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kipo 2nd Apr 2008 15:14

HELP please Help
I am French and I realized my training CPL and IR-ME MCC at Aeromadrid.
I have a few problems to be added to my qualifications IR-ME on my licence. Do you know a person who’s seepk English and who speaks English or French, to be able to talk directly with her.
The school Aeromadrid told me what needed only the copy of my licence sent to the form to add my qualifications IR_ME on my CPL Licensing, I do not understand how they will be able to add such qualifications without having the original licence do you think this is normal?
What is the average time to add qualifications to a CPL?

And I have to make a Rating B1900 in France, what is the procedure for adding this tape-rating on my licence, and it can be added this qualification in other DGAC centre instead the DGAC centre in Madrid (that is a bit far from my home)

Thank’s in advance

LEVC 2nd Apr 2008 23:39

The adding of the ratings is not a problem , they will print a new copy of your licence and will send it to you.

The B1900 rating is a different animal, in theory you can do it wherever you want provided is a JAR TRTO, BUT YOU NEED TO APPLY FIRST TO THE SPANISH DGAC, they will ask you for information about the TRTO (that will include a copy of the TRTO approval, copy of the Simulator JAR approval, copies of the TRI's and TRE's licences), when you provide all the documentation and if they are happy with it , then they will tell you it is ok to do your rating.

I know people who started a TR course without applying to the DGAC first and ended up having a lot of trouble and losing a lot of time to get the rating endorsed on the licence, if you apply beforehand it will take only 2 or 3 days to get it on your licence provided you go yourself to Madrid to feed them the documents as soon as you finish. By the way, you can count 1 or 2 moths before the DGAC guys say they are happy you do your rating ,so be patient.

Make sure you get some copies of the Forms for the TR course (they are the JAR format, but the first page is in spanish and has more stuff to fill in), they have to fill them and sign them in the TRTO when you complete the course.

Si j'etais a ta place, j'atendrais a avoir ta licence CPL avec ME-IR dessus, et appres j'irais a la dgac francaise pour echanger ta licence pour une licence francaise (ca peut prendre 2 ou3 mois) et appres je ferais la qualif sur B1900, t'auras moins d'enmerdes et appres tout tu veux travailler en france si je comprends bien, donc il vaudra mieux avoir une licence francaise.


LEVC 2nd Apr 2008 23:43

dgac offices are in Madrid only
No,you can't go anywhere else,the DGAC offices are only in Madrid, and you better go in person if you want things to get done quickly.
The only other way is by mail, but i do not recomend it, mail can and does get lost on the way.

kipo 3rd Apr 2008 08:31

Thank you for your answer. You speak french?

I have to wait two years before changing my licence to France. I started my training whith a a French CPL and I do my training in Spain IR_ME. the France did not want to recognize my qualifications carried out in Spain (I know it's stupid) I changed my French CPL to a Spanish CPL for adding my IR-ME.
I will seek the document request training tape-rating on the site of the DGAC, have you an idea of the name of this document ?
If I understand it is necessary that I send this document to tape- rating FTO and as I returned to the Spanish DGAC before starting my training?
Do you know if some people to the DGAC speak French or English?

ppppilot 3rd Apr 2008 10:02

Je crois que ici tu peut trouver un peux de informacion.
Bon vols

kipo 3rd Apr 2008 10:10

Merci pour ta reponse je vais essayé de trouver je ne parle pas espagnol, c'est là mon gros pb
une autre question je ne trouve pas de texte parlant du nouveau test de control de la langue anglaise FCL 1.028 sur le site tu me confirmes qu'il est necessaire en espagne aussi , je vais le passer en France la semaine prochaine , j'espere qu'il sera bon pour la DGAC espagnole

Merci a bientot

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