 10th Jan 2005 21:09


One that comes to mind is Samos, Greece (LGSM/SMI).

From memory(!); it's 6000' by the SAM VOR, outbound from the SAM VOR R-165 descending to 3000', and then right turn inbound to the VOR descending to MDA for a circling approach most often to 09. Quite challenging! Also consider the weather, with the wind from the north off the hills, with gusts.

Best of luck,


Jinkster 10th Jan 2005 21:30

Gibraltar (LXGB) - interesting approach due to wind from the rock and approach over the sea.

London City (EGCY) - 5 degree glide slope

err... cant think of anymore.

oh....i was playing on flight sim, cant remember the name but on 2004 in Canada there is an airport which is below the sea (!!! I know) basically water pours like a waterfall around it!

Very odd. Think it was in BC somewhere.

Good luck,


chiglet 10th Jan 2005 21:48

I believe that "Bluey West One" Greenland is "interesting"

Hotel Mode 11th Jan 2005 13:34

The ones i've flown for real Innsbruck is the most fun (normally go visual down the valley, but the one time i went to minima on that approach in a snow storm concentrated the mind!) Nice is very scenic, the Riviera visual particularly. Marseilles involves lots of changes of direction and Beacon and can be quite busy. Still think the approach to LHR at dusk or dawn takes some beating for views!

Also try spitzbergen in flight sim if you can find charts

UPSAirOps 11th Jan 2005 17:04

I have a friend who lives in St. Maarten and am planning to visit probably over April at some point - looking forward to the approach into SXM!

Empty Cruise 11th Jan 2005 17:22

As far as LOWI is concerned - the circling manoeuvre is best concluded on an intercept hdg to the opposite rwy IGS (ILS, really, but they cannot call it that since some rocks at 1,5 NM final penetrate the ILS OAS). When commencing the turn, switch to the nwe ILS frq & set the CDI to the new heading, then arm APCH. Works a treat :} Oh yeah - in real life, let the FMC do it for you :ouch:

Of other interesting apches i can recommend ENMO, EKVG, EGPB, and LZSI - all good fun.


ATIS 11th Jan 2005 17:22

If your computer has it try Sion in Switzerland (LSGS). 6 degree IGS approach from 25 to 5 miles. Then a visual segment with a slight dog leg to avoid overflying the local hospital.

Kestrel_909 11th Jan 2005 17:23

Sion, LSGS (I think) is quite scenic.

DOC.400 12th Jan 2005 12:21

Well, I can only thank you all for the feedback!!

I will try them ALL!!

Jinkster -You're right on Samos, interesting as you fly towards the mountain on downwind for 09!! My wife got stranded there a few years ago due to the Melteme blowing.....The outbound leg from the beacon very close to Turkish airspace, that must have made life a bit more interesting a few years ago.......

London City -I've heard it's like going down on an elevator, and even FS gives that impression!!! BTW, they have an informative little website: www.lcacc.org/operations.html

Hotel Mode -tks for feedback on Innsbruck.

Empty Cruise -APCH? Sorry, not familiar with that FLA....Have found plate for Visual Approach Procedure with headings and heights -it's just difficult to keep track of the runway on the sim!!

ATIS -now Sion, you're talking!! That took a couple of attempts to get right......Whilst approach plate shows 7400' QNH at D12, not clear on whether to coninue at DA (H) (4500') past hospital and then descend to land?

I've also found Marseille and Nice plates, and also Narsarsuaq, which warns about icebergs on finals.....eek!

I'll have a crack at Gib, must dial in some turbulence to make it real, judging by the warnings, and keep clear of Spanish airspace -does that still apply.

I can see where you guys earn your money!! ;-)

Keep 'em coming.

Oh and BTW, min. approach speed for a B737-400 please?


ATIS 12th Jan 2005 19:04


At 4500 DA elect to continue or go-around. If continuing its visual all the way to runway. So therefore you can descend, but at a normal rate. The PAPI's are pretty good if its not too sunny.

In the years that I have been flying, its the only flight where I keep on hearing of passengers getting out of their seats to get a good view. We seat the cabin crew for landing b4 leaving MOT VOR. Its about a further 15 mins for the procedure. Stunning views on a nice day.

By the way what a/c type did you use on the sim.

Forgot to add absolutely NO OVERFLYING of the hospital, hence the dog leg. I\'m sure the PAX are thinking where is this fool going now

BeechNut 12th Jan 2005 20:06

Try Longyear in the Svalbard islands, rwy 28 localizer: approach on 351T from the SV beacon, intercept the localizer at 5000', fly down the localizer on 301T, down a mountain valley, the go visual before MDA of 530' and line up to land. You can fly the 737, there's jet service to that airport.

Kathmandu is also pretty interesting.

Also try a visual into Bhutan's only airport, in a jet (Air Bhutan is apparently getting or has received an A319, so it's doable...supposedly).


TheOddOne 12th Jan 2005 20:29

Another good one is Funchal on Madeira. The ends of the runway are on stilts over the sea, with just a 1-metre parapet at the ends of the runway. It's a commander-only landing and all foreign pilots have to have a checkout from the Portugese.

The Odd One

DOC.400 12th Jan 2005 20:55

Thanks again chaps!! More for the list.......

ATIS -I'm using the 737-400. But I do enjoy flying the DC3.....

Svalbard (Spitzbergen)-funny you should mention it, just flown the ILS DME 10 approach, I'll save 28 for another time!! Looks bl**dy involved though. Had to change to summer time to see the scenery as at this time of year it appears to be 24 hour darkness!

I never cease to be amazed as to what this FS can do......


BeechNut 12th Jan 2005 23:53

I flew Svalbard 28 last night myself. Night, with the weather turned to "winter storms". Popped out just at the right place to finish visually. Using a 737-300 downloaded and tweaked, with a photo-realistic panel.

Helps keep the skills honed while me Beechcraft is indoors getting some preventive TLC this winter.

Just for fun I have an old US Air 737 Ops manual at home (so old some pages are still labelled "Piedmont", and the data is incomplete for the 737-400 as they were just coming out then); so before each flight, I go through the trouble of calculating needed fuel for destination, alternate and hold, adding some payload, figuring out a take-off weight, and then pulling out the V-speeds for the takeoff. And at landing I pull out Vref for the approach. For Svalbard my alternate is my departure point (Tromso) so the takeoff at Tromso is made near MGTOW for a basic (LGW) 737-300.


Billings 13th Jan 2005 05:16

FS2004 and 737

I take it you're flying the default 737-400 that comes with FS2004?

If you are, you really need to look at the PMDG 737NG series of add on aircraft. You can find them here :

PMDG Website

This package includes the B737-600/700/800/900 and has options for winglets or not.

The only way I can describe this package is that it is the closest to the real thing as I have seen.

Fully functional MCP(VS mode/N1 mode/LVL Change/LNAV and VNAV/Bank angle limiter/Speed and ALT intervention buttons/CWS mode and full autoland).

FMC is about 90% of fully functional(Full LNAV and VNAV functionality with speed and path descents. Calculates V1, Vr and V2 depending on your GW and T/O flap settings with callouts, fuel flow computer so it will calculate VRef for a flaps 15, 30 or 40 approach. N1 limit page for derated take offs and climbs. The list goes on...)

TCAS is also available with full TA/RA functionality with the MCP/FMC and it also has GPWS!

Flies like the real thing(as reported by 737NG pilots who beta tested the product) including spoilers that aren't very effective. :} This will completely immerse you in 737 procedures and I think you'll find it just as much of a challenge learning to use this plane as you did learning the approach procedures.

Sort of looks real nice aswell! :8

In fact if you have a look around, you will find a lot of add ons for FS. Some are freeware and some are not. I generally find that the payware add ons are less troublesome and are, 9 times out of 10, worth every penny.

Anyway, hope this helps. Any other questions, just drop, me a note.



DOC.400 13th Jan 2005 06:54

Eeeek!! What have I started!!

Thanks for all that!!


BOAC 13th Jan 2005 10:10

DOC - try 140 kts, landing at 135. That's a sort of ball-park figure.

PPRuNe Pop 13th Jan 2005 10:47


My esteemed colleague is quite right :E Just thought I would mention it. :D

paddyboy 13th Jan 2005 10:48


I believe it's only VFR but still good fun!

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